
Spring Framework 2.5釋出

版權聲明:本文為部落客chszs的原創文章,未經部落客允許不得轉載。 https://blog.csdn.net/chszs/article/details/1901406

Spring Framework 2.5釋出

Spring Framework是Java平台上非常流行的開源架構之一。

其最新的特征有:完全支援Java 6,JDBC 4,JAX-WS 2.0,基于annotation的依賴注入,在類路徑中自動檢測元件,自動配置元件作為Spring的被管對象的能力,新的AOP特征,多個Web層增強等等。另外一些值得注意的特征包括:

1)A new bean name pointcut element in AspectJ pointcut expressions;

2)Built-in support for AspectJ load-time weaving based on the LoadTime Weaver abstraction;

3)New XML configuration namespaces "context" and "jms", for maximum convenience;

4)A completely revised integration test framework, with first-class support for JUnit 4 and TestNG;

5)A new annotation-based controller model for Spring MVC supporting Servlet and Portlet environments;

6)Extended SimpleJDBCTemplate functionality, including support for named SQL parameters;

7)Officially certified WebSphere support;

8)The packaging of Srping Framework jars as OSGi-compliant bundles out of the box;

9)The ability to deploy a Spring ApplicationContext as a JCA RAR files, for headless application modules;

10)JCA 1.5 message endpoint management, for Spring-managed JMS and CCI message listeners.