
[AngularFire 2] Joins in Firebase

Lets see how to query Firebase.

First thing, when we do query, 'index' will always help, for both SQL and NoSQL. 

In Firebase, we can also set index on props, for example we want to set an 'index' on 'courses' --> 'url' prop, we will use 'url' to locate course object.

[AngularFire 2] Joins in Firebase

How to set up index?

In Firebase console --> database --> Rules:

[AngularFire 2] Joins in Firebase

We tell Firebase, for 'courses' document, we want to set index on 'url'.

After setting up index, then how can we do query?

We need to pass 'query' object for searching course. Notice we are using 'orderByChild' and 'equalTo'.

Get courses' lessons:

We have a document 'lessonsPreCourse' to maintain the lessons which course includes:

[AngularFire 2] Joins in Firebase

This is normalize the dataset, to avoid nest array.

After getting 'lessonsPreCourse', we are going to get all the lessons in 'lessons' document.

Then in the UI, we can use 'async' pipe to show the lessons:
