

{"info":{"title":{"content":"澳門沒有割讓給葡萄牙,為何遲遲沒有回歸?因條約中有兩個關鍵字","en":"Macao was not ceded to Portugal, so why has it not been returned? There are two keywords in the treaty"},"description":{"content":"香港和澳門都是在晚清時期被分割出去的,不過從性質上來講,香港和澳門又不一樣。《南京條約》中,我們看到有“割讓香港”的這一...","en":"Hong Kong and Macau were both separated in the late Qing Dynasty, but in nature, Hong Kong and Macau are different. In the Treaty of Nanking, we see that there is this \"cession of Hong Kong\"."}},"items":[]}