







    一:POSIX 下的rw_lock


#include pthread.h>

#include cstdlib>

#include ctime>

#include iostream>

using namespace std;

static int count = 0;

class Test


private :

    pthread_rwlock_t rwlock;

    static void* shared_task_handler(void* arg)


        Test* testptr = static_castTest*>(arg);


        //    do the shared task here

        cout "read---count = " count endl;

        if (pthread_rwlock_unlock(&testptr->rwlock) )


            cout "read unlock error " endl;


        return NULL;


    static void * exclusive_task_handler(void * arg)


        //do the exclusive task here


        cout "write--count = " count endl;

            cout "write unlock error " endl;

public :

    typedef void* (*ThreadFunc) (void*);

    void start()


        if( pthread_rwlock_init(&rwlock,NULL) )

            cout "rwlock init error " endl;

        const int THREADS_NO = rand()%100;

        pthread_t* threads = new pthread_t[THREADS_NO];

        for(int i = 0; i THREADS_NO; ++i)

            ThreadFunc tmpfunc = rand() % 2 ? shared_task_handler : exclusive_task_handler;

            if (pthread_create(threads+i,NULL,tmpfunc,this))


                cerr "pthread_create fails" endl;




        for(int i=0; iTHREADS_NO; i++)


        delete[] threads;


int main()

    Test tmptest;




lee@lee-desktop:~/share$ ./posix_read_write_lock

write--count = 1

write--count = 2

write--count = 3

read---count = 3

write--count = 4

read---count = 4

write--count = 5

write--count = 6

read---count = 6

write--count = 7

write--count = 8

read---count = 8

write--count = 9

write--count = 10

read---count = 10

write--count = 11

write--count = 12

write--count = 13

write--count = 14

write--count = 15

read---count = 15

    二:利用pthread_cond_*  &  pthread_mutex_* 實作rw_lock

class RWLock

    pthread_mutex_t cnt_mutex;

    pthread_cond_t rw_cond;

    int rd_cnt, wr_cnt;

    RWLock(const RWLock&);

    RWLock& operator= (const RWLock&);

    RWLock(): rd_cnt(0),wr_cnt(0)

        pthread_mutex_init(&cnt_mutex, NULL);

        pthread_cond_init(&rw_cond, NULL);

    void get_shared_lock()


        while (wr_cnt >0)




    void release_shared_lock()


        if (0 == rd_cnt)


    void get_exclusive_lock()

        while (rd_cnt + wr_cnt>0)


    void release_exclusive_lock()






    RWLock lock;






lee@lee-desktop:~/share$ ./read_write_lock

read---count = 0

read---count = 1

read---count = 11

read---count = 13

write--count = 16

write--count = 17

write--count = 18

write--count = 19

read---count = 19

write--count = 20

read---count = 20

write--count = 21

read---count = 21

write--count = 22

read---count = 22

write--count = 23

read---count = 23

write--count = 24

read---count = 24

write--count = 25

write--count = 26

write--count = 27

write--count = 28

read---count = 28

write--count = 29

write--count = 30

read---count = 30

write--count = 31

read---count = 31

write--count = 32

read---count = 32

write--count = 33

read---count = 33

write--count = 34

write--count = 35


