
Embedded Server nano - NanoHTTPD.java學習

Default threading strategy for NanoHTTPD.

By default, the server spawns a new Thread for every incoming request.

These are set to daemon status, and named according to the request

number. The name is useful when profiling the application.

(1) Interface AsyncRunner

Embedded Server nano - NanoHTTPD.java學習
(2) ClientHandler implements Runnable

private final InputStream inputStream;
private final Socket acceptSocket;

public void run() {
(1). get outputStream: outputStream = this.acceptSocket.getOutputStream();
(2). create temporary file: TempFileManager tempFileManager = NanoHTTPD.this.tempFileManagerFactory.create();
(3). Create HTTPSession via: session = new HTTPSession(tempFileManager, this.inputStream, outputStream, this.acceptSocket.getInetAddress())      

(3) static class Cookie

(1) public static String getHTTPTime(int days):get dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z via int days

(2) constructor: Cookie(String name, String value, int numDays)

numDays means expire days

rudimentary: 基礎的,初步的。

(4) CookieHandler:Provides rudimentary support for cookies. Doesn’t support ‘path’,

‘secure’ nor ‘httpOnly’.

(1) HashMap cookies = new HashMap();

(2) ArrayList queue = new ArrayList();

(3) Set a cookie with an expiration date from a month ago, effectively

deleting it on the client side.

public void delete(String name) {

set(name, “-delete-”, -30);


(5) DefaultAsyncRunner implements AsyncRunner


Embedded Server nano - NanoHTTPD.java學習

(1) private ThreadPoolExecutor executor;

(2) private final List running = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());

(3) exec(ClientHandler clientHandler)

a. this.running.add(clientHandler);

b. executor.execute(clientHandler);

(6) DefaultTempFile implements TempFile

(1) private final File file;

(2) private final OutputStream fstream;


public DefaultTempFile(File tempdir) throws IOException {

this.file = File.createTempFile(“NanoHTTPD-”, “”, tempdir);

this.fstream = new FileOutputStream(this.file);

(7) DefaultTempFileManager

(1) private final File tmpdir;

(2) private final List tempFiles;


this.tmpdir = new File(System.getProperty(“java.io.tmpdir”));

this.tempFiles = new ArrayList();

(1) createTempFile

(8) DefaultTempFileManagerFactory implements TempFileManagerFactory

charset, boundary,

(9) SecureServerSocketFactory implements ServerSocketFactory

(1) private SSLServerSocketFactory sslServerSocketFactory;

(2) private String[] sslProtocols;

(10) HTTPSession implements IHTTPSession

(1) params

(2) headers

(3) cookie

(4) queryParameterString;

(5) remoteIP

(6) inputStream

(7) outputStream

(8) tempFileManager


(11) Apache’s default header limit is 8KB.

// Do NOT assume that a single read will get the entire header

// at once!

(12) ServerRunnable implements Runnable