
鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (21-19) defeat the Atlanta Hawks (17-21), 134 - 118

賽後貼 湖人隊(21勝19負)134比118戰勝老鷹隊(17勝21負)




[–]Lakersmazino111 468 points 3 hours ago

4 stl and 3 blck wtf Bron


[–]Lakersotiso_niloc 308 points 4 hours ago

Dread it, run from it, 30 point LeBron arrives all the same


[–]NBAbaldwhip123 101 points 4 hours ago

The hardest choices require LeStrongest wills.


[–]Heatmasterblaster422 [score hidden] an hour ago

“I’m sorry little one” - LeBron to Trae


鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

[–]WizardsShabasileus 619 points 3 hours ago

LeBron with the casual 32/8/9/4/3. This dude is fucking unbelievable. Just like last game, people were chirping in the game thread talking about how shit he was. Then the 4th quarter came and dude put on a clinic again.


[–]Lakersrichard_golbes 170 points 3 hours ago

Thing is, he wasn't even playing bad. He was just taking (and missing) deep shots relatively late in the clock when there was no movement. If it was Steph people would be praising his gravity since his team was winning.


[–]Lakersfernandopoejr 117 points 3 hours ago

Old people need more time to warm up. He needed those first 3 quarters to jog around


[–]ThrowAwayWashAdvice 52 points 2 hours ago

Jog around while dad-dicking everyone on defense.


鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

[–]Lakersrichard_golbes 31 points 2 hours ago

Eventually they will be right, sadly. He'll be 40+ and no longer dominating and they'll say, "see. told you he was never good".


[–]WayOff_P 216 points 3 hours ago

Lakers 5-0 when he plays center lmao


[–]Lakerskrosber04 127 points 3 hours ago

With 127 ppg


[–]Heat302born 93 points 2 hours ago*

I genuinely wonder how AD feels about this considering he’s been so adamant for so long about not wanting to play center. And then 37 year old Lebron just says “can’t be that hard” and the whole team starts coming together lol


鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

[–]Knicksgianthamguy 398 points 3 hours ago

this guy should be above Steph in the MVP race (for now) given how they're playing the last 6 weeks


[–]ben_twiener 142 points 3 hours ago

Absolutely. Steph is shooting 42% from the field and less production all across the board. Lebron should be the favorite imo. This team is a bottom 3 team in the west without him.


[–]Nimbus20000620 75 points 3 hours ago

If the lakers can get into the 4th seed he’ll be seriously in the discussion fs.


[–]NetsNoobAccount123456 22 points 3 hours ago

I don’t think anyone thinks Steph has been MVP in terms of “best player” given his up and down season but the record really helps him


鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

[–]Lakerswewillbefrands4sure 284 points 4 hours ago

Bron has now scored 30 or above in 15 out of his last 20 games.


[–]lets_talk_basketball 216 points 4 hours ago

Crazy part is it seemed like his efficiency was off.. missed a lot of jumpers, yet he still shoots over 50% this guy's incredible


[–]LakersTylerdong 388 points 4 hours ago

We NEED to find the money to give Malik Monk another contract


鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

[–]Ok_Investigator24 58 points 4 hours ago

Westbrook should just give him 20 mil


[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 183 points 4 hours ago

Warriors Lakers

Trying to find money to give their minimum guy another contract.


[–]CrowdSilencer 87 points 4 hours ago

The Warriors did LAL a solid by dropping Avery.


[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 77 points 4 hours ago

I feel like we have zero regrets because we got GP2 instead.


[–]Lakersmachiavellius 47 points 4 hours ago

Which is funny because he was on the lakers at one point


鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?

[–]Hornetshaha-brad 328 points 4 hours ago

Felt like Lebron was everywhere defensively this game.


[–][CLE] LeBron JamesKingVibrant 133 points 4 hours ago

Can we start promoting this narrative more? He’s been fantastic on defense all year.


[–]Kinetik09 63 points 4 hours ago

Lebron is a victim to his own success. If he’s not playing DPOY defense, then folks don’t give him his credit. He sometimes gives up on the play to preserve his body, can’t lie about that, but somehow he’s always making plays and being a defensive playmaker when it counts. Dude is just playing the game differently from everyone else it’s kinda insane when you think about it.


鍵盤俠|詹姆斯在MVP榜上應超過庫裡 湖人沒有老詹 西部倒數前三?


