
語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀

論文名稱:Mask R-CNN




object detection + semantic segmentation = instance segmentation

masked rcnn achieves instance segmentation

faster rcnn + fcn = masked rcnn

roi align preserves spatial orientation of features with no loss of data

  • 對于每個ROI,Faster RCNN都有兩個輸出,一個類标簽和一個邊界框偏移量,Mask RCNN以Faster RCNN原型,添加了第三個分支,即語義分割分支。
  • 用RoiAlign代替了RoiPooling,利用雙線性插值,進行像素級别的對齊。
  • 執行個體分割。FCN是對每類物體進行分割,而Mask RCNN利用目辨別别,對類别中每個執行個體進行分割。
  • Mask RCNN相當于1個候選框做一個FCN。
  • 損失函數定義是執行個體分割的關鍵。對于每個ROI,mask分支都有一個
    語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀
  • 網絡結構圖如下:
語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀


1、對Faster RCNN擴充

Mask RCNN以Faster RCNN原型,增加了一個分支用于分割任務,對于Faster RCNN的每個Proposal Box都要使用FCN進行語義分割。分割任務與定位、分類任務是同時進行的。


FCN是對每類物體進行分割,而Mask RCNN利用目辨別别,對類别中每個執行個體進行分割。執行個體分割不僅要正确的找到圖像中的objects,還要對其精确的分割,是以執行個體分割可以看做物體檢測和語義分割的結合。rcnn系列的分割是,先提出候選分割塊,然後由Fast RCNN分類,分割優先于識别,這是緩慢和不準确的;另一個解決方案系列的執行個體分割是由語義分割的成功驅動的,從每像素分類結果(例如,FCN輸出)開始,這些方法嘗試将同一類别的像素分割為不同的執行個體;而本文的Mask RCNN基于執行個體優先政策。


Faster RCNN的RoiPooling采用最近鄰插法,将特征圖池化成固定大小,這種量化會導緻ROI和提取的特征之間的偏差,特征提取的比較粗糙,因為RoI Pooling并不是按照像素一一對齊的(pixel-to-pixel alignment),也許這對bbox的影響不是很大,但對于mask的精度卻有很大影響。是以提出了用RoiAlign代替Faster RCNN中的RoI Pooling。RoiAlign使用了雙線性插值,精确度更高。RoiAlign内容可參考:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32172681/article/details/99734978



(2)Fast RCNN隻對圖像進行一次卷積,避免候選框的重複計算,并且采用roipooling提高了預測精度。

(3)Faster RCNN用rpn代替selective search提取候選框,進一步提升了性能。faster R-CNN包括兩個階段,第一階段,稱為區域建議網絡(RPN),提出了候選對象邊界框。第二階段,本質上是Fast R-CNN,使用RoiPooling從每個候選框中提取特性,并執行分類和邊界框回歸。

5、Mask RCNN

對于每個ROI,Faster RCNN都有兩個輸出,一個類标簽和一個邊界框偏移量,我們添加了第三個分支,即語義分割分支。但是語義分割輸出不同于類和框輸出,需要提取對象更精細的空間布局,由此引入了pixel-to-pixel的對齊--RoiAlign,這是Fast/Faster R-CNN所沒有的部分。Mask R-CNN也采用兩階段算法,第一階段(即RPN)相同。在第二階段,除了預測類和box偏移量外,Mask RCNN還為每個ROI輸出一個二進制mask。

6、Mask RCNN損失定義


語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀

其中:分類損失L(cls)和框回歸損失L(box)與fast rcnn中定義的相同。對于每個ROI,mask分支都有一個

語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀


共有5部分損失:rpn cls loss、rpn bbox loss、mrcnn cls loss、mrcnn bbox loss、mrcnn mask loss,其中隻有positive example有bbox loss和mask loss

7、使用FCN預測每個ROI的m×m mask

使用FCN預測每個ROI的m×m mask,(與類标簽或框偏移被全連接配接層輸出相同長度的特征向量不同),它允許mask分支中的每個層保持m×m pixel的空間布局,而不會将其折疊成缺少空間次元的向量表示。這像素級别的預測,要求我們的ROI特征圖能夠很好地對齊,以正确的保持每像素的空間相關性,這促使我們開發了在mask預測中起關鍵作用的RoiAlign層。


基于resnet101的FPN + RPN


取出圖像,輸入圖像至resnet101,使用hook取出{C2,C3,C4,C5}層的feature maps,不選用C1層在FPN論文中提到是因為存在large memory footprint,而根據實踐來看,本身RPN網絡的計算不會消耗過多時間,但是feature maps中資料的存取會消耗很多時間(以至于我真的不想做FPN,尤其是第二階段的mask判定會消耗更多訓練時間)


C2的feature maps是(H/4,W/4,256)




feature maps 的集合稱為{C2,C3,C4,C5}



I2 = conv2d(input_dim = 256,output_dim = 256,kernel_size = (1,1))

I3 = conv2d(input_dim = 512,output_dim = 256,kernel_size = (1,1))

I4 = conv2d(input_dim = 1024,output_dim = 256,kernel_size = (1,1))

I5 = conv2d(input_dim = 2048,output_dim = 256,kernel_size = (1,1))



M5 = I5

M4 = I4 + X2I5

M3 = I3 + X2I4

M2 = I2 + X2I3


P = conv2d(input_dim = 256,output_dim = 256,kernel = (3,3))輸入為M



語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀



RPN_head是一個較為簡單的層,為nn.Conv2d(256,256,3,padding=1),将P2P3P4P5P6依次通過後,結果将分别進入cls 和 reg兩個子網絡用于區域建議


cls是nn.Conv2d(256, 6, 1),輸入是256維與RPNhead輸出對齊,輸出是6維,kernel為(1,1)簡寫為1,分别對應了3個形狀的anchor對應的2種機率:形狀:[1:1,1:2,2:1] 機率:[Pobj,Pnoobj]


