
Ubuntu notes

ubuntu notes

1. backup data

2. Basics Ubuntu

3. Install, uninstall packages

4. Basic Unix

5. Glossary

6. FAQ

6.1. sudo: unable to resolve host

6.2. check packages installed

6.3. Ubuntu on lenovo ideapad 100s

6.3.1. system does not have any USB boot option, please select other boot option in Boot manager menu

6.4. killing unnecessary processes

6.5. Image Converter

6.6. images to video

7. screen recording on Ubuntu

7.0.1. byzanz

8. Packages

8.1. extract a page from a multiple pages pdf

8.2. Mendeley

8.3. Light Ubuntu OS

8.4. Python

8.5. Octave: matlab alternative

8.6. video Download

8.7. Transmission

8.8. PDF viewer

8.9. Tor Browser on Ubuntu 16.04

8.10. Thunderbird

8.10.1. office 365

8.10.2. add Gmail account to thunderbird

8.11. To set up Thunderbird to sync to your Outlook.com account’s email:

8.12. Outlook 365

9. Update

10. Chinese input

10.1. fcitx

10.2. Sougou input

11. Resilio sync

11.1. installation

11.2. reset my WebUI password

12. Commands

12.1. make

13. Package Manager

13.1. dpkg

14. BEM code

14.1. compiling

15. Introduction

16. update

17. Resilio sync

18. change directory

19. list files

20. copy, delete and remove

21. SSH Shell

22. file format

22.1. Bourne Shell Script

23. Error Log

23.1. -bash: ./foo.sh: Permission denied.

23.2. When adding shared folder with btsync: “Don't have permissions to write to selected folder”

24. FAQ

CHAPTER 32 Backing Up Data, Keir Thomas, Beginning Ubuntu linux


Simple Backup Suite (SBackup


extract <code>.tar.gz</code> file in Ubuntu

Compress an Entire Directory or a Single File

<code>tar cvzf example.tar.gz /path/to/directory</code> -c: Create an archive -z: Compress the archive with g*z*ip -v: dispaly progress in the terminal -f: specify the *f*ilename of the archive

Extract an Archive

<code>tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz</code>

cutting, copying and pasting in terminal Ubuntu X #cutting C # copying Ctrl+Shift+V #pasting

sudo apt-get install packagename

sudo apt-get remove packagename

sudo apt-get purge packagename #remove package and dependencies


<code>pwd</code> #print Working Directory

<code>ls</code> #prints filenames in a list

ls -a #prints all filenames, including hidden files

ls -l #'long' list, displays info including permissions.

ls -h #prints the sizes of files in units you can read

ls -tr #t for time sorted, r for reverse

cd ~/ # return to <code>home directory</code>

cd ../ # move up one directory

mkdir [foldername] # make directory



<dd>personal package archives</dd>


use dpkg , a package manager for Ubuntu

To check a specified package:

$ dpkg -s [package name]

To list all packages:

$ dpkg-query -l

default windows, UEFI, only allow to disable secure boot,

do not have BIOS compatibility mode

Turn off the machine

Press the recovery button next to the HDD light.

Select BIOS Setup

In configuration, turn off Secure boot, select Reset to Setup Mode.

Press F10 to save and exit.

Turn off the machine again, press the recovery button.

Select Boot Menu

Select Ubuntu under EFI Boot Devices.

keywords: background process, kill

To list all processes:

ps -ef

From the terminal, <code>ps -ef</code> will list all the processes. See man ps. See man kill, man 2 kill, man killall, man nice, man pkill, man renice, man 7 signal, and man skill to mess with processes. However, simply killing a process that you think is useless may be a mistake. The system might restart the process, or something you depend on might depend on the process you killed. Learn what the processes do, and look at etc/init and /etc/init.d, /etc/rc?.d, man service to see how processes are started by the system.

change image format

eps to pdf &gt; epstopdf package &gt; epstopdf [options] [epsfile]

use <code>avconv</code>



avconv -r 10 -startnumber 8 -i filename_%d.png -b:v 1000k test.mp4

avconv -i v_%d.png -b:v 1000k velocity.mp4


<dd>input file</dd>



https://libav.org/avconv.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16315192/avconv-make-a-video-from-a-subset-on-images



