
liunx系統環境下,爆出該錯誤"org.eclipse.wst.validation" has been removed解決辦法

導出maven工程遇到的問題,<code>"org.eclipse.wst.validation" has been removed,還以為是工程本身的問題,後來發現是eclipse的問題。</code>


 把D:\kaola\kaolaWorkSpace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings 下的org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs 删除就可以了 




Same probleme here, there the solution I fix it

Open the <code>.project</code> file with your prefered text editor.

delete the node that is about "org.eclipse.wst.validation"

Close your project

Open your project

Launch Maven Update...

Should be good.

Another way to fix it, if you don't want to change your .project config (or if you had several projects that must be fixed)

Close your workspace (or eclipse)

-move out <code>&lt;WorkspaceDir&gt;\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects</code> from the workspace directory

-reopen you workspace

close it again

-move back the .projects dir (say yes to replace questions ? )

open you workspace

Launch Maven Update

Should be good


It appears that deleting the file org.eclipse.wst.validation.prefs in the directory .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings (default settings for workspace) or .settings in each individual project will cause the settings for validation to be reset to their original settings. You can then use validation without getting error messages and try resetting the options from there. However, I'm not sure what combination of settings would cause the problem to reappear. However, if it does, you can repeat the process.