δx δy是目前anchor中心xy坐标應當上下左右移動的修正量,在這裡可以用δx * anchor_w來獲得移動距離,當δx為0代表不需要移動

δh δw是伸縮的比例,可以用exp(δh)表示h需要放縮的倍率,δw同理







在一張輸入圖檔中,我們很有可能會獲得很多建議區域,少則200多則10w+,由于在mask rcnn後階段訓練時,FPN隻需要512個區域作為輸入,測試時也隻需要2k個建議區域,是以在此我們要剔除一些效果不怎麼好的建議區域,篩選邏輯為







至此,RPN的工作便全部完成,輸出RoI用于mask Rcnn後半部分使用

(7)Pyramid ROI pooling層

mrcnn_feature_maps = [P2, P3, P4, P5](rpn_feature_maps = [P2, P3, P4, P5, P6])

對不同level的特征圖進行Roi pooling,得到7*7的特征圖


mrcnn_head對roi pooling的結果進行卷積、全連接配接得到cls_layer、reg_layer分支的預測結果。

而mask分支需要輸出原圖大小的像素圖,是以它對roi pooling的結果進行卷積+反卷積,得到mask_layer分支的預測結果。

9、思考:為什麼Mask RCNN可以做到執行個體分割,而FCN不行?

(1)首先,Mask RCNN借用了Faster RCNN的架構,先将可能存在目标的候選框選擇出來,再進行分割,相當于對每個roi做一次FCN(而FCN隻對不同類别的物體加以區分)。

(2)其次,Mask RCNN分割分支輸出為

語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀




語義分割算法Mask RCNN論文解讀

(1)FPN提取公共特征部分代碼,根據輸入圖像得到[P2, P3, P4, P5, P6]:

if callable(config.BACKBONE):
    _, C2, C3, C4, C5 = config.BACKBONE(input_image, stage5=True,
    _, C2, C3, C4, C5 = resnet_graph(input_image, config.BACKBONE,
                                     stage5=True, train_bn=config.TRAIN_BN)
# Top-down Layers
# TODO: add assert to varify feature map sizes match what's in config
P5 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c5p5')(C5)
P4 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p4add")([
    KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p5upsampled")(P5),
    KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c4p4')(C4)])
P3 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p3add")([
    KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p4upsampled")(P4),
    KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c3p3')(C3)])
P2 = KL.Add(name="fpn_p2add")([
    KL.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name="fpn_p3upsampled")(P3),
    KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (1, 1), name='fpn_c2p2')(C2)])
# Attach 3x3 conv to all P layers to get the final feature maps.
P2 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p2")(P2)
P3 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p3")(P3)
P4 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p4")(P4)
P5 = KL.Conv2D(config.TOP_DOWN_PYRAMID_SIZE, (3, 3), padding="SAME", name="fpn_p5")(P5)
# P6 is used for the 5th anchor scale in RPN. Generated by
# subsampling from P5 with stride of 2.
P6 = KL.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(1, 1), strides=2, name="fpn_p6")(P5)


def rpn_graph(feature_map, anchors_per_location, anchor_stride):
    """Builds the computation graph of Region Proposal Network.

    feature_map: backbone features [batch, height, width, depth]
    anchors_per_location: number of anchors per pixel in the feature map
    anchor_stride: Controls the density of anchors. Typically 1 (anchors for
                   every pixel in the feature map), or 2 (every other pixel).

        rpn_class_logits: [batch, H * W * anchors_per_location, 2] Anchor classifier logits (before softmax)
        rpn_probs: [batch, H * W * anchors_per_location, 2] Anchor classifier probabilities.
        rpn_bbox: [batch, H * W * anchors_per_location, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))] Deltas to be
                  applied to anchors.
    # TODO: check if stride of 2 causes alignment issues if the feature map
    # is not even.
    # Shared convolutional base of the RPN
    shared = KL.Conv2D(512, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu',

    # Anchor Score. [batch, height, width, anchors per location * 2].
    x = KL.Conv2D(2 * anchors_per_location, (1, 1), padding='valid',
                  activation='linear', name='rpn_class_raw')(shared)

    # Reshape to [batch, anchors, 2]
    rpn_class_logits = KL.Lambda(
        lambda t: tf.reshape(t, [tf.shape(t)[0], -1, 2]))(x)

    # Softmax on last dimension of BG/FG.
    rpn_probs = KL.Activation(
        "softmax", name="rpn_class_xxx")(rpn_class_logits)

    # Bounding box refinement. [batch, H, W, anchors per location * depth]
    # where depth is [x, y, log(w), log(h)]
    x = KL.Conv2D(anchors_per_location * 4, (1, 1), padding="valid",
                  activation='linear', name='rpn_bbox_pred')(shared)

    # Reshape to [batch, anchors, 4]
    rpn_bbox = KL.Lambda(lambda t: tf.reshape(t, [tf.shape(t)[0], -1, 4]))(x)

    return [rpn_class_logits, rpn_probs, rpn_bbox]

(3)篩選候選框的proposal layer部分代碼:

class ProposalLayer(KE.Layer):
    """Receives anchor scores and selects a subset to pass as proposals
    to the second stage. Filtering is done based on anchor scores and
    non-max suppression to remove overlaps. It also applies bounding
    box refinement deltas to anchors.

        rpn_probs: [batch, num_anchors, (bg prob, fg prob)]
        rpn_bbox: [batch, num_anchors, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
        anchors: [batch, num_anchors, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] anchors in normalized coordinates

        Proposals in normalized coordinates [batch, rois, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]

    def __init__(self, proposal_count, nms_threshold, config=None, **kwargs):
        super(ProposalLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.config = config
        self.proposal_count = proposal_count
        self.nms_threshold = nms_threshold

    def call(self, inputs):
        # Box Scores. Use the foreground class confidence. [Batch, num_rois, 1]
        scores = inputs[0][:, :, 1]
        # Box deltas [batch, num_rois, 4]
        deltas = inputs[1]
        deltas = deltas * np.reshape(self.config.RPN_BBOX_STD_DEV, [1, 1, 4])
        # Anchors
        anchors = inputs[2]

        # Improve performance by trimming to top anchors by score
        # and doing the rest on the smaller subset.
        pre_nms_limit = tf.minimum(self.config.PRE_NMS_LIMIT, tf.shape(anchors)[1])
        ix = tf.nn.top_k(scores, pre_nms_limit, sorted=True,
        scores = utils.batch_slice([scores, ix], lambda x, y: tf.gather(x, y),
        deltas = utils.batch_slice([deltas, ix], lambda x, y: tf.gather(x, y),
        pre_nms_anchors = utils.batch_slice([anchors, ix], lambda a, x: tf.gather(a, x),

        # Apply deltas to anchors to get refined anchors.
        # [batch, N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
        boxes = utils.batch_slice([pre_nms_anchors, deltas],
                                  lambda x, y: apply_box_deltas_graph(x, y),

        # Clip to image boundaries. Since we're in normalized coordinates,
        # clip to 0..1 range. [batch, N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
        window = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32)
        boxes = utils.batch_slice(boxes,
                                  lambda x: clip_boxes_graph(x, window),

        # Filter out small boxes
        # According to Xinlei Chen's paper, this reduces detection accuracy
        # for small objects, so we're skipping it.

