
學習Maven之Maven Enforcer Plugin

學習Maven之Maven Enforcer Plugin



問題有了,該如何解決? Maven Enforcer plugin就是來解決這類問題。Enforcer可以在項目validate時,對項目環境進行檢查。


我本地配置沒有JDK1.8,按照我的期望,執行maven指令時應該會失敗。讓我們來執行指令 mvn validate 會打出如下日志告知我們JDK版本過低。

其實執行指令 mvn enforcer:enforce 也可以達到上面的效果。差別就是validate是maven全局指令,enforcer:enforce是隻執行這個插件的指令。




alwaysFail - Always fail... used to test plugin configuration.

alwaysPass - Always passes... used to test plugin configuration.

banDistributionManagement - enforces that project doesn't have distributionManagement.

bannedDependencies - enforces that excluded dependencies aren't included.

bannedPlugins - enforces that specific plugins aren't included in the build.

bannedRepositories - enforces to not include banned repositories.

banTransitiveDependencies - enforces that project doesn't have transitive dependencies.

dependencyConvergence - ensure all dependencies converge to the same version.

evaluateBeanshell - evaluates a beanshell script.

reactorModuleConvergence - enforces that a multi module build follows best practice.

requireActiveProfile - enforces one or more active profiles.

requireEnvironmentVariable - enforces the existence of an environment variable

requireFilesDontExist - enforces that the list of files does not exist.

requireFilesExist - enforces that the list of files does exist.

requireFilesSize - enforces that the list of files exists and is within a certain size range.

requireJavaVersion - enforces the JDK version.

requireMavenVersion - enforces the Maven version.

requireNoRepositories - enforces to not include repositories.

requireOS - enforces the OS / CPU Architecture.

requirePluginVersions - enforces that all plugins have a specified version.

requirePrerequisite - enforces that prerequisites have been specified.

requireProperty - enforces the existence and values of properties.

requireReleaseDeps - enforces that no snapshots are included as dependencies.

requireReleaseVersion - enforces that the artifact is not a snapshot.

requireSameVersions - enforces that specific dependencies and/or plugins have the same version.

requireUpperBoundDeps - ensures that every (transitive) dependency is resolved to it's specified version or higher.

You may also create and inject your own custom rules by following the maven-enforcer-rule-api instructions.

我們再寫一個例子。比如除了需要限制JDK外,我們還要限定maven版本,項目不得包含TestNG依賴,作業系統必須是mac os x 64位,項目版本号在執行install時必須是正式版本。



如果某些情況下不檢查環境,可以在maven指令上加一個 -Denforcer.skip=true 來跳過enforcer插件執行。

例如:mvn clean validate -Denforcer.skip=true

更多神奇的配置方式還請參閱官方網站 :http://maven.apache.org/enforcer/maven-enforcer-plugin/index.html。 



