



As her duo She & Him release a Beach Boys covers album, the actor-musician answers your questions on duetting with Prince, crying to Björk and raging at the US supreme court當她的二人組合 She & Him 發行一張 Beach Boys 翻唱專輯時,這位演員兼音樂家回答了你們關于她與 Prince 的二重唱、向 Björk 哭泣以及在美國最高法院大發雷霆的問題

What’s the philosophy behind She & Him’s new Beach Boys tribute album? Why revisit a musical era very different from today?她和他的新海灘男孩緻敬專輯背後的理念是什麼?為什麼要重溫一個與今天截然不同的音樂時代?

Pet Sounds is a masterpiece, but I really love later albums such as Surf’s Up or Sunflower, which get less attention but have really interesting songs. We narrowed it down by sending songs back and forth and digging into the melancholy side, which is such a wonderful contrast to how people perceive the Beach Boys.Pet Sounds 是一部傑作,但我真的很喜歡後來的專輯,例如 Surf's Up 或 Sunflower,它們很少受到關注,但有非常有趣的歌曲。我們通過來回發送歌曲并挖掘憂郁的一面來縮小範圍,這與人們對海灘男孩的看法形成了鮮明的對比。

With the film 500 Days of Summer, people often cast [Deschanel’s character] Summer as almost villainous for her (understandable) rejection of Tom. Is this indicative of a wider societal attitude, where any strong female character attracts negativity?

在電影 500 Days of Summer 中,人們經常将 [Deschanel 的角色] Summer 塑造成她(可以了解的)惡意地拒絕 Tom。這是否表明了更廣泛的社會态度,任何強烈的女性角色都會吸引消極情緒?

I got that take from day one. It’s a very emotional response. People want the characters to be together, but that not happening makes the movie interesting. She is upfront that she doesn’t want a relationship, but he ignores her. The most telling scene is when she tells him: “I’ve never told anybody that before,” and he makes it about himself. He is fixated on external details – such as her liking the Smiths – that has nothing to do with who she is as a person. To anyone who thinks Summer is the villain, I say: think a little deeper.



"人們希望他們在一起”約瑟夫·高登-萊維特和佐伊·丹斯切爾在《夏日的 500 天》中。

How do you feel about being labelled as the manic pixie dream girl?你對被貼上狂躁的精靈夢想女孩的标簽有什麼感覺?

I don’t feel it’s accurate. I’m not a girl. I’m a woman. It doesn’t hurt my feelings, but it’s a way of making a woman one-dimensional and I’m not one-dimensional.我覺得不準确。我不是一個女孩。我是一個女人。它不會傷害我的感情,但這是一種讓女人成為一維的方式,而我不是一維的。

New Girl was fantastic, with a great cast. Was most of it improvised? <新女孩>很棒,演員陣容很棒。大部分是即興創作的嗎?

No. We had such great writers, but we had freedom and there were a lot of improvised moments. As an actor, it helps to open up the dialogue and often, even though you’re saying words on a page, you’re improvising around them. The nice thing about that cast was that everyone could do it.不,我們有這麼偉大的作家,但我們有自由,有很多即興創作的時刻。作為一名演員,打開對話很有幫助,而且通常,即使你根據文本說單詞,你也是在他們周圍即興創作。那個演員的好處是每個人都可以做到。



Given his enigmatic ways, it still seems amazing that Prince contacted you to make a guest appearance on New Girl. You performed Fallinlove2nite with him in the 2014 episode, but was he aware of She & Him? 鑒于他神秘的方式,王子聯系你在《新女孩》中做客串似乎令人驚訝。你在 2014 年的劇集中和他一起表演了 《墜入愛河2晚》,但他知道你的專輯嗎?

Oh my God. I don’t know. I know he watched New Girl on the tour bus. When he contacted me through his manager, I thought someone was pranking me and I asked my agents: “Can you find out if this is really Prince’s manager?” I recorded the song for the show, but when he said they would put it out I was like: “What? A single with Prince?!” It was a pinch-myself moment.我的天啊。我不知道。我知道他在旅遊巴士上看過《新女孩》。當他通過他的經紀人聯系我時,我以為有人在惡作劇,我問我的經紀人:“你能查出這是否真的是普林斯的經紀人嗎?”我為節目錄制了這首歌,但當他說他們會把它放出來時,我想:“什麼?和王子單獨在一起?!”這時候我首先先掐一下自己。

Were you disappointed that The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy never got further than the first film? Did you enjoy playing Trillian? 你是否對《銀河系漫遊指南》從未比第一部電影更進一步感到失望?你喜歡玩 Trillian 嗎?