        # Non-max suppression
        def nms(boxes, scores):
            indices = tf.image.non_max_suppression(
                boxes, scores, self.proposal_count,
                self.nms_threshold, name="rpn_non_max_suppression")
            proposals = tf.gather(boxes, indices)
            # Pad if needed
            padding = tf.maximum(self.proposal_count - tf.shape(proposals)[0], 0)
            proposals = tf.pad(proposals, [(0, padding), (0, 0)])
            return proposals
        proposals = utils.batch_slice([boxes, scores], nms,
        return proposals

(4)Pyramid ROI Pooling層,不同level的feature map做ROI pooling

class PyramidROIAlign(KE.Layer):
    """Implements ROI Pooling on multiple levels of the feature pyramid.

    - pool_shape: [pool_height, pool_width] of the output pooled regions. Usually [7, 7]

    - boxes: [batch, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized
             coordinates. Possibly padded with zeros if not enough
             boxes to fill the array.
    - image_meta: [batch, (meta data)] Image details. See compose_image_meta()
    - feature_maps: List of feature maps from different levels of the pyramid.
                    Each is [batch, height, width, channels]

    Pooled regions in the shape: [batch, num_boxes, pool_height, pool_width, channels].
    The width and height are those specific in the pool_shape in the layer

    def __init__(self, pool_shape, **kwargs):
        super(PyramidROIAlign, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.pool_shape = tuple(pool_shape)

    def call(self, inputs):
        # Crop boxes [batch, num_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coords
        boxes = inputs[0]

        # Image meta
        # Holds details about the image. See compose_image_meta()
        image_meta = inputs[1]

        # Feature Maps. List of feature maps from different level of the
        # feature pyramid. Each is [batch, height, width, channels]
        feature_maps = inputs[2:]

        # Assign each ROI to a level in the pyramid based on the ROI area.
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = tf.split(boxes, 4, axis=2)
        h = y2 - y1
        w = x2 - x1
        # Use shape of first image. Images in a batch must have the same size.
        image_shape = parse_image_meta_graph(image_meta)['image_shape'][0]
        # Equation 1 in the Feature Pyramid Networks paper. Account for
        # the fact that our coordinates are normalized here.
        # e.g. a 224x224 ROI (in pixels) maps to P4
        image_area = tf.cast(image_shape[0] * image_shape[1], tf.float32)
        roi_level = log2_graph(tf.sqrt(h * w) / (224.0 / tf.sqrt(image_area)))
        roi_level = tf.minimum(5, tf.maximum(
            2, 4 + tf.cast(tf.round(roi_level), tf.int32)))
        roi_level = tf.squeeze(roi_level, 2)

        # Loop through levels and apply ROI pooling to each. P2 to P5.
        pooled = []
        box_to_level = []
        for i, level in enumerate(range(2, 6)):
            ix = tf.where(tf.equal(roi_level, level))
            level_boxes = tf.gather_nd(boxes, ix)

            # Box indices for crop_and_resize.
            box_indices = tf.cast(ix[:, 0], tf.int32)

            # Keep track of which box is mapped to which level

            # Stop gradient propogation to ROI proposals
            level_boxes = tf.stop_gradient(level_boxes)
            box_indices = tf.stop_gradient(box_indices)

            # Crop and Resize
            # From Mask R-CNN paper: "We sample four regular locations, so
            # that we can evaluate either max or average pooling. In fact,
            # interpolating only a single value at each bin center (without
            # pooling) is nearly as effective."
            # Here we use the simplified approach of a single value per bin,
            # which is how it's done in tf.crop_and_resize()
            # Result: [batch * num_boxes, pool_height, pool_width, channels]
                feature_maps[i], level_boxes, box_indices, self.pool_shape,

        # Pack pooled features into one tensor
        pooled = tf.concat(pooled, axis=0)

        # Pack box_to_level mapping into one array and add another
        # column representing the order of pooled boxes
        box_to_level = tf.concat(box_to_level, axis=0)
        box_range = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(tf.shape(box_to_level)[0]), 1)
        box_to_level = tf.concat([tf.cast(box_to_level, tf.int32), box_range],

        # Rearrange pooled features to match the order of the original boxes
        # Sort box_to_level by batch then box index
        # TF doesn't have a way to sort by two columns, so merge them and sort.
        sorting_tensor = box_to_level[:, 0] * 100000 + box_to_level[:, 1]
        ix = tf.nn.top_k(sorting_tensor, k=tf.shape(
        ix = tf.gather(box_to_level[:, 2], ix)
        pooled = tf.gather(pooled, ix)

        # Re-add the batch dimension
        shape = tf.concat([tf.shape(boxes)[:2], tf.shape(pooled)[1:]], axis=0)
        pooled = tf.reshape(pooled, shape)
        return pooled

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        return input_shape[0][:2] + self.pool_shape + (input_shape[2][-1], )

(5)mrcnn 目标檢測分支代碼,輸出類别、框位置

def fpn_classifier_graph(rois, feature_maps, image_meta,
                         pool_size, num_classes, train_bn=True,
    """Builds the computation graph of the feature pyramid network classifier
    and regressor heads.

