
CNN中英雙語新聞––因違反定位資訊 谷歌向40個州賠償3.9億美元


Google agrees to $392 million settlement with 40 states

CNN中英雙語新聞––因違反定位資訊 谷歌向40個州賠償3.9億美元

Google has agreed to a record $391.5 million settlement with 40 states for allegedly misleading consumers over its location tracking practices, a coalition of attorneys general announced Monday.



英[əˈledʒɪdli] 美[əˈledʒədli]



英 [ˌkəʊəˈlɪʃn] 美 [ˌkoʊəˈlɪʃn]

聯合政府 ; 聯合體 ; 聯合 ; 結合 ; 聯盟


英 [əˈtɜːni] 美 [əˈtɜrni]


The attorneys general described it as the largest multi-state privacy settlement in US history.


The coalition, which included attorneys general from New York, Kentucky and Oregon, claimed Google had been misleading users about locating tracking in various ways since 2014. That included confusion around “the scope of the Location History setting” and “the extent to which consumers who use Google products and services could limit Google’s location tracking by adjusting their account and device settings,” according to a release from the office of Pennsylvania attorney general and governor-elect Josh Shapiro.

該聯盟包括來自紐約、肯塔基和俄勒岡的總檢察長。他們聲稱自2014年以來,谷歌一直在以各種方式誤導使用者定位跟蹤。根據賓夕法尼亞州總檢察長兼候任州長 Josh Shapiro 辦公室釋出的一份聲明稱,這包括對“位置曆史設定的範圍”以及“使用谷歌産品和服務的消費者通過調整其賬戶和裝置設定來限制谷歌位置跟蹤的程度”的混淆。

As part of the settlement, Google is required to be more transparent, including showing additional information whenever a location-related setting is turned on or off, making key location tracking policies clearly visible and giving users more details on the type of location data being collected and its use. Google will also now face limits on its usage and storage of some location information.


“Consistent with improvements we’ve made in recent years, we have settled this investigation which was based on outdated product policies that we changed years ago,” Google spokesperson José Castañeda told CNN Business.

谷歌發言人 JoséCastañeda 告訴CNN商業頻道:“與我們近年來所做的改進一緻,我們已經解決了這項基于我們多年前更改的過時産品政策的調查。”

consistent with:


The attorneys general opened an investigation into Google after a 2018 Associated Press report that the company “records your movements even when you explicitly tell it not to.” In a statement at the time, Google said it provides “clear descriptions of these tools, and robust controls so people can turn them on or off, and delete their histories at any time.”



英 [ɪksˈplɪsɪtli] 美 [ɪkˈsplɪsətli]


The search engine faced a similar suit in January when four attorneys general from the District of Columbia, Texas, Indiana and Washington state claimed it had used “dark patterns” and deceptive practices to track users’ physical location even when those users have made efforts to block Google from doing so.



英 [ˈpætn] 美 [ˈpætərn]


Location data like the kind collected by Google can be used to target advertising and build profiles on internet users. Google and other large tech companies have come under renewed scrutiny for their handling of location data in the wake of the overturn of Roe v. Wade. After facing pressure from lawmakers over how such data could be used to track abortion seekers, Google said it would start deleting user location history for visits to abortion clinics and fertility clinics, among other destinations.

谷歌收集的這種位置資料可以用于針對網際網路使用者的廣告和建立個人資料。在羅訴韋德案(Roe v.Wade)被推翻後,谷歌和其他大型科技公司因處理位置資料而再次受到審查。在面臨立法者關于如何利用此類資料追蹤堕胎者的壓力後,谷歌表示将開始删除堕胎診所和生育診所等目的地的使用者位置曆史記錄。




