
Google Earth Engine ——資料全解析專輯(US NED Topographic Diversity地貌多樣性拓撲資料集)

Topographic diversity (D) is a surrogate variable that represents the variety of temperature and moisture conditions available to species as local habitats. It expresses the logic that a higher variety of topo-climate niches should support higher diversity (especially plant) and support species persistence given climatic change.

To calculate D, the multi-scale Topographic Position Index (mTPI), being a dominant control of soil moisture (T), was used for measuring hillslope position. The mTPI was combined with the square-root transform for mTPI>0 (T’) and with the standard deviation of the Continuous Heat-Insolation Load Index (CHILI), calculated at multiple scales (C’) as: D = 1 – ((1-T’) * (1-C’). It is based on the USGS's 10m NED DEM (available in EE as USGS/NED).

The Conservation Science Partners (CSP) Ecologically Relevant Geomorphology (ERGo) Datasets, Landforms and Physiography contain detailed, multi-scale data on landforms and physiographic (aka land facet) patterns. Although there are many potential uses of these data, the original purpose for these data was to develop an ecologically relevant classification and map of landforms and physiographic classes that are suitable for climate adaptation planning. Because there is large uncertainty associated with future climate conditions and even more uncertainty around ecological responses, providing information about what is unlikely to change offers a strong foundation for managers to build robust climate adaptation plans. The quantification of these features of the landscape is sensitive to the resolution, so we provide the highest resolution possible given the extent and characteristics of a given index.


為了計算D,多尺度地形位置指數(mTPI),作為土壤水分(T)的主要控制因素,被用來測量山坡位置。mTPI與mTPI>0時的方根變換(T')和連續熱阻負荷指數(CHILI)的标準差相結合,在多尺度下計算(C')。D=1-((1-T')*(1-C')。它基于美國地質調查局的10米NED DEM(在EE中可作為USGS/NED)。


Dataset Availability

2006-01-24T00:00:00 - 2011-05-13T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

Conservation Science Partners

Collection Snippet



90 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max*
constant NED-derived topographic diversity 1

* = Values are estimated


var dataset = ee.Image('CSP/ERGo/1_0/US/topoDiversity');
var usTopographicDiversity = dataset.select('constant');
var usTopographicDiversityVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 1.0,
Map.setCenter(-111.313, 39.724, 6);
    usTopographicDiversity, usTopographicDiversityVis,
    'US Topographic Diversity');
Google Earth Engine ——資料全解析專輯(US NED Topographic Diversity地貌多樣性拓撲資料集)