    rois: [batch, num_rois, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] Proposal boxes in normalized
    feature_maps: List of feature maps from different layers of the pyramid,
                  [P2, P3, P4, P5]. Each has a different resolution.
    image_meta: [batch, (meta data)] Image details. See compose_image_meta()
    pool_size: The width of the square feature map generated from ROI Pooling.
    num_classes: number of classes, which determines the depth of the results
    train_bn: Boolean. Train or freeze Batch Norm layers
    fc_layers_size: Size of the 2 FC layers

        logits: [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES] classifier logits (before softmax)
        probs: [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES] classifier probabilities
        bbox_deltas: [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))] Deltas to apply to
                     proposal boxes
    # ROI Pooling
    # Shape: [batch, num_rois, POOL_SIZE, POOL_SIZE, channels]
    x = PyramidROIAlign([pool_size, pool_size],
                        name="roi_align_classifier")([rois, image_meta] + feature_maps)
    # Two 1024 FC layers (implemented with Conv2D for consistency)
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(fc_layers_size, (pool_size, pool_size), padding="valid"),
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(), name='mrcnn_class_bn1')(x, training=train_bn)
    x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(fc_layers_size, (1, 1)),
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(), name='mrcnn_class_bn2')(x, training=train_bn)
    x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)

    shared = KL.Lambda(lambda x: K.squeeze(K.squeeze(x, 3), 2),

    # Classifier head
    mrcnn_class_logits = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Dense(num_classes),
    mrcnn_probs = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Activation("softmax"),

    # BBox head
    # [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES * (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Dense(num_classes * 4, activation='linear'),
    # Reshape to [batch, num_rois, NUM_CLASSES, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    s = K.int_shape(x)
    mrcnn_bbox = KL.Reshape((s[1], num_classes, 4), name="mrcnn_bbox")(x)

    return mrcnn_class_logits, mrcnn_probs, mrcnn_bbox

(6)mrcnn 分割分支代碼,輸出mask(執行個體分割,有多少個執行個體,就輸出多少個mask)

def build_fpn_mask_graph(rois, feature_maps, image_meta,
                         pool_size, num_classes, train_bn=True):
    """Builds the computation graph of the mask head of Feature Pyramid Network.

    rois: [batch, num_rois, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] Proposal boxes in normalized
    feature_maps: List of feature maps from different layers of the pyramid,
                  [P2, P3, P4, P5]. Each has a different resolution.
    image_meta: [batch, (meta data)] Image details. See compose_image_meta()
    pool_size: The width of the square feature map generated from ROI Pooling.
    num_classes: number of classes, which determines the depth of the results
    train_bn: Boolean. Train or freeze Batch Norm layers

    Returns: Masks [batch, num_rois, MASK_POOL_SIZE, MASK_POOL_SIZE, NUM_CLASSES]
    """ pyramid ROI Pooling """
    # Shape: [batch, num_rois, MASK_POOL_SIZE, MASK_POOL_SIZE, channels]
    x = PyramidROIAlign([pool_size, pool_size],
                        name="roi_align_mask")([rois, image_meta] + feature_maps)

    # Conv layers
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"),
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(),
                           name='mrcnn_mask_bn1')(x, training=train_bn)
    x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)

    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"),
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(),
                           name='mrcnn_mask_bn2')(x, training=train_bn)
    x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)

    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"),
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(),
                           name='mrcnn_mask_bn3')(x, training=train_bn)
    x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)

    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding="same"),
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(BatchNorm(),
                           name='mrcnn_mask_bn4')(x, training=train_bn)
    x = KL.Activation('relu')(x)

    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2DTranspose(256, (2, 2), strides=2, activation="relu"),
    x = KL.TimeDistributed(KL.Conv2D(num_classes, (1, 1), strides=1, activation="sigmoid"),
    return x


(1)計算detection targets,共有TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE個預測值


def build_detection_targets(rpn_rois, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks, config):
    """Generate targets for training Stage 2 classifier and mask heads.
    This is not used in normal training. It's useful for debugging or to train
    the Mask RCNN heads without using the RPN head.

    rpn_rois: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] proposal boxes.
    gt_class_ids: [instance count] Integer class IDs
    gt_boxes: [instance count, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
    gt_masks: [height, width, instance count] Ground truth masks. Can be full
              size or mini-masks.

    rois: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
    class_ids: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE]. Integer class IDs.
    bboxes: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, NUM_CLASSES, (y, x, log(h), log(w))]. Class-specific
            bbox refinements.
    masks: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, height, width, NUM_CLASSES). Class specific masks cropped
           to bbox boundaries and resized to neural network output size.
    assert rpn_rois.shape[0] > 0
    assert gt_class_ids.dtype == np.int32, "Expected int but got {}".format(
    assert gt_boxes.dtype == np.int32, "Expected int but got {}".format(
    assert gt_masks.dtype == np.bool_, "Expected bool but got {}".format(

    # It's common to add GT Boxes to ROIs but we don't do that here because
    # according to XinLei Chen's paper, it doesn't help.

    # Trim empty padding in gt_boxes and gt_masks parts
    instance_ids = np.where(gt_class_ids > 0)[0]
    assert instance_ids.shape[0] > 0, "Image must contain instances."
    gt_class_ids = gt_class_ids[instance_ids]
    gt_boxes = gt_boxes[instance_ids]
    gt_masks = gt_masks[:, :, instance_ids]

    # Compute areas of ROIs and ground truth boxes.
    rpn_roi_area = (rpn_rois[:, 2] - rpn_rois[:, 0]) * \
        (rpn_rois[:, 3] - rpn_rois[:, 1])
    gt_box_area = (gt_boxes[:, 2] - gt_boxes[:, 0]) * \
        (gt_boxes[:, 3] - gt_boxes[:, 1])

    # Compute overlaps [rpn_rois, gt_boxes]
    overlaps = np.zeros((rpn_rois.shape[0], gt_boxes.shape[0]))
    for i in range(overlaps.shape[1]):
        gt = gt_boxes[i]
        overlaps[:, i] = utils.compute_iou(
            gt, rpn_rois, gt_box_area[i], rpn_roi_area)

    # Assign ROIs to GT boxes
    rpn_roi_iou_argmax = np.argmax(overlaps, axis=1)
    rpn_roi_iou_max = overlaps[np.arange(
        overlaps.shape[0]), rpn_roi_iou_argmax]
    # GT box assigned to each ROI
    rpn_roi_gt_boxes = gt_boxes[rpn_roi_iou_argmax]
    rpn_roi_gt_class_ids = gt_class_ids[rpn_roi_iou_argmax]

