
Tech-Tonics Advisors: 基于風險優先的資料安全方法

2016年1月19日,Tech-Tonics Advisors釋出了一個題為《A Prioritized Risk Approach to Data Security》的報告,并發表到了icrunchdatanews上。


1)我們不可能阻止(prevent)每次攻擊,我們也沒有足夠的資源保護所有的資料資産和系統。相反,新技術的應用帶來了更多的攻擊面。情況正在變得更糟,傳統的“堡壘+壕溝”(Castal and Moat)的思路無力應對目前的局面,我們必須假設我們的網絡已經遭受入侵,我們需要一套全新的安全防護思路。

2)這個全新的思路就是“遏制與響應”(Contain and Respond)。這個思路強調首先要對資産進行風險識别與排序,然後重點針對高優先級資産進行防護。而防護的方法是建立一個以資料為中心的多層次方法。

3)在進行威脅檢測方面,需要更多的情報,其實更需要更多的情境資訊(Context),通過持續監測獲得對目前安全的可見性,并使得整個遏制和響應過程更加智能(Intelligent)。這裡的智能是指超越傳統基于簽名的檢測方法的新型方法,譬如關聯分析、機器學習、進階行為分析和資料可視化(Correlations, machine learning engines and advanced behavioral

analytics and data visualization)。































A new approach to security strategy is required – one that is based

more on resilience than on prevention. It’s become more important for a

security team to quickly identify and respond to an attack to minimize

the impact of risks to the business rather than trying to prevent

attacks from occurring. The old castle-and-moat strategy simply cannot

survive the new threat landscape.

No organization can prevent every cyberattack. And none has the

resources to protect all of its data assets, devices and infrastructure

uniformly. Highly virtualized distributed computing architectures,

cloud-based applications and increasingly mobile users have opened new

attack surfaces and vectors for cybercriminals and malicious insiders by

erasing the traditional network perimeter. These bad actors exploit

vulnerabilities with more sophisticated and innovative attacks that

target privileged users who have access to valuable data assets.

The growth of containers and microservices and the emerging Internet

of Things (IoT) ushers in a new wave of apps and connected devices,

exponentially increases the amount of data at risk. These trends

marginalize the effectiveness of traditional network and perimeter

security solutions, which were designed to prevent earlier generations

of malware.

Advanced persistent attacks (APTs) succeed because many organizations

lack a cohesive security approach that might prevent or rapidly detect

an attack. Legacy stateful firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, Web

gateways, antivirus software and email anti-spam solutions have proven

to be no match for the current threat environment.

So as APTs expand targeted threat surfaces, why do organizations

still invest most of their security budget in yesterday’s preventive

technologies? Security strategy needs to focus on finding and rooting

out these modern threats.

A “Contain and Respond” Strategy

In this environment, security teams need to shift their focus – and

resources – from prevention to resilience. This entails accepting that

their organization is already compromised. This perspective better

prepares them to quickly identify an attack, contain it from spreading,

and recover from any losses – minimizing risk exposure for the business.

A holistic approach to prioritizing risks takes into account risks

across the entire organization.

A “contain and respond” security strategy starts with a holistic

approach to prioritizing risks across the organization. These risks

include business interruption, intellectual property loss, private data

theft, regulatory noncompliance, physical plant and personal injury and

reputational damage.

Instead to trying to prevent every threat, security teams target

defenses against the highest priority risks – those that can most

negatively impact operations and finances. Once risks are prioritized, a

multilayered data-centric approach establishes a secure perimeter

around the data associated with risks, locks down the data, removes risk

from privileged users and provides the information that identifies

malicious insiders and possibly compromised accounts.

Just as risks have different priorities, it follows that the

different data assets associated with those risks also have different

protection and privacy requirements. The data of highest value to

attackers – personal identifiable information, intellectual property,

customer-specific data and confidential financial information – are also

the most valuable “crown jewels” for the security team to protect.

Figure 1. Security, the Data that Underlies Prioritized Risks

Tech-Tonics Advisors: 基于風險優先的資料安全方法

Source: Tech-Tonics Advisors

As opposed to conventional security layering by infrastructure,

application, device and user, a prioritized risk approach allows the

security team to dedicate more resources and attention to the assets

that are most important to the organization. This strategy is more

proactive and intelligence-based, enabling the security team to better

secure the organization’s most valuable data assets, respond to and

remediate incidents in a timely fashion and meet GRC (governance,

regulatory, compliance) requirements.

It also helps manage escalating security and compliance costs,

including team skills. As more functionality is automated, more of the

skill set should be skewed towards intelligence – threat analytics,

forensics and incident response.

The Need for Greater Intelligence

Traditional signature-based defenses remain a core component of

security strategy, protecting against non-targeted malware. But to

protect the organization’s most valuable data assets in virtualized,

cloud and big data environments, security teams need greater visibility

and intelligence. Specifically, they need to know what data is going

into these environments, who is authorized to work with this data, when

data is attempting to leave and how this data and its users can be

monitored while adhering to GRC mandates.

Not surprisingly, the databases and data warehouses that contain the

most valuable data – and the servers they reside on – are the primary

source of breaches. As organizations increasingly integrate big data

with traditional data in their quest to gain deeper insights and improve

decision outcomes, threats to these repositories will continue to

increases, exposing the organization to more risk. Much of this data

also drives decision-making – by both people and machines. If that data

were to be tampered with the resulting decision outcomes could be


Since big data represents less than 15% of most organizations’ decision-making inputs today, it’s recommended that big data be part of broader data management and data governance initiatives.

As such, security governance should be linked with data quality and

integration components of these programs. Similarly, securing big data

should be part of a broader security strategy rather than having a

separate big data security strategy that potentially creates yet another

data silo.

Automated continuous monitoring of network traffic, application-level

awareness and user-specific rules provide granularity into activity in

the IT environment. Monitoring that is more pervasive, automated and

intelligent allows security teams to better understand risks and

prioritize threats.

Correlations, machine learning engines and advanced behavioral

analytics and data visualization create context based on granularity

about users, applications and endpoint characteristics. These allow

security teams to establish baselines of normal vs. abnormal activity.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) provide real-time visibility into

anomalous behavior patterns, driving faster and more accurate incident


Software-defined perimeter (SDP) is a relatively new protocol that

creates a next-generation access control system for the software-defined

network (SDN). A cloud-based SDP controller creates a logical boundary

around network and application resources, and only grants access to this

virtual perimeter after first authenticating user identity by their

device and permissions. Infrastructure and apps remained concealed from

potential intruders. Separating the control plane from the data plane

allows security teams to build more automated and sophisticated security

configurations and dynamically provision standardized security services

in the cloud.

The better these tools are integrated, the more of the kill chain can

be automated. Unifying disparate data points provides security teams

with more actionable intelligence to speed incident response and contain

risk. It also facilitates consolidating internal threat intelligence

and external services from the cloud and mobile networks.

Automation provides speed and scale to keep up with new architectures

and traffic growth. It improves agility and governance, reduces costs

and helps security teams mitigate human error and remediate more


People are Integral to Security Governance

Finally, because people are usually the common denominator in risks,

they should be included in security strategy – as they are in effective

data governance and disaster recovery and business continuity

initiatives. They can be made aware of their vulnerabilities, trained to

be more vigilant and incentivized to adhere to policies or penalized

for transgressions.

It’s believed that a company’s ability to demonstrate stronger

security governance relative to peers will become viewed as a

competitive advantage. This includes how it responds to a breach. How a

company informs customers, regulators and investors that an attack has

occurred and what they are doing/have done to contain it is critical to

maintaining security governance and preserving company reputation.
