
指南--安裝 NVU HTML 編輯器

At the moment NVU is not in universe. If you want to use NVU you need to install it manually. 


1. First go to the Nvu homepage and download the tarball with the binary for Linspire in it. 


It is made for a different version of debian, but it will work. The name of the tarball is:nvu-0.60-pc-linux2.4.23-gnu.tar.bz2. 


Ubuntu PPC:If you are using the PPC version of Ubuntu Linux, you need to download the file nvu-0.60.ppc.tar.gz instead. Downloading the file mentioned above will not work! 

buntu PPC:如果你正在使用Ubuntu Linux的PPC版本,那你則需要下載下傳的檔案名為nvu-0.60.ppc.tar.gz。下載下傳上面提及的檔案将不能正常工作。 

If you need a localized version of NVU, download the packages from a special page: 


* German: Deutsche Nvu Seite.(德語版) 

* French: Traduction Française de Nvu(法語版) 

* Italian: Nvu Italia(意大利版) 

2. Next you need to extract the contents of the tarball. Start a terminal session. Go to the directory where you saved the tarball and issue the following command: 

2. 接下來您需要将tarball包解壓。打開終端對話框,進入封包件所在的目錄并運作以下指令: 

sudo tar xvfj nvu-0.60-pc-linux2.4.23-gnu.tar.bz2 -C /opt/ 

Ubuntu PPC:The PPC version of NVU is compressed using Gp. The command to decompress it is: 

Ubuntu PPC:NVU的PPC版是用Gp壓縮的,解壓指令如下: 

sudo tar -xvzf nvu-0.60.ppc.tar.gz -C /opt/ 

3. NVU needs some extra libraries that are not installed by default, so you will need to enable the universe repository in Synaptic, do a reload and then search for the following package: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 

3. NVU需要一些庫檔案的支援,這些庫檔案預設并沒有被安裝,是以您需要在Synaptic中激活universe軟體庫,重新整理并搜尋libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2封包件。 

Ubuntu PPC:For the PPC version, you need to install libstdc++5 and libstdc++6. There is no such package as libstdc++2.10-glic2.2 on PPC. 

Ubuntu PPC:對于PCC版本而言,您要安裝 libstdc++5 和 libstdc++6封包件,因為在PCC中并沒有libstdc++2.10-glic2.2封包件。 

NOTE: There maybe other libraries necessary to make NVU work, I have installed many unofficial packages and therefore have installed many libraries to make things work. When I installed NVU, this was the only library that was missing, but there could be more. If you find out that more are needed, please update this How To. 

注意:要使NVU正常運作可能還需要其他一些庫檔案,我已經安裝了很多非官方包因而為使其正常運作已 安裝了不少庫檔案。在我安裝NVU時,就僅僅隻有剩下一個庫檔案沒裝了,但應該還需要一些庫檔案的。如果你發現還需要其他的庫檔案,請更新這個HOWTO 

4. So with NVU installed and (hopefully) dependencies resolved, lets see if it works, type the following command into the command line: 

4. 這樣NVU就被安裝好了,并且依賴關系也解決了(希望是),如果要它運作的話,在指令行中鍵入下面的指令: 


* If there are no dependencies missing, then it should fire up the NVU HTML editor and we can move on to adding this program to your menu. 

* 如果沒有依賴關系問題,它将啟動NVU HTML編輯器,那麼我們可以繼續下一步,将其移到您的菜單中。 

* If it does not start, take note of the missing library, and search Synaptic for it and install it. Repeat the above step until NVU runs. 

* 如果程式沒有啟動,那麼用Synaptic找到并安裝程式所需的庫檔案,然後重複上述動作直至程式正常運作。 

5. We now have NVU running from the command line, so lets add it to the menu. 


6. We are only allowed to add items to second level menu's. So this will explain how to add it to the menu. Since just about everyone has an Internet menu, I will show you how to add it to that menu, the same technique can be used to add it to any of the other menus. 

6. 我們僅被允許在二級菜單中添加菜單項,是以下面将說明如何将其添加進菜單。因為幾乎每個人都有一個Internet菜單,是以我将示範如何将它添加到該菜單中,同樣的方法可以使您将其添加到任何其他的菜單中。 

* Click on the Applications menu, then click Internet 

* 單擊應用程式菜單,然後點選Internet 

* Right Click anywhere in the Internet menu and select Entire menu 

* 在Internet菜單中的任意地方點選右鍵,并選擇整個菜單 

* From the Entire Menu select the Add new item to this menu option 

* 在整個菜單中選擇在本菜單中添加菜單項 

* A dialog box should now pop up called Create Launcher 

* 彈出名為" Create Launcher"的對話框 

* In the Name field enter NVU HTML Editor 

* 在名稱文本框中填入 NVU HTML編輯呂 

* In the Generic Name field enter nvu 

* 在通用名文本框中填入NVU 

* In the Command field enter 

* 在指令文本框中填入 


* Click on the No icon area and select an icon from those displayed. You can use the NVU icon by clicking on the choose button. Then use the following path 

* 點選無圖示區域并在展示的圖示清單中選擇一個圖示,你也可以通過點選選擇按鈕輸下面的路徑來使用NVU的圖示 

 '/opt/nvu-0.60/icons' and choose 'mocon50.xpm'. 

* Click Ok and then click Ok again and you should now have a new menu item. 

* 單擊OK并再次單擊OK,現在您就有了一個新的菜單項了。 

本文轉自 firehare 51CTO部落格,原文連結:http://blog.51cto.com/firehare/588085,如需轉載請自行聯系原作者
