
The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

author:If the heart is ups and downs, it is peaceful

Huang Shenrong

The story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

With the popularity of the TV series "Bright Sword", the prototype of the protagonist Li Yunlong, the legend of the career of the founding lieutenant general Wang Jinshan Rongma has become well-known to more Chinese people.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1953, Wang Jinshan, then deputy commander of the 3rd Corps of the Chinese Volunteers, returned to China and was first appointed deputy commander and acting commander of the Shandong Military Region. At that time, the post of deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region was vacant. When Mao Zedong learned about it, he asked: "What about the madman Wang who disobeyed the military order back then?" Just let him go. The "Wang madman" mentioned by Mao was the Wang Jinshan who disobeyed the military order and took the initiative to completely annihilate the Japanese army's "battlefield visiting group" in Hanluo Village, Hongdong County, Shanxi Province.

When the title was conferred in 1955, Wang Jinshan was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and was then deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region and vice minister of public security. At that time, Wang Jinshan was only 40 years old.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Founding Lieutenant General Wang Jinshan

Unexpectedly, 8 years later, Wang Jinshan's family "caused a disaster", and his wife Han Xiuyan sued her husband to the organization because of the rumors caused by Wang Jinshan and his sister Han Xiurong dancing. Han Xiuyan, who thought that this move would make Wang Jinshan "change his mind", did not expect that the upright Wang Jinshan would ignore the organization's severe punishment and resolutely cut off the relationship between husband and wife with Han Xiuyan for nearly 26 years.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Wedding photo of Wang Jinshan and Han Xiuyan (1938)

Note: Wang Jinshan was the deputy commander of the 772nd Regiment of the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and Han Xiuyan was a nurse in the Field Hospital of the 129th Division. At the time, Wang Jinshan was 23 years old and Han Xiuyan was 17 years old.

After the incident, Mao Zedong asked Liu Shaoqi to personally come forward to inquire about the matter, and many central leading comrades and old comrades-in-arms advised Wang Jinshan not to divorce. However, Wang Jinshan, who had already made up his mind, replied categorically: "I don't do dark things, I'm determined to divorce, and I can do whatever I want to do if I love it." Wang Jinshan paid a heavy price for this, he was expelled from the party, removed from his posts as deputy commander of the Beijing Military Region and vice minister of public security, demoted his military rank from lieutenant general to colonel, and his administrative rank was reduced from 6 to 9, and he was assigned to the Huangpan District Farm in Xihua County, Zhoukou Prefecture, Henan Province, as deputy field chief. Such a heavy punishment really caught his wife Han Xiuyan by surprise, which was definitely not what she wanted to see, and it also made her regret her reckless actions...... However, Han Xiuyan did not hesitate to "kill the killer" for his own sister, and showed no mercy. She mobilized the Women's Federation and her family to criticize Han Xiurong, and finally under the "escort" of the Women's Federation, Han Xiurong, who recorded "life style problems" in the file, was driven out of Beijing and went to Hohhot in Inner Mongolia.......

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Han Xiuyan's sister Han Xiurong

According to the agreement after the divorce, Han Xiuyan took his children and moved to a high-level residential building on the edge of Wangfujing Shuaifu Garden. The monthly maintenance fee for each of the seven children is 40 yuan, which is deducted from Wang Jinshan's salary (252 yuan for the 9th level of military administration), and is managed by Han Xiuyan.

The day of leaving Beijing was approaching, and when Wang Jinshan's staff helped him pack his luggage, Huang Shenrong, the nanny at home, expressed his willingness to go to Henan Farm with the chief to take care of Wang Jinshan's life. Huang Shenrong was born in 1943 in a middle-class peasant family in Tong County, Beijing. Because he was the eldest in the family, he went to the city to look for a job when he was 12 years old. At the time when the Logistics Department of the Beijing Military Region was recruiting workers, he became an orderly after passing the examination. In 1955, Huang Shenrong was sent to the Wang family as a waiter, taking care of household chores and helping Han Xiuyan take care of the children. Although Huang is young, she is kind and diligent, and gets along well with the staff and family around Wang Jinshan, and the Wang family is also very satisfied with her work. Looking at Wang Jinshan, who was already a "lonely man", Huang Shenrong couldn't bear that the big hero in his mind would fall to such a point, and he couldn't bear that this hero, who had seven or eight scars on his body, went to Henan Farm alone. However, when Huang Shenrong asked to go to the Henan farm with him, Wang Jinshan couldn't bear to let this young girl follow him for the rest of her life. But in the face of Huang Shenrong's sincerity and persistence, Wang Jinshan finally gave up.....

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Huang Shenrong

Regarding Huang Shenrong's trip to Henan farm with Wang Jinshan, his daughter Wang Yuanyuan's statement seems to be different. According to her later recollections, at first, Huang Shenrong did not have the idea of going to the Henan farm with the chief, but talked to her organizationally, saying that considering that the chief had made great contributions and suffered many injuries during the war years, and now there were certain difficulties in living alone in Henan, she was asked to go to the farm with the chief to take care of the chief's diet and daily life. At that time, Huang Shenrong's ideological struggle was fierce, thinking that he was still young, and he went to the farm to accompany a cadre who made a mistake, and his living conditions were poor, what would his future be?