    # Positive ROIs are those with >= 0.5 IoU with a GT box.
    fg_ids = np.where(rpn_roi_iou_max > 0.5)[0]

    # Negative ROIs are those with max IoU 0.1-0.5 (hard example mining)
    # TODO: To hard example mine or not to hard example mine, that's the question
    # bg_ids = np.where((rpn_roi_iou_max >= 0.1) & (rpn_roi_iou_max < 0.5))[0]
    bg_ids = np.where(rpn_roi_iou_max < 0.5)[0]

    # Subsample ROIs. Aim for 33% foreground.
    # FG
    fg_roi_count = int(config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE * config.ROI_POSITIVE_RATIO)
    if fg_ids.shape[0] > fg_roi_count:
        keep_fg_ids = np.random.choice(fg_ids, fg_roi_count, replace=False)
        keep_fg_ids = fg_ids
    # BG
    remaining = config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE - keep_fg_ids.shape[0]
    if bg_ids.shape[0] > remaining:
        keep_bg_ids = np.random.choice(bg_ids, remaining, replace=False)
        keep_bg_ids = bg_ids
    # Combine indices of ROIs to keep
    keep = np.concatenate([keep_fg_ids, keep_bg_ids])
    # Need more?
    remaining = config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE - keep.shape[0]
    if remaining > 0:
        # Looks like we don't have enough samples to maintain the desired
        # balance. Reduce requirements and fill in the rest. This is
        # likely different from the Mask RCNN paper.

        # There is a small chance we have neither fg nor bg samples.
        if keep.shape[0] == 0:
            # Pick bg regions with easier IoU threshold
            bg_ids = np.where(rpn_roi_iou_max < 0.5)[0]
            assert bg_ids.shape[0] >= remaining
            keep_bg_ids = np.random.choice(bg_ids, remaining, replace=False)
            assert keep_bg_ids.shape[0] == remaining
            keep = np.concatenate([keep, keep_bg_ids])
            # Fill the rest with repeated bg rois.
            keep_extra_ids = np.random.choice(
                keep_bg_ids, remaining, replace=True)
            keep = np.concatenate([keep, keep_extra_ids])
    assert keep.shape[0] == config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, \
        "keep doesn't match ROI batch size {}, {}".format(
            keep.shape[0], config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE)

    # Reset the gt boxes assigned to BG ROIs.
    rpn_roi_gt_boxes[keep_bg_ids, :] = 0
    rpn_roi_gt_class_ids[keep_bg_ids] = 0

    # For each kept ROI, assign a class_id, and for FG ROIs also add bbox refinement.
    rois = rpn_rois[keep]
    roi_gt_boxes = rpn_roi_gt_boxes[keep]
    roi_gt_class_ids = rpn_roi_gt_class_ids[keep]
    roi_gt_assignment = rpn_roi_iou_argmax[keep]

    # Class-aware bbox deltas. [y, x, log(h), log(w)]
    bboxes = np.zeros((config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE,
                       config.NUM_CLASSES, 4), dtype=np.float32)
    pos_ids = np.where(roi_gt_class_ids > 0)[0]
    bboxes[pos_ids, roi_gt_class_ids[pos_ids]] = utils.box_refinement(
        rois[pos_ids], roi_gt_boxes[pos_ids, :4])
    # Normalize bbox refinements
    bboxes /= config.BBOX_STD_DEV

    # Generate class-specific target masks
    masks = np.zeros((config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, config.MASK_SHAPE[0], config.MASK_SHAPE[1], config.NUM_CLASSES),
    for i in pos_ids:
        class_id = roi_gt_class_ids[i]
        assert class_id > 0, "class id must be greater than 0"
        gt_id = roi_gt_assignment[i]
        class_mask = gt_masks[:, :, gt_id]

        if config.USE_MINI_MASK:
            # Create a mask placeholder, the size of the image
            placeholder = np.zeros(config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2], dtype=bool)
            # GT box
            gt_y1, gt_x1, gt_y2, gt_x2 = gt_boxes[gt_id]
            gt_w = gt_x2 - gt_x1
            gt_h = gt_y2 - gt_y1
            # Resize mini mask to size of GT box
            placeholder[gt_y1:gt_y2, gt_x1:gt_x2] = \
                np.round(utils.resize(class_mask, (gt_h, gt_w))).astype(bool)
            # Place the mini batch in the placeholder
            class_mask = placeholder

        # Pick part of the mask and resize it
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = rois[i].astype(np.int32)
        m = class_mask[y1:y2, x1:x2]
        mask = utils.resize(m, config.MASK_SHAPE)
        masks[i, :, :, class_id] = mask

    return rois, roi_gt_class_ids, bboxes, masks
def detection_targets_graph(proposals, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, gt_masks, config):
    """Generates detection targets for one image. Subsamples proposals and
    generates target class IDs, bounding box deltas, and masks for each.

    proposals: [POST_NMS_ROIS_TRAINING, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates. Might
               be zero padded if there are not enough proposals.
    gt_class_ids: [MAX_GT_INSTANCES] int class IDs
    gt_boxes: [MAX_GT_INSTANCES, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates.
    gt_masks: [height, width, MAX_GT_INSTANCES] of boolean type.

    Returns: Target ROIs and corresponding class IDs, bounding box shifts,
    and masks.
    rois: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, (y1, x1, y2, x2)] in normalized coordinates
    class_ids: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE]. Integer class IDs. Zero padded.
    deltas: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    masks: [TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE, height, width]. Masks cropped to bbox
           boundaries and resized to neural network output size.

