


import java.util.hashtable;

import javax.naming.context;

import javax.naming.namingenumeration;

import javax.naming.namingexception;

import javax.naming.directory.attribute;

import javax.naming.directory.attributes;

import javax.naming.ldap.initialldapcontext;

import javax.naming.ldap.ldapcontext;


* this is a tool class for connecting to ldap.

* @author jason


public class copyofconnldap {

    //store the connected information

    private hashtable env = null;

    //ldap context

    private ldapcontext ctx = null;

    //set some connected information

    private string initial_context_factory = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.ldapctxfactory";

    private string provider_url = "ldap://";

    private string security_authentication = "simple";

    private string security_principal = "cn=視訊會議組,ou=機關服務部,ou=資訊技術服務中心,ou=集團公司機關,dc=cnpc,dc=com,dc=cn";

    private string security_credentials = "sphy321";

    public static void main(string[] args) {

     copyofconnldap con=new copyofconnldap();

     try {

      ldapcontext ctxs = con.connectldap();

      attributes attrs = ctxs.getattributes("cn=itest,ou=資訊技術服務中心,ou=集團公司機關,dc=cnpc,dc=com,dc=cn");

      for (namingenumeration ae = attrs.getall(); ae.hasmore();) {

              attribute attr = (attribute) ae.next();

              system.out.println("attribute: " + attr.getid());

     for (namingenumeration e = attr.getall(); e.hasmore(); system.out.println("value: " + e.next()));


     } catch (namingexception e) {

      // todo auto-generated catch block


    /** creates a new instance of connldap */

    public copyofconnldap() {

        env = new hashtable();



     * connect to ldap and initialize the ldap context.

     * @throws javax.naming.namingexception if connect fail,throw this exception.


    public ldapcontext connectldap()throws namingexception{

        //set the initializing information of the context

        env.put(context.initial_context_factory, initial_context_factory);

        //set the url of ldap server

        env.put(context.provider_url, provider_url);

        //set the authentication mode

        env.put(context.security_authentication, security_authentication);

        //set user of ad

        env.put(context.security_principal, security_principal);

        //set password of user

        env.put(context.security_credentials, security_credentials);

        //initialize the ldap context

        ctx = new initialldapcontext(env,null);

        return ctx;

    public void closecontext() throws namingexception{


     * return the ldap context.

     * @return return the ldap context.

    public ldapcontext getcontext(){

        return this.ctx;
