
【楊明哲說英語】在國外上洗手間下面的英語表達你一定要會1. Ineedtousetherestroom.我想去洗手間。2



1. I need to use the restroom. 我想去洗手間。

2. can I use your bathroom? 能用下洗手間不?

3. where is the restroom?  洗手間在哪邊?

4. where is the john? 洗手間在哪裡?

5. where is the washroom? 哪邊是洗手間?

6. I need to pee. 我要去小便。

7. I really have to go to the bathroom. 我要去上洗手間。

8. where is the ladies’ room? / where is the men’s room?


9. I can’t hold it anymore. I have to go! 我有點急,洗手間在哪裡?

10. could you tell me where to find the nearest restroom?


額外補充幾句美國人最常用的表達, 它們的意思都是說:我要上廁所。不過這補充的幾句表達多是些俚語,大家了解一下就好,主要掌握以上十句就好,記住掌握的标準就是能随時随地表達出來,讓它們成為一種技能。

1. I need to take a whiz.

2. I am going to take a leak.

3. I have got to drain the weasel.

4. I am going to go take care of business.

5. please excuse me while I lighten my load.

6. I am heading to the powder room. 這是女士用語,比較多見。

7. I have got to hit the head.

8. I have go to see a man about a dog. 在英式英語中多見。

9. I have  got to spend a penny. 女士用語,多見于英式英語。

10. I am going to go pitch a loaf.


【楊明哲說英語】在國外上洗手間下面的英語表達你一定要會1. Ineedtousetherestroom.我想去洗手間。2
