
linux 下加挂硬碟的具體做法

linux 下加挂硬碟的具體做法

實驗環境 VMware 6.5 +redhat Enterprise linux 5


1 :先加挂一塊硬碟

2 :建立分區

3 :格式化硬碟

4 :設定卷标

5 :建立挂載點

6 :挂載 (自動,手動)



[root@localhost ~]# fdisk /dev/sdb


Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel

Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only,

until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous

content won't be recoverable.

Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)

Command (m for help):


Command (m for help): m

Command action

a toggle a bootable flag

b edit bsd disklabel

c toggle the dos compatibility flag

d delete a partition

l list known partition types

m print this menu

n add a new partition

o create a new empty DOS partition table

p print the partition table

q quit without saving changes

s create a new empty Sun disklabel

t change a partition's system id

u change display/entry units

v verify the partition table

w write table to disk and exit

x extra functionality (experts only)

 輸入 p 顯示<b>硬碟</b>分割情形。

 輸入 a 設定<b>硬碟</b>啟動區。

 輸入 n 設定新的<b>硬碟</b>分割區。

 輸入 e <b>硬碟</b>為[延伸]分割區(extend)。

 輸入 p <b>硬碟</b>為[主要]分割區(primary)。

 輸入 t 改變<b>硬碟</b>分割區屬性。

 輸入 d 删除<b>硬碟</b>分割區屬性。

 輸入 q 結束不存入<b>硬碟</b>分割區屬性。

輸入 w 結束并寫入<b>硬碟</b>分割區屬性

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/sdb: 4294 MB, 4294967296 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 522 cylinders

Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System


Command (m for help): n

e extended

p primary partition (1-4)



Partition number (1-4):

分區号 輸入1

Partition number (1-4): 1

First cylinder (1-522, default 1):


First cylinder (1-522, default 1): 1

Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-522, default 522): +4000M

這裡我們按大小輸入 即+4000M (注意這個M為大寫)

Command (m for help): P

/dev/sdb1 1 487 3911796 83 Linux

Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Syncing disks.

[root@localhost ~]#


下一步 格式化

[root@localhost ~]# mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1

mke2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)

Filesystem label=

OS type: Linux

Block size=4096 (log=2)

Fragment size=4096 (log=2)

489600 inodes, 977949 blocks

48897 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user

First data block=0

Maximum filesystem blocks=1002438656

30 block groups

32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group

16320 inodes per group

Superblock backups stored on blocks:

32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736

Writing inode tables: done

Creating journal (16384 blocks): done

Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 33 mounts or

180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

輸入mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1


[root@localhost ~]# e2label /dev/sdb1 /test

這裡/test 就是在根下起了個名字,


[root@localhost ~]# mkdir /test

下一步 設定開機自動挂載

[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/fstab

<a href="http://yuzeying.blog.51cto.com/attachment/200904/23/644976_1240466518gFId.jpg"></a>


<a href="http://yuzeying.blog.51cto.com/attachment/200904/23/644976_1240466520qVnt.jpg"></a>

LABEL=/test /test ext3 defaults 1 2




[root@localhost ~]# reboot

<a href="http://yuzeying.blog.51cto.com/attachment/200904/23/644976_1240466523b9d6.jpg"></a>


[root@localhost /]# df

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda2 6092388 1990056 3787860 35% /

/dev/sda3 988116 17700 919412 2% /home

/dev/sda1 46633 10277 33948 24% /boot

tmpfs 517660 0 517660 0% /dev/shm

/dev/sdb1 3850292 73248 3581456 3% /test

[root@localhost /]#

統計一下分區使用情況,ok 實驗成功

本文轉自 yuzeying1 51CTO部落格,原文連結:http://blog.51cto.com/yuzeying/152584