    Note: Returned arrays might be zero padded if not enough target ROIs.
    # Assertions
    asserts = [
        tf.Assert(tf.greater(tf.shape(proposals)[0], 0), [proposals],
    with tf.control_dependencies(asserts):
        proposals = tf.identity(proposals)

    # Remove zero padding
    proposals, _ = trim_zeros_graph(proposals, name="trim_proposals")
    gt_boxes, non_zeros = trim_zeros_graph(gt_boxes, name="trim_gt_boxes")
    gt_class_ids = tf.boolean_mask(gt_class_ids, non_zeros,
    gt_masks = tf.gather(gt_masks, tf.where(non_zeros)[:, 0], axis=2,

    # Handle COCO crowds
    # A crowd box in COCO is a bounding box around several instances. Exclude
    # them from training. A crowd box is given a negative class ID.
    crowd_ix = tf.where(gt_class_ids < 0)[:, 0]
    non_crowd_ix = tf.where(gt_class_ids > 0)[:, 0]
    crowd_boxes = tf.gather(gt_boxes, crowd_ix)
    gt_class_ids = tf.gather(gt_class_ids, non_crowd_ix)
    gt_boxes = tf.gather(gt_boxes, non_crowd_ix)
    gt_masks = tf.gather(gt_masks, non_crowd_ix, axis=2)

    overlaps = overlaps_graph(proposals, gt_boxes)

    # Compute overlaps with crowd boxes [proposals, crowd_boxes]
    crowd_overlaps = overlaps_graph(proposals, crowd_boxes)
    crowd_iou_max = tf.reduce_max(crowd_overlaps, axis=1)
    no_crowd_bool = (crowd_iou_max < 0.001)

    roi_iou_max = tf.reduce_max(overlaps, axis=1)
    # 1. Positive ROIs are those with >= 0.5 IoU with a GT box
    positive_roi_bool = (roi_iou_max >= 0.5)
    positive_indices = tf.where(positive_roi_bool)[:, 0]
    # 2. Negative ROIs are those with < 0.5 with every GT box. Skip crowds.
    negative_indices = tf.where(tf.logical_and(roi_iou_max < 0.5, no_crowd_bool))[:, 0]

    # Positive ROIs
    positive_count = int(config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE *
    positive_indices = tf.random_shuffle(positive_indices)[:positive_count]
    positive_count = tf.shape(positive_indices)[0]
    # Negative ROIs. Add enough to maintain positive:negative ratio.
    r = 1.0 / config.ROI_POSITIVE_RATIO
    negative_count = tf.cast(r * tf.cast(positive_count, tf.float32), tf.int32) - positive_count
    negative_indices = tf.random_shuffle(negative_indices)[:negative_count]
    # Gather selected ROIs
    positive_rois = tf.gather(proposals, positive_indices)
    negative_rois = tf.gather(proposals, negative_indices)

    """為每個positive box指定一個ground_truth box"""
    positive_overlaps = tf.gather(overlaps, positive_indices)
    roi_gt_box_assignment = tf.cond(
        tf.greater(tf.shape(positive_overlaps)[1], 0),
        true_fn = lambda: tf.argmax(positive_overlaps, axis=1),
        false_fn = lambda: tf.cast(tf.constant([]),tf.int64)
    roi_gt_boxes = tf.gather(gt_boxes, roi_gt_box_assignment)
    roi_gt_class_ids = tf.gather(gt_class_ids, roi_gt_box_assignment)

    """計算bbox回歸目标deltas = [dy, dx, dh, dw]"""
    deltas = utils.box_refinement_graph(positive_rois, roi_gt_boxes)
    deltas /= config.BBOX_STD_DEV

    """為每個positive box指定一個ground_truth mask"""
    # Permute masks to [N, height, width, 1]
    transposed_masks = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(gt_masks, [2, 0, 1]), -1)
    # Pick the right mask for each ROI
    roi_masks = tf.gather(transposed_masks, roi_gt_box_assignment)

    boxes = positive_rois
    if config.USE_MINI_MASK:
        # Transform ROI coordinates from normalized image space
        # to normalized mini-mask space.
        y1, x1, y2, x2 = tf.split(positive_rois, 4, axis=1)
        gt_y1, gt_x1, gt_y2, gt_x2 = tf.split(roi_gt_boxes, 4, axis=1)
        gt_h = gt_y2 - gt_y1
        gt_w = gt_x2 - gt_x1
        y1 = (y1 - gt_y1) / gt_h
        x1 = (x1 - gt_x1) / gt_w
        y2 = (y2 - gt_y1) / gt_h
        x2 = (x2 - gt_x1) / gt_w
        boxes = tf.concat([y1, x1, y2, x2], 1)
    box_ids = tf.range(0, tf.shape(roi_masks)[0])
    masks = tf.image.crop_and_resize(tf.cast(roi_masks, tf.float32), boxes,
    # Remove the extra dimension from masks.
    masks = tf.squeeze(masks, axis=3)

    # Threshold mask pixels at 0.5 to have GT masks be 0 or 1 to use with
    # binary cross entropy loss.
    masks = tf.round(masks)

    # Append negative ROIs and pad bbox deltas and masks that
    # are not used for negative ROIs with zeros.
    rois = tf.concat([positive_rois, negative_rois], axis=0)
    N = tf.shape(negative_rois)[0]
    P = tf.maximum(config.TRAIN_ROIS_PER_IMAGE - tf.shape(rois)[0], 0)
    rois = tf.pad(rois, [(0, P), (0, 0)])
    roi_gt_boxes = tf.pad(roi_gt_boxes, [(0, N + P), (0, 0)])
    roi_gt_class_ids = tf.pad(roi_gt_class_ids, [(0, N + P)])
    deltas = tf.pad(deltas, [(0, N + P), (0, 0)])
    masks = tf.pad(masks, [[0, N + P], (0, 0), (0, 0)])

    return rois, roi_gt_class_ids, deltas, masks

(2)計算RPN網絡的target,給定anchor和gt_boxes,計算IoU,辨識positive anchors和他們偏離gt_boxes的偏移

def build_rpn_targets(image_shape, anchors, gt_class_ids, gt_boxes, config):
    """Given the anchors and GT boxes, compute overlaps and identify positive
    anchors and deltas to refine them to match their corresponding GT boxes.

    anchors: [num_anchors, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
    gt_class_ids: [num_gt_boxes] Integer class IDs.
    gt_boxes: [num_gt_boxes, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]

    rpn_match: [N] (int32) matches between anchors and GT boxes.
               1 = positive anchor, -1 = negative anchor, 0 = neutral
    rpn_bbox: [N, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))] Anchor bbox deltas.
    # RPN Match: 1 = positive anchor, -1 = negative anchor, 0 = neutral
    rpn_match = np.zeros([anchors.shape[0]], dtype=np.int32)
    # RPN bounding boxes: [max anchors per image, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    rpn_bbox = np.zeros((config.RPN_TRAIN_ANCHORS_PER_IMAGE, 4))

