


螞蟻與屎殼郎(Ants and shells)



In summer, other animals live leisurely, with only ants running around the fields, collecting wheat and barley, and storing their winter food. He was surprised to ask him why he was so hard-working. The ant didn't say anything at the time. Winter came, the heavy rain washed away the cow dung, hungry shell, went to the ants to beg for food, ants said to him: Hey, man, if I was working, you are not criticizing me, but also to do work, now will not go hungry. ”

The implication: Despite all the changes, people who plan ahead can avoid disaster.

螞蟻與鴿子(Ants and pigeons)



Thirsty ants, climbing to the spring to drink water, unfortunately washed away by the rapids. Near drowning, the pigeon saw him, hurriedly broke a branch, thrown into the water, the ants quickly climbed up, out of danger. Later, a bird catcher came up and caught the pigeon with a stick. When the ants saw it, they took a bite out of the bird catcher's foot. The bird catcher lost the stick in pain and the pigeon ran away immediately.

Meaning: People should know the Entu newspaper.

