
vista任務管理器_在Windows Vista資料總管中禁用“收藏夾連結”面闆

vista任務管理器_在Windows Vista資料總管中禁用“收藏夾連結”面闆


If you dislike the new Favorite Links panel in the Windows Vista Explorer panel, you might not realize that it’s really called the Navigation Pane, and it’s extremely simple to turn off. 

如果您不喜歡Windows Vista資料總管面闆中新的“收藏夾連結”面闆,則可能沒有意識到它确實叫做“導航窗格”,并且關閉它非常簡單。

If you want to disable the entire panel, just click the Organize button, and select Layout, and then deselect Navigation Pane.


vista任務管理器_在Windows Vista資料總管中禁用“收藏夾連結”面闆

And just like that, no more Favorite Links bar. The only problem with this is that it also hides the Folders view as well. (read further)

就像這樣,不再需要“收藏夾連結”欄。 唯一的問題是它也隐藏了“檔案夾”視圖。 (進一步閱讀)

vista任務管理器_在Windows Vista資料總管中禁用“收藏夾連結”面闆

If you want to show the folders view instead of the favorite links panel, just hold your mouse over the top of the folders bar until it changes to a resize icon like this:


vista任務管理器_在Windows Vista資料總管中禁用“收藏夾連結”面闆

 Then just drag it all the way up to the top, and you will only see the Folders view from now on.


vista任務管理器_在Windows Vista資料總管中禁用“收藏夾連結”面闆

Thanks to everybody in the comments for leaving comments about this.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-favorite-links-panel-in-windows-vista-explorer/