    # Handle COCO crowds
    # A crowd box in COCO is a bounding box around several instances. Exclude
    # them from training. A crowd box is given a negative class ID.
    crowd_ix = np.where(gt_class_ids < 0)[0]
    if crowd_ix.shape[0] > 0:
        # Filter out crowds from ground truth class IDs and boxes
        non_crowd_ix = np.where(gt_class_ids > 0)[0]
        crowd_boxes = gt_boxes[crowd_ix]
        gt_class_ids = gt_class_ids[non_crowd_ix]
        gt_boxes = gt_boxes[non_crowd_ix]
        # Compute overlaps with crowd boxes [anchors, crowds]
        crowd_overlaps = utils.compute_overlaps(anchors, crowd_boxes)
        crowd_iou_max = np.amax(crowd_overlaps, axis=1)
        no_crowd_bool = (crowd_iou_max < 0.001)
        # All anchors don't intersect a crowd
        no_crowd_bool = np.ones([anchors.shape[0]], dtype=bool)

    # Compute overlaps [num_anchors, num_gt_boxes]
    overlaps = utils.compute_overlaps(anchors, gt_boxes)

    # Match anchors to GT Boxes
    # If an anchor overlaps a GT box with IoU >= 0.7 then it's positive.
    # If an anchor overlaps a GT box with IoU < 0.3 then it's negative.
    # Neutral anchors are those that don't match the conditions above,
    # and they don't influence the loss function.
    # However, don't keep any GT box unmatched (rare, but happens). Instead,
    # match it to the closest anchor (even if its max IoU is < 0.3).
    # 1. Set negative anchors first. They get overwritten below if a GT box is
    # matched to them. Skip boxes in crowd areas.
    anchor_iou_argmax = np.argmax(overlaps, axis=1)
    anchor_iou_max = overlaps[np.arange(overlaps.shape[0]), anchor_iou_argmax]
    rpn_match[(anchor_iou_max < 0.3) & (no_crowd_bool)] = -1
    # 2. Set an anchor for each GT box (regardless of IoU value).
    # If multiple anchors have the same IoU match all of them
    gt_iou_argmax = np.argwhere(overlaps == np.max(overlaps, axis=0))[:,0]
    rpn_match[gt_iou_argmax] = 1
    # 3. Set anchors with high overlap as positive.
    rpn_match[anchor_iou_max >= 0.7] = 1

    # Subsample to balance positive and negative anchors
    # Don't let positives be more than half the anchors
    ids = np.where(rpn_match == 1)[0]
    extra = len(ids) - (config.RPN_TRAIN_ANCHORS_PER_IMAGE // 2)
    if extra > 0:
        # Reset the extra ones to neutral
        ids = np.random.choice(ids, extra, replace=False)
        rpn_match[ids] = 0
    # Same for negative proposals
    ids = np.where(rpn_match == -1)[0]
    extra = len(ids) - (config.RPN_TRAIN_ANCHORS_PER_IMAGE -
                        np.sum(rpn_match == 1))
    if extra > 0:
        # Rest the extra ones to neutral
        ids = np.random.choice(ids, extra, replace=False)
        rpn_match[ids] = 0

    # For positive anchors, compute shift and scale needed to transform them
    # to match the corresponding GT boxes.
    ids = np.where(rpn_match == 1)[0]
    ix = 0  # index into rpn_bbox
    # TODO: use box_refinement() rather than duplicating the code here
    for i, a in zip(ids, anchors[ids]):
        # Closest gt box (it might have IoU < 0.7)
        gt = gt_boxes[anchor_iou_argmax[i]]

        # Convert coordinates to center plus width/height.
        # GT Box
        gt_h = gt[2] - gt[0]
        gt_w = gt[3] - gt[1]
        gt_center_y = gt[0] + 0.5 * gt_h
        gt_center_x = gt[1] + 0.5 * gt_w
        # Anchor
        a_h = a[2] - a[0]
        a_w = a[3] - a[1]
        a_center_y = a[0] + 0.5 * a_h
        a_center_x = a[1] + 0.5 * a_w

        # Compute the bbox refinement that the RPN should predict.
        rpn_bbox[ix] = [
            (gt_center_y - a_center_y) / a_h,
            (gt_center_x - a_center_x) / a_w,
            np.log(gt_h / a_h),
            np.log(gt_w / a_w),
        # Normalize
        rpn_bbox[ix] /= config.RPN_BBOX_STD_DEV
        ix += 1

    return rpn_match, rpn_bbox



def rpn_class_loss_graph(rpn_match, rpn_class_logits):
    """RPN anchor classifier loss.

    rpn_match: [batch, anchors, 1]. Anchor match type. 1=positive,
               -1=negative, 0=neutral anchor.
    rpn_class_logits: [batch, anchors, 2]. RPN classifier logits for BG/FG.
    # Squeeze last dim to simplify
    rpn_match = tf.squeeze(rpn_match, -1)
    # Get anchor classes. Convert the -1/+1 match to 0/1 values.
    anchor_class = K.cast(K.equal(rpn_match, 1), tf.int32)
    # Positive and Negative anchors contribute to the loss,
    # but neutral anchors (match value = 0) don't.
    indices = tf.where(K.not_equal(rpn_match, 0))
    # Pick rows that contribute to the loss and filter out the rest.
    rpn_class_logits = tf.gather_nd(rpn_class_logits, indices)
    anchor_class = tf.gather_nd(anchor_class, indices)
    # Cross entropy loss
    loss = K.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(target=anchor_class,
    loss = K.switch(tf.size(loss) > 0, K.mean(loss), tf.constant(0.0))
    return loss

(2)RPN框回歸loss,Smooth L1損失

def rpn_bbox_loss_graph(config, target_bbox, rpn_match, rpn_bbox):
    """Return the RPN bounding box loss graph.

