


#學英語:語言文化之旅# Some books are to be tasted, others are to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly; and with diligence and attention.

——Francis Bacon




1.本段名句中都含有“be+to be done”結構,是“be+do”結構的被動語态形式。在本段的6個句子表示“應該”,相當于 should, ought to。例如: You are to report to the police.你應該報警。 What is to be done?應該怎麼辦呢?。該結構還有表示“按計劃或安排要做的事”和“必須”,相當于 must, have to的用法。例如: She is to get married next year. / The letter is to be handed to him in two hours.

2.本段中運用了英語中的隐喻(Metaphor)修辭手法,即是将某一事物的名稱用于另一事物,通過比較形成。在本段中把吃食物用的動詞用在讀“books"上,動詞taste, swallow, chew, digest。

再如:Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.希望是好的早餐,卻是不好的晚餐。#大有學問#

3.本段給讀書者的啟示是,有些書要“選讀”(selective reading),有些書要“泛讀”(extensive reading),有些書要“精讀”(intensive reading)。這些啟示對讀書有很強的指導意義。#頭條創作挑戰賽#


