
This UDF provides automation support for Java applications

This UDF currently automates standalone applications and browser-based applets, developed in either Swing or the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT).


  • AutoIt3 3.2 or higher
  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or above
  • Java Access Bridge for the Microsoft Windows Operating System
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable
  • AutoIT for Java Access dynamically linked library (DLL)
  • Tesseract UDF 0.6
  • Manual check and update of the Java Access Bridge


To install the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE):

  • Open the web page http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp.
  • Click Windows XP/Vista/2000/2003 Offline.
  • Save the file to your computer and run it (ie. jre-6u11-windows-i586-p-s.exe).
  • Follow the installation instructions.
  • Restart your computer when prompted.

To install the  Java Access Bridge  for the Microsoft Windows Operating System:

  • Open the web page Java Access Bridge.
  • Click Download Java Access Bridge 2.0.1.
  • Click I agree to the Software License Agreement.
  • Click Continue.
  • Click accessbridge-2_0_1.exe.
  • Save the file to a location on your computer.
  • Run the file accessbridge-2_0_1.exe from your computer.
  • Follow the installation instructions.
  • Restart your computer when prompted.

To install the  Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable :

  • Open the web page http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391-8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf&displaylang=en.
  • Click Download.
  • Save the file to a location on your computer.
  • Run the file vcredist_x86.exe from your computer.
  • Follow the installation instructions.

To install the  AutoIT for Java Access  dynamically linked library (DLL):

  • Right-click on the link AutoITJavaAccess.dll below.
  • Save the file to your Windows System32 folder (ie. C:\WINDOWS\system32).

To install the  Tesseract UDF  0.6:

  • Open the link http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89542.
  • Save the file to your AutoIT include folder (ie. C:\Program Files\AutoIT\Include).

To manually check and update the Java Access Bridge:

Note:- This step should be performed in addition to the install of the Java Access Bridge above.

  • Using Windows Explorer, go to your Java folder C:\Program Files\Java.
  • Open the first subfolder (ie. j2re1.4.2_19).
  • Go to the subfolder lib\ext.
  • If the files access-bridge.jar and jaccess.jar already exist then go to step 9 below.
  • Copy the file access-bridge.jar to this subfolder (ie. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.4.2_19\lib\ext).
  • If the subfolder in step 2 above starts with j2re1.2 or jre1.2, then copy the file jaccess-1_2.jar to this subfolder (ie. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.4.2_19\lib\ext).
  • If the subfolder in step 2 above starts with j2re1.3 or jre1.3, then copy the file jaccess-1_3.jar to this subfolder (ie. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.4.2_19\lib\ext).
  • If the subfolder in step 2 above starts with j2re1.4 or jre1.4, then copy the file jaccess-1_4.jar to this subfolder (ie. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.4.2_19\lib\ext).
  • Repeat steps 3 to 8 for every subfolder within the Java folder.

To confirm that the installation process was successful:

  • Using Windows Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\Java Access Bridge and double-click JavaFerret.exe.
  • In the Java Ferret window, select the menu item JavaEvents -> Track Mouse Events.
  • Drag your mouse over any Java application, and the Java Ferret window should dynamically update with information about the Java objects as you drag your mouse over them.




_JavaObjValueGet($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $javaferret_obj_role = "", $instance_num = 1)

_JavaObjIndexGet($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $javaferret_obj_role = "", $instance_num = 1)

_JavaObjValueSet($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name, $javaferret_obj_role, $object_value, $instance_num = 1, $partial = 1, $get_last_capture = 0, $delimiter = "", $expand = 1, $scrolling = 1, $cleanup = 1, $max_scroll_times = 5, $scale = 2, $left_indent = 0, $top_indent = 0, $right_indent = 0, $bottom_indent = 0, $show_capture = 0)

_JavaObjSelect($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $javaferret_obj_role = "", $instance_num = 1)

_JavaObjValuesGet($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $javaferret_obj_role = "", $instance_num = 1, $get_last_capture = 0, $delimiter = "", $expand = 1, $scrolling = 1, $cleanup = 1, $max_scroll_times = 5, $scale = 2, $left_indent = 0, $top_indent = 0, $right_indent = 0, $bottom_indent = 0, $show_capture = 0)

_JavaObjDeselect($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $javaferret_obj_role = "", $instance_num = 1)

_JavaObjPropertyGet($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $javaferret_obj_role = "", $instance_num = 1, $property_name = "")

_JavaTableRowSelect($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $instance_num = 1, $javaferret_panel_name = "", $panel_instance_num = 1, $col_names = "", $col_values = "")

_JavaTableCellSelect($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $instance_num = 1, $javaferret_panel_name = "", $panel_instance_num = 1, $col_names = "", $col_values = "", $col_name_select = "")

_JavaTableCellValueGet($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $instance_num = 1, $javaferret_panel_name = "", $panel_instance_num = 1, $col_names = "", $col_values = "", $col_name_select = "")

_JavaTableCellValueSet($autoit_cntl_id, $javaferret_obj_name = "", $instance_num = 1, $javaferret_panel_name = "", $panel_instance_num = 1, $col_names = "", $col_values = "", $col_name_select = "", $object_value = "")


<Under Construction>






Latest Version - v0.7 (17/03/09)


Edited October 5, 2009 by seangriffin
