
Fabric V1 交易的生命周期

Fabric V1 交易的生命周期

Fabric v1 Transaction Lifecycle

1 Client application creates tran proposeal (chinacode function and arguments) and sends to endorsing peer(s).

2 Endorsing peer executes chinacode,generates ReadWriteSet based on keys that were read and written.

3 Endorsing peer(s) send back proposal response(including ReadWriteSet) to client application

4 Client application may or may not submit as a transaction to ordering service.Transaction includes ReadWriteSet from proposal response

5 If client application submitted as transaction,ordering service packages the transaction into a block of ordered transactions.

6 Blocks are delivered to committing peers(including the original endorsing peers).

7 Committing peer

-runs validation logic(VSCC to check endorsement policy,and MVCC to check that ReadSet versions haven't changed in State DB since simulation time)

-indicates in block which trans are valid and invalid.

-commits block to blockchina on file system,and commits valid transactions within block to state database 'atomically'

-fires events so that application client listening via SDK knows which transactions were valid/invalid

1 、用戶端應用 建立一個交易标的(鍊碼方法和參數) 并且發送到認證節點;

2、 認證節點執行鍊碼,生成基于密鑰的讀寫設定操作。

3、 認證節點傳回标的資訊(包括讀寫設定)給用戶端,

4、 用戶端可以采取 送出或者不送出交易到訂閱服務。交易資訊包括 從上述傳回答複的讀寫設定。




-運作校驗邏輯(VSSCC 校驗認可擔保協定,MVCC去校驗讀寫版本時還沒有改變區域資料庫直到模拟時間)


