
增強婦女權能為發展氣候的複原力創造機會 – 基莫尼奧大使


Empowering Women Creates an Opportunity for Developing Climate Resilience - Ambassador Kimonyo

增強婦女權能為發展氣候的複原力創造機會 – 基莫尼奧大使


On 8th March 2022, Rwanda’s Ambassador to China, H.E James Kimonyo participated in a symposium co-organized by UN Women China and Center for China and Globalization (CCG) in Beijing.

圍繞“今日性别平等助力明日可持續發展:性别視角下的生物多樣性和氣候變化專題研讨會”的主題,本次活動旨在建立一個平台,在氣候變化和制定環境政策和方案背景下, 分享促進性别平等的最佳做法,并确定能夠推動性别平等的氣候行動方案。

Held under the theme, ‘Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Symposium on Biodiversity and Climate Change from a Gender Perspective’, the event aimed at convening a platform for sharing best practices on gender responsive climate change, environmental policies, programmes and identify actions that enable gender just climate action.

增強婦女權能為發展氣候的複原力創造機會 – 基莫尼奧大使


Speaking during the panel discussion alongside representatives from foreign Embassies, CCG council, international organizations and the press, the Ambassador put major emphasis on the role of women in the global climate change, noting that ‘empowering rural women presents an opportunity for developing climate resilience’. He highlighted the best practices and lessons learnt from supporting women in Rwanda.


“Since 2003, when Rwanda established gender equality as a core value of our society. Women have contributed a lot to wellbeing of our society and to that of the country. Today, women hold over 60 % of the seats in Rwanda’s Parliament” Kimonyo said adding that the country has also the highest proportion of women in all other institutions.

增強婦女權能為發展氣候的複原力創造機會 – 基莫尼奧大使


According to CCG, gender inequality coupled with climate and environment crises are the greatest sustainable development challenges of our time. The climate stabilization and environmental sustainability with gender equality require different stakeholders to work together for the empowerment of all women and girls, especially in the post pandemic recovery.

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