
orange pi zero armbian h2+晶片關閉GPU

[email protected]:/home/zc# h3consumption -p
Active settings:

cpu       1200 mhz allowed, 1200 mhz possible, 4 cores active

dram      408 mhz

hdmi/gpu  off

usb ports active

eth0      100Mb/s/Full, Link: yes

wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any  
          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm   
          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:on



h3consumption  這個在目前4.13的主線下無法使用,3.4的BPM核心可以用

關閉GPU 就是  h3consumption -g off

還可以關閉核心,但是關閉wlan那個貌似意義不大 不如ifconfig wlan0 down........

h3consumption -h
Usage: h3consumption [-h/-H] [-p] [-g on|off] [-m max_cpufreq] [-c 1|2|3|4]
       [-d dram_freq] [-D dram_freq] [-u on|off] [-e on|off|fast] 


 This tool allows to adjust a few consumption relevant settings of your
 H3 device. Use the following switches

 -h|-H           displays help or verbose help text
 -p              print currently active settings
 -g on|off       disables GPU/HDMI for headless use
 -m max_cpufreq  adjusts maximum allowed cpu clockspeed (mhz)
 -c 1|2|3|4      activate only this count of CPU cores
 -d dram_freq    adjusts dram clockspeed (408 - 624 mhz)
 -D dram_freq    like -d but as low as 132 mhz possible (experimental!)
 -u on|off       enables/disabled all USB ports
 -e on|off|fast  enables/disables Ethernet, the fast switch
                 forces 100 mbits/sec negotiation on gigabit devices
 -w on|off       enables/disables Wi-Fi powermanagement when interface
                 supports this and is controlled by network-manager