



兩口子能過一輩子嗎?今天這條視訊,一定要轉發給Be sure to forward to Look at your wife。因為這對你們的不要經常吵架,Marriage is important,尤其是最後一點,Especially the last one。很多夫妻一遇到A lot of gouples meet,問題就吵架,The problem is fighting,每次都争的面紅耳赤,吵完了還冷戰,結果什麼都解決不了。


下次同樣遇到,這個問題呢還吵,This question is still,甚至情緒上頭的時候,feeling high,就會口不擇言,說出傷害對方的話。哪怕事後和好。Even after the fact,這些話也像一根針一樣的紮在心裡面,想起來就刺痛一下。It stings to think about,吵架不會把問題吵沒the problem go away,隻會把感情越吵越淡。It will only make the feelings,more noisy more light,感情本來是100分,Feelings are supposed to be 100 points,可是吵一次就減一分。But one argument takes,one point off,總會有歸零的那一天。There will be a day,when it goes back to zero,對待婚姻一定要專一。Be mon og amous about marriage,兩個人在一起,Two people together,如果連最基本的,If even the most basic,忠誠都沒有,Have no loyalty,那樣就算過一輩子。That counts as a lifetime,也隻能是同床異夢。It can only be a strangebed,你覺得自己的老公,Do you think your husband,木納沒情調,Muna has no mood,然後為了一些隻會,And then for something,that just,嘴上承諾的渣男,who promises nothing,放棄了家庭。Give up the family,實際上呢,actually 你期待的明天會不會Will the tomorrow you're looking forward to 比今天更好,Better than today,婚後的誘惑很多。There are many 慌張s,但是不要認為這是,But don't think it is 自己有魅力,Be attractive,外面的男人也不傻。The men out there aren't stupid,他們都知道。They all know that,輕易撩到的女人,A woman you can easily,絕對不是好女人。


Definitely not a good woman,婚姻需要專一,Marriage suit,更需要彼此珍惜。More need to cherish。第三點,Third point,學會包容對方的缺點。Learn to tolerate each,other's shortcomings,完美的伴侶。The perfect partner,隻有互相包容的婚姻。Only a marriage of mutual UN,自己過日子才知道。You have to live your life to know,結婚容易長久難,than to stay married,婚姻就像是談生意。較真 is like,business,各退一步,Meet each other life,才能淡成交易。To close the deal,咄咄逼人隻會把對方。Being 心神不甯 will only drive,the other person away,越推越遠。Push further and further away,一輩子那麼長。A lifetime is so long,隻憑愛情兩個人,Only by love two people,很難長久。Hard to last,适當的包容彼此的小缺點。NENE,情調 spend a lifetime,together.你總是羨慕别人,You always envy others,過得幸福!Live happily,幸福是結果。Happiness is the result,用心才是真相!The heart is the truth!

