

作 者: FlyToTheSpace

說明:第一步設定符号表路徑.比如 E:/WINDOWS/system32/Symbols/






class ProcedureAddrRetrieve



  ProcedureAddrRetrieve(TCHAR *PdbSearchPath,DWORD _Options = NULL);


  BOOL LoadSymbol(TCHAR *DllName);

  BOOL EnumSymbol(TCHAR *pSearchMask = NULL);

  DWORD64 RetrieveAddr(TCHAR *_szProcedureName);



  BOOL GetFileSize( const TCHAR* pFileName, DWORD& FileSize );

  static BOOL CALLBACK EnumSymbolsCallback( SYMBOL_INFO* pSymInfo, ULONG SymbolSize, PVOID UserContext );

  DWORD64 ModBase64;

  char szProcedureName[MAX_PATH];

  DWORD64 Address;


void test();

#include <windows.h>

#include <tchar.h>

#include <io.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <dbghelp.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "lib.h"

#pragma comment( lib, "dbghelp.lib" )

void test()


  ProcedureAddrRetrieve par("E://WINDOWS//system32//Symbols//");




ProcedureAddrRetrieve::ProcedureAddrRetrieve(TCHAR *PdbSearchPath,DWORD _Options )


  BOOL bRet = FALSE;


  // Set options

  DWORD Options = SymGetOptions();

  // SYMOPT_DEBUG option asks DbgHelp to print additional troubleshooting

  // messages to debug output - use the debugger's Debug Output window

  // to view the messages

  Options =Options | SYMOPT_DEBUG | _Options;

  SymSetOptions( Options );

  // Initialize DbgHelp and load symbols for all modules of the current process

  bRet = SymInitialize (

    GetCurrentProcess(),  // Process handle of the current process

    PdbSearchPath,                 // user-defined search path -> use default

    FALSE                 // Do not load symbols for modules in the current process


  if( !bRet )


    _tprintf(_T("Error: SymInitialize() failed. Error code: %u /n"), ::GetLastError());

    return ;



BOOL ProcedureAddrRetrieve::LoadSymbol(TCHAR *DllName)


  HMODULE ModBase;

  TCHAR DllFullPath[MAX_PATH];

  DWORD     FileSize  = 0;

  //Get DLL full path.

  ModBase = GetModuleHandle(DllName);

  if(ModBase == NULL)


    ModBase = LoadLibrary(DllName);

    if(ModBase == NULL)

      return FALSE;






    // Unload symbols for the module

    if(!SymUnloadModule64( GetCurrentProcess(), ModBase64 ))


      _tprintf( _T("Error: SymUnloadModule64() failed. Error code: %u /n"), ::GetLastError() );

      return FALSE;



  // Load symbols for the module

  _tprintf( _T("Loading symbols for: %s ... /n"), DllFullPath );

  ModBase64 = SymLoadModule64 (

    GetCurrentProcess(), // Process handle of the current process

    NULL,                // Handle to the module's image file (not needed)

    DllFullPath,           // Path/name of the file

    NULL,                // User-defined short name of the module (it can be NULL)

    (DWORD64)ModBase,            // Base address of the module (cannot be NULL if .PDB file is used, otherwise it can be NULL)

    FileSize             // Size of the file (cannot be NULL if .PDB file is used, otherwise it can be NULL)


  if( ModBase == 0 )


    _tprintf(_T("Error: SymLoadModule64() failed. Error code: %u /n"), ::GetLastError());

    return FALSE;


  return TRUE;


BOOL ProcedureAddrRetrieve::GetFileSize( const TCHAR* pFileName, DWORD& FileSize )


  // Check parameters

  if( pFileName == 0 )


    return FALSE;


  // Open the file

  HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,




    _tprintf( _T("CreateFile() failed. Error: %u /n"), ::GetLastError() );

    return FALSE;


  // Obtain the size of the file

  FileSize = ::GetFileSize( hFile, NULL );

  if( FileSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE )


    _tprintf( _T("GetFileSize() failed. Error: %u /n"), ::GetLastError() );

    // and continue ...


  // Close the file

  if( !CloseHandle( hFile ) )


    _tprintf( _T("CloseHandle() failed. Error: %u /n"), ::GetLastError() );

    // and continue ...


  // Complete

  return ( FileSize != INVALID_FILE_SIZE );






    // Unload symbols for the module

    if(!SymUnloadModule64( GetCurrentProcess(), ModBase64 ))


      _tprintf( _T("Error: SymUnloadModule64() failed. Error code: %u /n"), ::GetLastError() );




BOOL ProcedureAddrRetrieve::EnumSymbol(TCHAR *pSearchMask)


  BOOL bRet = TRUE;

  // Enumerate symbols and display information about them

  if( pSearchMask != NULL )

    _tprintf( _T("Search mask: %s /n"), pSearchMask );

  _tprintf( _T("Symbols: /n") );

  bRet = ::SymEnumSymbols(

    GetCurrentProcess(),   // Process handle of the current process

    ModBase64,               // Base address of the module

    pSearchMask,           // Mask (NULL -> all symbols)

    EnumSymbolsCallback, // The callback function

    this                   // A used-defined context can be passed here, if necessary


  if( !bRet )


    _tprintf( _T("Error: SymEnumSymbols() failed. Error code: %u /n"), ::GetLastError() );


  return TRUE;


BOOL CALLBACK ProcedureAddrRetrieve::EnumSymbolsCallback( SYMBOL_INFO* pSymInfo, ULONG SymbolSize, PVOID UserContext )


  ProcedureAddrRetrieve *pPar = (ProcedureAddrRetrieve *)UserContext;

  if( pSymInfo != 0 )






        pPar->Address = pSymInfo->Address;

        return FALSE;









  return TRUE;


DWORD64 ProcedureAddrRetrieve::RetrieveAddr(TCHAR *_szProcedureName)



  Address = 0;


    return NULL;

  return Address;

