
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells

The Deep是世界上唯一的Submarium(潛艇水族館),也是建築史上以地标建築成功激活整個城市複興的代表案例之一,在2002年開業後僅14個月,The Deep就為赫爾這座人口規模25萬的城市吸引了100萬遊客。2017年,赫爾市榮獲英國文化之都。The Deep水族館是當年慶典活動的中心場所,外牆亦作為投影面播放着赫爾城市曆史的影片。它是英格蘭東北部最著名的地标性建築,堪稱商業上最成功的千禧年項目之一,并被刊印在皇家郵政的郵票上。

Billed as the world’s only “Submarium”, The Deep is one of the representative cases in the history of architecture where the success of an iconic building has sparked the revival of an entire city. Within just 14 months after opening in 2002, The Deep has been an incredible success. It pulled in one million visitors to Hull, a city with a population of 250,000, which was chosen to be the UK City of Culture in 2017. The Deep was a focal point of celebrations during the same year, displaying a projection of Hull’s history on its external walls. The Deep is a landmark project in the North East of England, which is acknowledged as the most commercially successful Millennial Project and features itself on a Royal Mail stamp!

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells

The Deep被刊印在皇家郵政的郵票上©Farrells

The Deep featured on a Royal Mail stamp©Farrells


Landmark as part of the regeneration of Hull

位于東約克郡的赫爾曾是具有悠久工業曆史和文化的貿易港口城市,至20世紀末已漸漸衰落。The Deep項目起源于赫爾市的城市文藝複興計劃,場地原是赫爾河 (River Hull) 與亨伯河口 (Humber Estuary) 彙流處三角地端頭的2.45公頃廢置工地。

Hull in East Yorkshire was once a trading port city with a long industrial history and culture that declined by the end of the 20th century. Located in an abandoned industrial area of 2.45 hectares at the confluence of the River Hull and the Humber Estuary, The Deep project started life as an urban renewal scheme.

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


The site at the confluence of the River Hull and the Humber Estuary©Farrells


As the key project of Hull’s urban regeneration, our vision is to create a building with a bold, pioneering image on the waterfront to catalyse major regeneration throughout the city and its region.

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


Hand-drawing sketch©Farrells

場地所處的河口特殊的濱水景觀激發我們從波浪和冰川的形态中擷取靈感。The Deep的主建築體量是位于場地西南尖角的四層高遊客中心,容納着世界級的水族館展廳。它被設計成彷佛正從深水中浮出水面的戲劇化造型。

The particular waterfront landscape of the estuary inspires us to design with waves or glacier-like forms. The four-storey visitor attraction, located at the south-west point of the site as The Deep’s main architectural mass and housing a world-class aquarium exhibition, is therefore designed to be a dramatic icon emerging from the deep water.

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


A world-class aquarium exhibition©Farrells


The site also houses the Learning Centre for different groups in the city, the Total Environment Simulator and the University of Hull’s research facility. In addition, the building features an observation platform at its pinnacle. Once inside the building, visitors are taken by elevator to the top floor, where you walk through the bridge to the observation platform outside flying over the estuary, enjoying the unrivalled views across the River Humber to the great Humber bridge.

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


An observation platform at the building’s pinnacle©Farrells


The aquarium presented as the focal point on the waterfront

在上個世紀末,The Deep以其獨具特色的造型,開創了濱水文化建築設計的新思路。在更大的城市景觀中,動感的造型為平直的河岸在河口交彙處帶來聚焦點。建築形體的隐喻也引發人們對自然形态的聯想,硬朗的形體和有機的線條,就像一塊被侵蝕的岩石,表皮上不規則的凹陷處,則是建築出入口和鑲嵌其中的窗戶。整座建築的屋頂面與外牆面都是有一定傾斜角度的,是以建築是作為一個三維物體來呈現,而不是一系列的二維平面。

At the end of the last century, The Deep pioneered a new way of thinking about architectural design on the waterfront with its distinctive shape. The dynamic form has become a focal point at the confluence of the estuary in the broader urban landscape. The Deep is a building that revels in its metaphorical associations with the nature. The exterior is treated as an eroded rock face using organic forms and lines, while irregular recessed strata on the façades provide points of access and openings for windows. The roof plane is treated similarly to the wall surfaces so that the building is read as a three-dimensional object rather than as a series of two-dimensional planes.

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


Organic forms and lines©Farrells


The building’s exterior is in different colours and textures, with materials resonating with the waterfront, including coloured concrete, acrylic render, profiled metal, enamelled glass and rhomboid sheets of marine-grade aluminium as used in shipbuilding, which take on different glistening colours according to how to receive the light and reflections. The wave-like contours of the observation platform at the top highlight the geography of the site and the aquatic function of the building.

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


Materials resonating with the waterfront©Farrells

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


Irregular recessed strata providing points of access and openings for windows©Farrells

作為規劃建築師,The Deep水族館是Farrells裡程碑式的作品,充分展現了敏銳的城市視角與“建造實用地标”(Creating landmarks that work) 的設計原則。在特裡•法雷爾爵士看來,一個成功的城市更新項目,是可以對整個地區産生一系列正面的連鎖反應。The Deep被認為是一個世界級的項目,它填平了深奧學術研究與親民形象之間的鴻溝,引領了地區的複興,影響了整個赫爾的經濟、社會、文化生活,使這座城市和人民都聞名于世。它已超越了建築本身,成為一個城市的名片和标志。

The Deep Aquarium in Hull marks a milestone among Farrells’ architectural design projects, giving full play to a keen urban perspective and the design principle of “Creating landmarks that work”. As Sir Terry Farrell sees it, one of the great products of urban regeneration is the positive knock-on effect that one development can have on a whole city. The Deep has been cited as a world-class project, which has spearheaded regeneration in the area and has put Hull and its people on the map. In addition, it has greatly supported Hull’s economic, social and cultural development, making the city and its people well-known throughout the world. The Deep has gone beyond the building itself to become the name card and symbol of the city.

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells
The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells

獎項 Awards:

博物館和遺産卓越獎2003 Museums and Heritage Awards for Excellence 2003

休閑地産獎2002 Leisure Property Award 2002

英國皇家建築師協會白玫瑰獎2002 RIBA White Rose Awards 2002

公衆信譽獎 推薦獎 Civic Trust Awards Commendation

英國 Enjoy England 大獎 | Access for All Tourism 金獎

Enjoy England Awards | Access for All Tourism - Gold Award

英國 Mumsnet 大獎 | 英國最佳水族館 Mumsnet Awards | Best Aquarium in the UK

The Deep深海水族館—世上唯一的“Submarium”/ Farrells


項目名稱:The Deep 水族館



項目地點:赫爾市, 英國

建築設計機關:Farrells 法雷爾 (前稱TFP, Terry Farrell and Partners)

造價: 4,550萬英鎊




Project Name:The Deep Aquarium

Client:The Millennium Commission

Project Type:Planning; Architectural Design

Location: Hull, UK

Architect:Farrells (formerly known as TFP, Terry Farrell and Partners)

Construction Cost:£45.5m

Commission Year:1998

Completion Year: 2003

Building Area :24,155 ㎡

資料來源、版權所有:Farrells 法雷爾
