
iOS開發之-Core DataCore Data Basics

Core Data Basics

Basic Core Data Architecture

The managed object context serves as your gateway to an underlying collection of framework objects—collectively known as the persistence stack—that mediate between the objects in your application and external data stores. At the bottom of the stack are persistent object stores

iOS開發之-Core DataCore Data Basics

Managed Objects and Contexts

1. You can think of a managed object context as an intelligent scratch pad. When you fetch objects from a persistent store, you bring temporary copies onto the scratch pad where they form an object graph (or a collection of object graphs). You can then modify those objects however you like. Unless you actually save those changes, however, the persistent store remains unaltered.

2. Model objects that tie into in the Core Data framework are known as managed objects. All managed objects must be registered with a managed object context. You add objects to the graph and remove objects from the graph using the context. The context tracks the changes you make, both to individual objects' attributes and to the relationships between objects. By tracking changes, the context is able to provide undo and redo support for you.  It also ensures that if you change relationships between objects, the integrity of the object graph is maintained.

3. If you choose to save the changes you've made, the context ensures that your objects are in a valid state.

4. You may have more than one managed object context in your application.

Fetch Requests

iOS開發之-Core DataCore Data Basics

1. A fetch request is an object that specifies what data you want. It may also contain a predicate object that specifies conditions that objects must match and an array of sort descriptor objects that specifies the order in which the objects should appear

2. You send a fetch request to a managed object context, which returns the objects that match your request (possibly none) from the data sources associated with its persistent stores. Since all managed objects must be registered with a managed object context, objects returned from a fetch are automatically registered with the context you used for fetching. ). If a context already contains a managed object for an object returned from a fetch, then the existing managed object is returned in the fetch results.

3. Core Data is demand driven, so you don't create more objects than you actually need. 

4. The graph does not have to represent all the objects in the persistent store. Simply specifying a persistent store does not bring any data objects into the managed object context. When you fetch a subset of the objects from the persistent store, you only get the objects you asked for. If you follow a relationship to an object that hasn't been fetched, it is fetched automatically for you. If you stop using an object, by default it will be deallocated. 

Persistent Store Coordinator

iOS開發之-Core DataCore Data Basics

1. As noted earlier, the collection of framework objects that mediate between the objects in your application and external data stores is referred to collectively as the persistence stack. At the top of the stack are managed object contexts, at the bottom of the stack are persistent object stores. Between managed object contexts and persistent object stores there is a persistent store coordinator.

2. In effect, a persistent store coordinator defines a stack. The coordinator is designed to present a façade to the managed object contexts so that a group of persistent stores appears as a single aggregate store. A managed object context can then create an object graph based on the union of all the data stores the coordinator covers. A coordinator can only be associated with one managed object model. If you want to put different entities into different stores, you must partition your model entities by defining configurations within the managed object models

Persistent Stores

1. A given persistent object store is associated with a single file or other external data store and is ultimately responsible for mapping between data in that store and corresponding objects in a managed object context. Normally, the only interaction you have with a persistent object store is when you specify the location of a new external data store to be associated with your application (for example, when the user opens or saves a document). Most other interactions with the Core Data framework are through the managed object context.

Persistent Documents

1. You can create and configure the persistence stack programmatically. In many cases, however, you simply want to create a document-based application able to read and write files. The NSPersistentDocument class is a subclass of NSDocument that is designed to let you easily take advantage of the Core Data framework. By default, an NSPersistentDocument instance creates its own ready-to-use persistence stack, including a managed object context and a single persistent object store. There is in this case a one-to-one mapping between a document and an external data store.

The NSPersistentDocument class provides methods to access the document’s managed object context and provides implementations of the standard NSDocument methods to read and write files that use the Core Data framework. By default you do not have to write any additional code to handle object persistence. A persistent document’s undo functionality is integrated with the managed object context.

Managed Objects and the Managed Object Model

iOS開發之-Core DataCore Data Basics

1. A managed object model is a schema that provides a description of the managed objects, or entities, used by your application. You typically create the managed object model graphically using Xcode's Data Model Design tool. 

iOS開發之-Core DataCore Data Basics

2. Managed objects must be instances of either NSManagedObject or of a subclass of NSManagedObject. NSManagedObject is able to represent any entity. It uses a private internal store to maintain its properties and implements all the basic behavior required of a managed object. A managed object has a reference to the entity description for the entity of which it is an instance. It refers to the entity description to discover metadata about itself, including the name of the entity it represents and information about its attributes and relationships. You can also create subclasses of NSManagedObject to implement additional behavior.