
macosx86 Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet 網卡




現在已經有很多與你自己特定硬體(不管是聲霸卡、顯示卡、網卡、無線網卡等等,原理都一樣)的驅動,你所要修改的關鍵就是在這些.kext檔案中寫入你自己硬體的Device ID。

隻要Device ID寫對了,你再通過kextload xxxxxxxxxxx.kext指令來加載你改好的.kext驅動,如果正确的話,會現示load successfully的。

然後你就需要到"/System/Library/"目錄下清除一下kext 的cache,具體指令如下:

sudo rm /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache

kextcache -k /System/Library/Extensions


難點就兩個,第一,找到要修改的kext檔案。第二,正确的對kext檔案作修改,寫入你自己的Device ID。



At last! I get my "BroadCOM NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet" interface card work!

I identify my device-id of BCM57x in windows, it is a "165E".

And then use the method below to get it work.


Run terminal

sudo -s

cd /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext/Contents/MacOS

cp AppleBCM5701Ethernet /Users/your_account_name/Desktop


(back to Desktop)

1) right click AppleBCM5701Ethernet, Get Info.

2) change ownership & permissions as you can modify it.

3) run HexEdit, then open AppleBCM5701Ethernet

4) choose "Find & Replace" from menu.

5) Find: "66 81 FA 59 16" /Replace with: "66 81 FA 5E 16"

(my DEV_ID was 165E, you type yours at last two bytes)

6) Matching: "Hex: (<-choose this)

7) push "Replace All"

8) scroll down to 37550

9) change address 37554, 37555 of "75 71" to "EB 71"

10) then save file and quit Hex Edit.

11) change ownership & permissions as before (by Get Info)

ownership="root" and group="wheel"

12) (return to terminal)


Hope this would help if you are using the simulier device like me.


