
NORDIC Thingy:52 藍牙 BLE 服務 SoC 程式調用流程分析之五, Sound Service

Nordic Thingy 52 BLE Services

* Thingy configuration service 

* Environment service 

* User interface service 

* Motion service 

* Sound service 

* Battery service 

* DFU service

* Sound service *

The sound module is responsible for handling both the speaker and the microphone. The sound module is built on top of the sound BLE service (ble_tss) with base UUID EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042. The configuration is stored in flash.

Sound 子產品處理麥克風和話筒,此子產品基于UUID:EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042 的聲音 BLE Service ( ble_tss), 相關配置存儲在 Flash 中.

NORDIC Thingy:52 藍牙 BLE 服務 SoC 程式調用流程分析之五, Sound Service

服務 UUID 定義

檔案: ble_tss.h

#define BLE_UUID_TSS_SERVICE 0x0500                      /**< The UUID of the Thingy Sound Service. */

檔案: ble_tss.c

#define BLE_UUID_TSS_CONFIG_CHAR      0x0501                      /**< The UUID of the config Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TSS_SPKR_CHAR        0x0502                      /**< The UUID of the speaker Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TSS_SPKR_STAT_CHAR   0x0503                      /**< The UUID of the speaker Status Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TSS_MIC_CHAR         0x0504                      /**< The UUID of the microphone Characteristic. */

// EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042
#define TSS_BASE_UUID                  {{0x42, 0x00, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xFF, 0x52, 0x10, 0x9B, 0x33, 0x49, 0x35, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0xEF}} /**< Used vendor specific UUID. */


NORDIC Thingy:52 藍牙 BLE 服務 SoC 程式調用流程分析之五, Sound Service
NORDIC Thingy:52 藍牙 BLE 服務 SoC 程式調用流程分析之五, Sound Service