-recordmydesktop https://www.ubuntupit.com/15-best-linux-screen-recorder-and-how-to-install-those-on-ubuntu/ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ScreenCasting

To record full screen on a 24 inch monitor:

<code>$byzanz-record --duration=10 -c --width=1920 --height=1080 test1.gif</code>


coordinates start from the left corner

<code>byzanz-record -d 20 -c -x 0 -y 0 -w 700 -h 550 -v out.gif</code>

where -d : duration : 20 seconds to be recorded -c : cursor also to be recorded -x : left co-ordinate of the recording rectangle -y : right co-ordinate of the recording rectangle -w : width of the recoding rectangle -h : height of the recording rectangle -v : verbose output out.gif : output file name

To launch a terminal $ byzanz-record –help

which returns:

Three shell scripts:

byzanz-record-window –&gt; to select a window for recording

byzanz-record-region –&gt; to select a part of the screen for recording

a simple GUI front-end for 1, by MHC



To check xxPackage installation path

<code>dpkg -L &lt;packagename&gt;</code>

the terminal responding as:


use <code>pdftk</code> package

<code>pdftk full-pages.pdf cat 1 output outfile_1.pdf</code>

in the above command, input file is <code>full-pages.pdf</code>, you extract page 1 and save it as <code>outfile_1.pdf</code>


linux lite


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python3.6



<code>you-get</code> package To upgrade <code>you-get</code>: &gt; $ pip3 install –upgrade you-get

$ you-get -i 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw'

then you can see all formats and their corresponding tags, download a specified video format.

$ you-get –itag=18 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNQXAC9IVRw'

download a BitTorrent https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TransmissionHowTo#Transmission

Okular set default pdf viewer

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/tor-browser

sudo apt-get install tor-browser https://www.linuxbabe.com/desktop-linux/install-tor-browser-on-ubuntu-16-04-via-ppa

first enable IMAP on your Gmail account. See Gmail's instructions for help. (IMAP is enabled on new Gmail accounts by default.)

On your computer, open Gmail. In the top right, click Settings Settings. Click Settings. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. In the "IMAP Access" section, select Enable IMAP. Click Save Changes.

Step 2: Change SMTP &amp; other settings in your email client

<code>File &gt; New &gt; Existing Mail Account</code>

The "Mail Account Setup" dialog is displayed. After you provide your account information (real name, email address and password), Thunderbird will automatically configure your Gmail connection. Click Done, sign in with your Google account if prompted and that's all! Thunderbird will download your existing messages and your Gmail will be ready to use.

Use the table below to update your client with the correct information. For help updating your settings, search your email client's Help Center for instructions on setting up IMAP.

Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server:


Requires SSL: Yes

Port: 993

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server


Requires TLS: Yes (if available)

Requires Authentication: Yes

Port for SSL: 465

Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587 Full Name or Display Name Your name Account Name, User name, or Email address Your full email address Password Your Gmail password


Open Thunderbird.

From the Application menu, choose Add Account…

Input your account information, choose Options… then Account Settings…

Click the Account Actions button, then choose Add Mail Account…

Input your account information.

Click Continue.

Click Manual config.

Set the Incoming settings as follows:

a. Server hostname: imap-mail.outlook.com. (smtp.office365.com)

b. Port: 993.


d. Authentication: Normal password.

Set the Outgoing settings as follows:

a. Server hostname: smtp-mail.outlook.com. (smtp.office365.com)

b. Port: 587.


Click Done.

For more information on connecting your app to Outlook.com, visit this link: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/outlook/send-receive-from-app.

Start your Thunderbird client.

Go to Tools and then Account Settings…

Select Account Actions and then Add Mail Account…

Enter Your name and your QMUL Email address (eg [email protected]) and QMUL Password.

Don’t forget to tick the Remember password option before clicking Continue.

If successful you will be able to click Done to complete the email set up and start using your account.

Thunderbird may not automatically find the settings and the following error message will appear:

'Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account.'

Amend Incoming IMAP server hostname to ‘outlook.office365.com’ and Outgoing SMTP to ‘smtp.office365.com’.

Change the Incoming port to 993 and the Outgoing port to 587.