I did, but the character was supposed to be part-alien and for some reason they cut that out. As an actor, I was heartbroken, but I loved the movie and the people. Douglas Adams [its creator] passed away before his time [at 49, in 2001], which was so sad. .的确,但這個角色應該是某種外星人,出于某種原因,他們把它剪掉了。作為一名演員,我很傷心,但我愛這部電影和人們。道格拉斯·亞當斯 [它的創造者] 早于他的時間 [2001 年 49 歲] 就去世了,這非常令人傷心。



When did you realise that [the 2008 thriller] The Happening wasn’t really “happening”?你什麼時候意識到 [2008 年的驚悚片] The Happening 并不是真的“正在發生”?

[She laughs.] That film was pretty universally not loved! The director, M Night Shyamalan – Night – had a strong vision and we were all trying to do what he wanted. I trusted him, because he’s a great film-maker. I didn’t know until I saw the film, but I think he was going for a stylised horror, like The Birds, and maybe people didn’t get that. I had a blast working with Night and Mark Wahlberg, but while I’ve done serious drama, I’m not sure I fit with thrillers. I find most joy in doing comedy

(她笑了。)那部電影幾乎不被普遍喜愛!導演 M Night Shyamalan – Night – 有很強的願景,我們都在努力做他想做的事。我信任他,因為他是一位偉大的電影制作人。直到我看了這部電影我才知道,但我認為他會追求一種風格化的恐怖,比如 The Birds,也許人們沒有明白這一點。我與 Night 和 Mark Wahlberg 合作非常愉快,但雖然我拍過嚴肅的戲劇,但我不确定我是否适合驚悚片。我覺得做喜劇最快樂。



Your renditions of Dream a Little Dream of Me and I Put a Spell on You are among my favourite things in this world. Which singers do you like listening to?你演繹的 Dream a Little Dream of Me 和 I Put a Spell on You 是這個世界上我最喜歡的電影之一。你喜歡聽哪些歌手?

Judy Garland was my favourite singer growing up. Then Linda Ronstadt, Karen Carpenter, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Astrud Gilberto, Sarah Vaughan. For guy singers: John Sebastian, Sam Cooke, Al Green. I like the old stuff. Like Summer, I do love the Smiths. Morrissey is an amazing songwriter. There’s definitely Smiths songs I would love to cover, but I want to concentrate on our own songs.udy Garland 是我成長過程中最喜歡的歌手。然後是琳達·朗施塔特、凱倫·卡彭特、艾拉·菲茨傑拉德、尼娜·西蒙娜、阿斯特魯德·吉爾伯托、莎拉·沃恩。男歌手:John Sebastian、Sam Cooke、Al Green。我喜歡舊的東西。像夏天一樣,我确實喜歡史密斯一家。莫裡西是一位了不起的詞曲作者。當然,我很想翻唱 Smiths 的歌曲,但我想專注于我們自己的歌曲。

You seem to radiate good feeling, but what recently made you rage (apart from a certain supreme court decision)? 你似乎給人有種脾氣好的感覺,但最近是什麼讓你憤怒(除了某個最高法院的判決)?

That did make me rage! People will suffer and have complications in childbirth and maternal deaths will rise, although I’m more sad than angry that people won’t get the care they need. Rights were taken away without the support of the people, but hopefully it will be rescinded. I’m a pretty optimistic person.那确實讓我很生氣!人們将遭受痛苦并在分娩時出現并發症,孕産婦死亡率将上升,盡管我對人們無法得到他們需要的護理感到悲傷而不是憤怒。權利在沒有人民支援的情況下被剝奪,但希望它會被撤銷。我是一個相當樂觀的人。

PS:Zooey Deschanel: ‘Manic pixie dream girl? I’m not a girl. I’m a woman’ | Music | The Guardian