

18.4 完整解決方案


      我們可以通過抽象文法樹來表示具體解釋過程,例如機器人控制指令“down run 10 and left move 20”對應的抽象文法樹如圖18-4所示:


圖18-4   機器人控制程式抽象文法樹執行個體



圖18-5   機器人控制程式結構圖


import java.util.*;

abstract class AbstractNode {
	public abstract String interpret();

class AndNode extends AbstractNode {
	private AbstractNode left; //And的左表達式
	private AbstractNode right; //And的右表達式

	public AndNode(AbstractNode left, AbstractNode right) {
		this.left = left;
		this.right = right;
	public String interpret() {
		return left.interpret() + "再" + right.interpret();

class SentenceNode extends AbstractNode {
	private AbstractNode direction;
	private AbstractNode action;
	private AbstractNode distance;

	public SentenceNode(AbstractNode direction,AbstractNode action,AbstractNode distance) {
		this.direction = direction;
		this.action = action;
		this.distance = distance;
	public String interpret() {
		return direction.interpret() + action.interpret() + distance.interpret();

class DirectionNode extends AbstractNode {
	private String direction;
	public DirectionNode(String direction) {
		this.direction = direction;
	public String interpret() {
		if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("up")) {
			return "向上";
		else if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("down")) {
			return "向下";
		else if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) {
			return "向左";
		else if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) {
			return "向右";
		else {
			return "無效指令";

class ActionNode extends AbstractNode {
	private String action;
	public ActionNode(String action) {
		this.action = action;
	public String interpret() {
		if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("move")) {
			return "移動";
		else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("run")) {
			return "快速移動";
		else {
			return "無效指令";

class DistanceNode extends AbstractNode {
	private String distance;
	public DistanceNode(String distance) {
		this.distance = distance;
	public String interpret() {
		return this.distance;

class InstructionHandler {
	private String instruction;
	private AbstractNode node;
    public void handle(String instruction) {
    	AbstractNode left = null, right = null;
    	AbstractNode direction = null, action = null, distance = null;
    	Stack stack = new Stack(); //聲明一個棧對象用于存儲抽象文法樹
    	String[] words = instruction.split(" "); //以空格分隔指令字元串
    	for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
//本執行個體采用棧的方式來處理指令,如果遇到“and”,則将其後的三個單詞作為三個終結符表達式連成一個簡單句子SentenceNode作為“and”的右表達式,而将從棧頂彈出的表達式作為“and”的左表達式,最後将新的“and”表達式壓入棧中。    		        if (words[i].equalsIgnoreCase("and")) {
    			left = (AbstractNode)stack.pop(); //彈出棧頂表達式作為左表達式
    		    String word1= words[++i];
    		    direction = new DirectionNode(word1);
    		    String word2 = words[++i];
    		    action = new ActionNode(word2);
    		    String word3 = words[++i];
    		    distance = new DistanceNode(word3);
    		    right = new SentenceNode(direction,action,distance); //右表達式
    			stack.push(new AndNode(left,right)); //将新表達式壓入棧中
    		else {
    		    String word1 = words[i];
    		    direction = new DirectionNode(word1);
    		    String word2 = words[++i];
    		    action = new ActionNode(word2);
    		    String word3 = words[++i];
    		    distance = new DistanceNode(word3);
    		    left = new SentenceNode(direction,action,distance);
    		    stack.push(left); //将新表達式壓入棧中
    	this.node = (AbstractNode)stack.pop(); //将全部表達式從棧中彈出
	public String output() {
		String result = node.interpret(); //解釋表達式
		return result;



class Client {
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		String instruction = "up move 5 and down run 10 and left move 5";
		InstructionHandler handler = new InstructionHandler();
		String outString;
		outString = handler.output();



【作者:劉偉     http://blog.csdn.net/lovelion】