Change the Incoming SSL to ‘SSL/TLS’ and the Authentication to ‘Normal Password’, and the Outgoing SSL to ‘Autodetect’ and Authentication to ‘Autodetect’.

Amend the entry for Username to your QMUL username including the '@qmul.ac.uk' suffix (eg [email protected]).

Click Re-Test.

13 .Click Done to complete the email set up and start using your account.


sudo apt update &amp;&amp; sudo apt upgrade

install fcitx

<code>sudo apt install fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin</code>

After that, launch Language Support utility and select use Fcitx:

Finally restart your computer and you’ll see a keyboard icon in panel. Go to Configure (see menu in the top picture) and do:

click the bottom left plus icon. uncheck “show current language” scroll down and choose an IM you want finally click OK.

Install fcitx &gt; sudo apt install fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-table-wbpy fcitx-pinyin fcitx-sunpinyin



To reset login and password settings, follow these steps:

Quit Sync and close WebUI.

Go to the Sync storage folder Linux packages:

var/lib/resilio-sync if launched as default rslsync user. /home/username.config/resilio-sync/storage if launched as current user.

Locate and remove the following files:

settings.dat settings.dat.old

Once the files are removed, restart Sync, open WebUI and enter your new login and password.


<dd>is the command and system call which may change the access permissions to file system objects.</dd>


<dd>Control the systemd system and service manager</dd>


<dd>a build automation tool that automatically builds</dd>

executable programs and libraries from source code


<dd>a package manager for <code>Debian-based</code> systems.</dd>

It can install, remove, and build packages, but unlike other package management systems, it cannot automatically download and install packages or their dependencies.

<dt>(no term)</dt>

<dd>you can install a local .deb ile by entering:</dd>

sudo dpkg -i example.deb

Change=example.deb=to the actual file name of the local .deb file you wish to install.

2 . Uninstalling a package can be accomplished by:

sudo dpkg -r zip

Uninstalling packages using dpkg, in most cases, is NOT recommended. It is better to use a package manager that handles dependencies to ensure that the system is in a consistent state. For example using dpkg -r zip will remove the zip package, but any packages that depend on it will still be installed and may no longer function correctly.


&gt;f95 waketudk.f dynaero.f #compile TUDK model &gt;f95 wakegh.f dynaero.f # GH model

sudo apt-get update # Fetches the list of available updates sudo apt-get upgrade # Strictly upgrades the current packages sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # Installs updates (new ones)

Installing Resilio Sync on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 16.10 via Official Repository

Open up a terminal window and edit the sources.list file with nano or your preferred text editor.

&gt;&gt; sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Append the following APT line at the end of this file.

&gt;&gt; deb http://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/deb resilio-sync non-free Save and close the file.

In order for APT to authenticate packages from the above repository, we need to import Resilio Sync’s public key. First download the public key with wget.

&gt;&gt; wget https://linux-packages.resilio.com/resilio-sync/key.asc

Then import the public key with apt-key.

&gt;&gt; sudo apt-key add key.asc

update local package index and install Resilio Sync.

&gt;&gt; sudo apt update

&gt;&gt; sudo apt install resilio-sync

Managing Resilio Sync

To start Resilio Sync, use systemctl command.

sudo systemctl start resilio-sync

And enable auto start at boot time using the following command:

sudo systemctl enable resilio-sync

Check its status.

systemctl status resilio-sync

jack Ali

cd #change directory format: cd [option] [directory] cd ./ #current folder cd .. # upper folder cd ~ #home directory pwd #print working directory mkdir #make directory rmdir #remove directory cd - #last directory

ls #list files/folder in the current directory

cp #copy rm #remove mv #move

Working with the Shell

extension: <code>.sh</code>

I have a script called foo.sh in my home folder.

When I navigate to this folder, and enter ./foo.sh, I get

-bash: ./foo.sh: Permission denied.

When I use sudo ./foo.sh, I get

sudo: foo.sh: command not found.

Why does this happen and how I can fix it?

If your btsync is run by the user named btsync, you should actually add your folder's owner to btsync:

chown -R btsync foldername

Or if you're using resilio you should change folder owner to relsync:

chown -R rslsync foldername

Author: kemina

Created: 2019-03-19 Tue 22:26

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)


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