
QTP Test ,VAPI-XP Test,LR Test 和ALM 內建遠端分布式執行遇到的“access is denied ” “unspecified error”問題

大家都知道QTP與ALM (QC的更新版)內建是最好的一個分布式執行的結合。因為畢竟QTP是一個商業軟體,HP當然不會讓你去跟其他的open source的工具去內建,要不他到哪裡去掙錢。

有時候伺服器端的ALM 也安裝好了,QTP也配置好了,可能運作的時候就是總是報一些無關緊要的操作。


本地直接運作QTP test 或者是LR test在ALM中沒有問題。可是從遠端的機器上運作QTP test就報“Access is denied ” ,”unspecified error” 或者是“host is not available”.這個如果你确定了你ALM的的用戶端與遠端的運作腳本的機器通信正常,那麼很可能這裡的原因就是DCOM 的配置導緻的問題。

參考HP的官網有一段說明是如何配置執行腳本的機器上的DCOM 以便ALM 可以遠端運作QTP類型或者是VAPI-XP ,System-test類型或者是LoadRunner 類型的測試.

The DCOM we need to follow is  just the HP document as described  as blow:

<a href="http://support.openview.hp.com/selfsolve/document/KM187086">http://support.openview.hp.com/selfsolve/document/KM187086</a>


你需要下載下傳一個DCOM的 配置工具:


下面的這個是我對這個問題的一個調查結果,直接email給了我的manager(這個配置可以跨域運作你的機器,也就是說運作機器和你的ALM 用戶端不一定是在一個域上也是可以運作的,隻要DCOM 權限配置好了就沒問題。不像有的人說的那樣,需要在運作腳本的機器上配置目前的使用者加入到目前的域中,并且給這個使用者一個DCOM remote run的權限。告訴你,這個完全沒必要):

For the investigation about remote QTP test or VAPI-XP test performed from PCs ,some info as blow(We call the ALM browser execution host with’ host 1’,and called the planning run the test with ‘host 2’): For VAPI-XP type test , as blow: 1,’Host 1 ‘ logged with administrator password L0ngh)rn, ‘Host 2’ logged from console with qatest password L0ngh)rn, VAPI-test running status will show from vsphere console; 2,’Host 1’ logged with administrator password L0ngh)rn,’Host 2’ logged from console with qatest password L0ngh)rn, and ‘Host 2’ had not logged with user Administrator, the VAPI-TEST will run from console with user qatest; 4,’Host 1’ logged with alter password L0ngh)rn,’Host 2’ logged from console with qatest password L0ngh)rn, and ‘Host 2 ’ had not logged with user administrator, the VAPI-TEST will show “access is denied”; For QTP type test ,as blow: 1,’Host 1’ logged with qatest password L0ngh)rn ,’Host 2’ logged from console with Administrator password L0ngh)rn,and ‘Host 2’ had not configured these DCOM objects(as default):    AQTRmtAgent   QuickTest Professional Automation TlpRmtServer The QTP test can run from the ALM ; 2,Some other validation as the VAPI-XP script . So all in all ,if we want to run any QTP Test or VAPI-XP test ,it’s better to make sure that the ALM execution host and running host had logged with the same user ID and user password . If not ,maybe we need to create a new account in the host and for the QTP test we also need to configure these DCOM :   AQTRmtAgent,QuickTest Professional Automation,TlpRmtServer . Find something as blow: · For QTP type test ,we can execute the test from our PCs, before we can run the QTP test we need to configure the remote execute host with the correct DCOM and turning off the firewall. But all these we had done in our every hosts. So we no need to configure anything in the planning run host .what we need to do is using FQDN when we execute the ALM test from ALM browser:
QTP Test ,VAPI-XP Test,LR Test 和ALM 內建遠端分布式執行遇到的“access is denied ” “unspecified error”問題
      As we had run the QTP DCOM setting before ( from start menu-&gt;HP Quick test Professional -&gt;Tools-&gt;Additional Installation requirements) ,so all the DCOM for QTP (AQTRmtAgent, QuickTest Professional Automation,TlpRmtServer ) had been modified as we need so the ALM can run the remote QTP test from local PC; · For VAPI-XP type test, we can execute the test from our PCs, but we need to make sure that our PCs had logged the same credential   with the remote execute host(like here: pdeauto75.irl.hp.com).That’s mean your PCs need to create two same accounts(‘qatest’ and ‘Administrator’ with the same password ‘L0ngh0rn’) and logged the system with this account ,and then log to ALM project ,run the VAPI-XP test, it will perform correctly. Whether we had configured the VAPI DCOM showed here:
QTP Test ,VAPI-XP Test,LR Test 和ALM 內建遠端分布式執行遇到的“access is denied ” “unspecified error”問題
       This configure seems did not make any sense for running the remote VAPI test .if your PC had not logged with qatest or Administrator ,it will show the error “Access is denied” And the password need to log with  ‘L0ngh)rn’ after you had configured the   above DCOM for VAPI-XP . So for QTP type test we can performed from PCs with your network credential ,but for VAPI-XP test you need to make sure that the PC had logged with ‘qatest’ or ‘administrator’ account.



3,after you register the HP ALM client again ,refresh the DCOM to make sure that the VAPI-XP DCOM had reconfigured correctly , you can run the command “dcomcnfg” from start Menu , While still in the Component Services window, navigate to Console Root -&gt; Component Services -&gt; Computers -&gt; My Computer -&gt; DCOM Config ,navigate to the “{FCB69899-EC52-4A7A-86DB-3655E9FDBA58}” <b>to</b> make sure that the local path had updated to the latest VAPI remote  executable  as blow:

QTP Test ,VAPI-XP Test,LR Test 和ALM 內建遠端分布式執行遇到的“access is denied ” “unspecified error”問題

4,run the attach file to reconfigure the VAPI DCOM object in the remote target host

5,rerun the VAPI test from your ALM client. I think it will ok.

QTP Test ,VAPI-XP Test,LR Test 和ALM 內建遠端分布式執行遇到的“access is denied ” “unspecified error”問題

本文轉自hcy's workbench部落格園部落格,原文連結:http://www.cnblogs.com/alterhu/p/3190934.html,如需轉載請自行聯系原作者。