    config: the model config object.
    target_bbox: [batch, max positive anchors, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))].
        Uses 0 padding to fill in unsed bbox deltas.
    rpn_match: [batch, anchors, 1]. Anchor match type. 1=positive,
               -1=negative, 0=neutral anchor.
    rpn_bbox: [batch, anchors, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    # Positive anchors contribute to the loss, but negative and
    # neutral anchors (match value of 0 or -1) don't.
    rpn_match = K.squeeze(rpn_match, -1)
    indices = tf.where(K.equal(rpn_match, 1))

    # Pick bbox deltas that contribute to the loss
    rpn_bbox = tf.gather_nd(rpn_bbox, indices)

    # Trim target bounding box deltas to the same length as rpn_bbox.
    batch_counts = K.sum(K.cast(K.equal(rpn_match, 1), tf.int32), axis=1)
    target_bbox = batch_pack_graph(target_bbox, batch_counts,

    loss = smooth_l1_loss(target_bbox, rpn_bbox)
    loss = K.switch(tf.size(loss) > 0, K.mean(loss), tf.constant(0.0))
    return loss
def smooth_l1_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    """Implements Smooth-L1 loss.
    y_true and y_pred are typically: [N, 4], but could be any shape.
    diff = K.abs(y_true - y_pred)
    less_than_one = K.cast(K.less(diff, 1.0), "float32")
    loss = (less_than_one * 0.5 * diff**2) + (1 - less_than_one) * (diff - 0.5)
    return loss


def mrcnn_class_loss_graph(target_class_ids, pred_class_logits,
    """Loss for the classifier head of Mask RCNN.

    target_class_ids: [batch, num_rois]. Integer class IDs. Uses zero
        padding to fill in the array.
    pred_class_logits: [batch, num_rois, num_classes]
    active_class_ids: [batch, num_classes]. Has a value of 1 for
        classes that are in the dataset of the image, and 0
        for classes that are not in the dataset.
    # During model building, Keras calls this function with
    # target_class_ids of type float32. Unclear why. Cast it
    # to int to get around it.
    target_class_ids = tf.cast(target_class_ids, 'int64')

    # Find predictions of classes that are not in the dataset.
    pred_class_ids = tf.argmax(pred_class_logits, axis=2)
    # TODO: Update this line to work with batch > 1. Right now it assumes all
    #       images in a batch have the same active_class_ids
    pred_active = tf.gather(active_class_ids[0], pred_class_ids)

    # Loss
    loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        labels=target_class_ids, logits=pred_class_logits)

    # Erase losses of predictions of classes that are not in the active
    # classes of the image.
    loss = loss * pred_active

    # Computer loss mean. Use only predictions that contribute
    # to the loss to get a correct mean.
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(loss) / tf.reduce_sum(pred_active)
    return loss

(4)MRCNN框回歸loss,Smooth L1損失

def mrcnn_bbox_loss_graph(target_bbox, target_class_ids, pred_bbox):
    """Loss for Mask R-CNN bounding box refinement.

    target_bbox: [batch, num_rois, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    target_class_ids: [batch, num_rois]. Integer class IDs.
    pred_bbox: [batch, num_rois, num_classes, (dy, dx, log(dh), log(dw))]
    # Reshape to merge batch and roi dimensions for simplicity.
    target_class_ids = K.reshape(target_class_ids, (-1,))
    target_bbox = K.reshape(target_bbox, (-1, 4))
    pred_bbox = K.reshape(pred_bbox, (-1, K.int_shape(pred_bbox)[2], 4))

    # Only positive ROIs contribute to the loss. And only
    # the right class_id of each ROI. Get their indices.
    positive_roi_ix = tf.where(target_class_ids > 0)[:, 0]
    positive_roi_class_ids = tf.cast(
        tf.gather(target_class_ids, positive_roi_ix), tf.int64)
    indices = tf.stack([positive_roi_ix, positive_roi_class_ids], axis=1)

    # Gather the deltas (predicted and true) that contribute to loss
    target_bbox = tf.gather(target_bbox, positive_roi_ix)
    pred_bbox = tf.gather_nd(pred_bbox, indices)

    # Smooth-L1 Loss
    loss = K.switch(tf.size(target_bbox) > 0,
                    smooth_l1_loss(y_true=target_bbox, y_pred=pred_bbox),
    loss = K.mean(loss)
    return loss

(5)MRCNN分割maskloss,Smooth L1損失

def mrcnn_mask_loss_graph(target_masks, target_class_ids, pred_masks):
    """Mask binary cross-entropy loss for the masks head.

    target_masks: [batch, num_rois, height, width].
        A float32 tensor of values 0 or 1. Uses zero padding to fill array.
    target_class_ids: [batch, num_rois]. Integer class IDs. Zero padded.
    pred_masks: [batch, proposals, height, width, num_classes] float32 tensor
                with values from 0 to 1.
    # Reshape for simplicity. Merge first two dimensions into one.
    target_class_ids = K.reshape(target_class_ids, (-1,))
    mask_shape = tf.shape(target_masks)
    target_masks = K.reshape(target_masks, (-1, mask_shape[2], mask_shape[3]))
    pred_shape = tf.shape(pred_masks)
    pred_masks = K.reshape(pred_masks,
                           (-1, pred_shape[2], pred_shape[3], pred_shape[4]))
    # Permute predicted masks to [N, num_classes, height, width]
    pred_masks = tf.transpose(pred_masks, [0, 3, 1, 2])

    # Only positive ROIs contribute to the loss. And only
    # the class specific mask of each ROI.
    positive_ix = tf.where(target_class_ids > 0)[:, 0]
    positive_class_ids = tf.cast(
        tf.gather(target_class_ids, positive_ix), tf.int64)
    indices = tf.stack([positive_ix, positive_class_ids], axis=1)

    # Gather the masks (predicted and true) that contribute to loss
    y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix)
    y_pred = tf.gather_nd(pred_masks, indices)

    # Compute binary cross entropy. If no positive ROIs, then return 0.
    # shape: [batch, roi, num_classes]
    loss = K.switch(tf.size(y_true) > 0,
                    K.binary_crossentropy(target=y_true, output=y_pred),
    loss = K.mean(loss)
    return loss



