
Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!

Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!

Chengdu property market observer

2024-05-17 16:31Posted in Sichuan real estate creators

Not long ago, I received a notice to adjust the down payment ratio and loan interest rate.

It seems that everyone has become accustomed to these things and thinks that they are irrelevant. After all, there are no 1,000 property market control policies, and no less than 800.

Adjusting the past and adjusting it is nothing more than a few aspects, and it is nothing more than tightening for a while and relaxing for a while.

Everyone is very calm, and they don't eat much of this set anymore. Just like the rebellious psychology from childhood to adulthood, the teacher tells you to study hard and serve the motherland when you grow up, but the result is often that you don't study well, and there are many people who skip class and play games over the wall.

Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!

New deal for the property market

In the property market, the truth is actually similar.

It said that the property market is overheated, everyone should be cautious and don't rush to buy a house first. Who listens?

When the property market is hot, how many buyers can you persuade to live? Buying up or not buying down seems to have become a common feature of people.

It is said that the property market is too cold, and more purchase policies have been introduced, and everyone is eager to buy houses, and who can listen to it?

The property market is too cold, you see if everyone is hesitant and cautious, not in a hurry, not in a hurry at all, just not in a hurry.

But today's matter is a little different, so the observer thinks that something should be written out for everyone's reference.

The difference from the introduction of various regulatory policies in the past is that this time it is a combination of big moves, and it involves the most fundamental and most personal side of buyers.

In the past, various bailout policies always gave people a kind of procrastination, like holding the pipa and half-covering their faces, just like squeezing toothpaste, always squeezing a little at a time.

What is involved in this is actually the attitude above, an attitude that always treats the property market cautiously, always cautiously tentative, and does not dare to let go of Thailand.

Then this adjustment, including the next few days, there is a high probability that there will be a policy that is being brewed, first of all, I feel that there is no procrastination, not only a feeling of promise.

Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!


Where is the root change?

The fundamental change actually reflects the attitude and the perception of the property market!

In the past, I always believed that I was worried that the volume related to real estate would be too large, and the tail would not be too big to fall out of control. But now I really feel the importance of the real estate pillar industry. What I used to talk about as economic ballast, pillar industries, and the foundation of people's livelihood has finally begun to understand.

Don't think that these are exaggerated words of vested interests, real estate was, is, and will still be the ballast stone of the economy, and it will only be more streamlined and will not disappear. Or to put it another more popular analogy, except for projects involving basic people's livelihood such as China's salt and iron monopoly for thousands of years since ancient times, there is no industry that can be privately controlled, and it will be larger than real estate, involving a wide range of people, and involving a large number of people.

Therefore, this property market regulation, as well as the next property market policy that is being brewed, everyone should be cautious, this time is different from the past, the fundamental attitude has changed!

Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!

Radical shifts

The second point I want to inform you is about the regulation of the property market, and many people feel that it is always contrary to their ideas.

Many people have this feeling, and the regulation of the property market always seems to run counter to the public.

You said that when you are hot, what are you doing to limit purchases and sales, but when you are cold, what's the use of doing promotions, everyone has learned well, and they don't eat your set at all.

There is this feeling, in essence, because the angle of the station is different.

When ordinary people buy a house, they care about their own personal feelings and interests, while those who control them care about the direction and situation of the overall property market. Buyers care more about short-term, immediate interests, while controllers care more about long-term, or that short-term benefits can last for a long time. In the short term, the two perspectives are in conflict, but in the long run, it is necessary to follow the general trend, which is not in conflict.

There is also a problem here, which is the delay effect.

Many people say that it is better to go against the general trend.

In fact, this view is wrong, not that the general trend is bad, but that it will go against the general trend in the short term and produce faster results. But once the general trend is formed, then you will know the importance of going with the flow. It is a pity that the general trend is often not formed in a while, and even if it is an effective policy, there is a time limit of about one or two months between the introduction of the policy and the real effect.

For home buyers, it is most important to think clearly about their own needs and make a reasonable choice within these two months!

However, countless realities in the past tell us that it is often too indifferent or too anxious, either to make a hasty decision before this time, or to delay until after the time limit and blindly get on the bus, which is often the main trend.

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  • Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!
  • Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!
  • Property market combination move: what is not the focus of the policy, the attitude is the key!

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