

package cn.itcast.liukong;

public class TestThis {

 public void jump(){

  System.out.println("it's jumping now!");


 public void run(){


  this.jump();/*/d等效于裡面的代碼。this 關鍵字最大作用是讓類中一個方法,


  TestThis dog = new TestThis();


  System.out.println("it's running now!!");


public class Testdog {

  public static void main(String[]args){

   TestThis Tdog=new TestThis();



public class TestStaticthis {

   new TestStaticthis().run();//從新建立一個對象來調用非靜态方法。靜态方法無法通路非靜态方法


   /*Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:

 Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method run() from the type TestStaticthis


 at cn.itcast.liukong.TestStaticthis.main(TestStaticthis.java:5)*/

  public void run(){


public class TestRefenceTransfer {

 public static void swap(DataWrap dw){

  int tmp=dw.a;





 public static void main(String[]args){

  DataWrap dw= new DataWrap();





public class TestPrimitiveTransfer {

 public static void swap(int a ,int b){

  int tmp;




  System.out.println("a="+a+ ";b="+b);

 public static void  main(String[]args){

  int a=3;

  int b=90;



public class Resursive {

 public static int intf(int n){//此番方法需要有傳回值為×××,故 非void 而int


   return 1;

  else if (n==1)

   return 4;


   return 2*intf(n-1)+intf(n-2);//遞歸;;;


public class Person {

 public String name;

 public static int EyeNum;