Unable to make up her mind, she went back to Tongxian County to ask for her family's opinions. The old and young in the family, the gossiping people have different opinions, especially Huang Shenrong's parents can't bear to go to such a far place to endure hardships. In the end, it was a far-sighted relative in the family who said to her: "Although the chief has made mistakes and been demoted, even if he is demoted by three ranks, he is still a colonel!" If you follow him, there will always be a day when you will come out in the future! Thinking of his experience in the chief's family for nearly 10 years, and thinking of the chief's kindness to him on weekdays, a sense of gratitude arises spontaneously. In fact, there is another obsession hidden in the heart of this rural girl, that is, "How can a hero have no woman?" She wants to be the woman of this "hero in distress". So, Huang Shenrong resolutely followed Wang Jinshan on the journey to Henan. At that time, Wang Jinshan was 49 years old and Huang Shenrong was 21 years old.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Henan Luohe Railway Station

On August 26, 1964, the Rural Work Department of the Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice of Gan Ren Zi (037), and Wang Jinshan was appointed as the deputy director of the state-owned Yellow Flood Farm. Soon after, accompanied by the guards and Huang Shenrong, Wang Jinshan got off the train at the Luohe Railway Station on the Beijing-Guangzhou Line, and then took the jeep that came to pick him up and went to the Huangpan District Farm in Xihua County, his destination. The farm was established in 1951 and is located in the heart of the Yellow Flood District, Xihua and Fugou counties. In the sixties of the last century, the conditions of the farm were very poor, the families of the workers lived in barracks-style row houses, there was no running water, no cement roads, the wind was blowing, and people were often "covered in soil on sunny days and mud on rainy days", and it was very difficult to take a bath.

Although the level of the farm is not high, Lu Yanling, secretary of the party committee of the farm, and Ma Yilin, the director of the farm, are both "old revolutionaries" (Lu Yanling administrative level 9, Ma Yilin administrative level 10), and they have great respect for Wang Jinshan in the "Tiger Falling Plain". In the family room in front of the farm department, Wang Jinshan was arranged with two rooms, inside and outside, and there was a small kitchen outside. There was a large wooden bed, a table, and two chairs. At that time, this was the best housing on the farm.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Wang Jinshan's residence on the farm

In October 1964, Wang Jinshan and Huang Shenrong received a marriage certificate and became a veritable "couple in distress". Wang Jinshan is in charge of gardening at the farm, and his residence is two or three miles away from the gardening field. Every morning, people will see Huang Shenrong helping Wang Jinshan to walk to the gardening farm to work. When I got home at night, in addition to laundry, cooking and other housework, I also had to help Wang Jinshan scrub his body and paste wet painkiller cream. The farm's public toilet is an open-air manure pit built with bamboo slivers outside, and Wang Jinshan's injured leg is unable to squat. Huang Shenrong made a wooden chair hollowed out in the middle to solve the problem of stool. The lack of medical treatment on the farm posed a great threat to Wang Jinshan's health, and Huang Shenrong accompanied Wang Jinshan to Henan and Beijing many times to see a doctor. However, Wang Jinshan, a general who was no longer "welcomed", was "blinded" and fell to the point of "no way to see a doctor". In desperation, he found Cai Jie, an old subordinate who was in the Sixth Column in Beijing, which helped Wang Jinshan solve the problem of seeing a doctor in Henan.

In Wang Jinshan's eyes, Huang Shenrong has become an indispensable pillar for the rest of his life. Unlike Han Xiuyan, she is not only the caregiver of her life, but also the supporter of her spiritual world. During the days and nights spent on the farm, Huang Shenrong was also his loyal listener. Whether it was the general talking about his career as a horseman, or a long sigh from the heart, Huang Shenrong always listened silently and praised frequently...... Of course, Huang Shenrong is not the only listener on the farm, Wan Boao, the eldest son of Wan Lizhi, who came to the farm before him, is also one of Wang Jinshan's loyal listeners, and many young people on the farm often come to the house to listen to Wang Jinshan's "past story" with relish......

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

During the Cultural Revolution, Wang Jinshan (back row, first from right) took a group photo with farm workers in the Yellow Flood Area

During the period of the farm in the Yellow Flood Area, Huang Shenrong gave birth to a daughter and a son for Wang Jinshan. daughter Wang Zhenzhen and son Wang Lingfeng. Although the days are hard, the feeling of being together as a family is still happy.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Wang Jinshan and Huang Shenrong's daughter Wang Zhenzhen

In 1969, when the "Ninth National Congress" of the Communist Party of China was about to be held, Wang Jinshan wrote three letters to his old subordinate Xiao Yongyin, then commander of the armored corps of the Nanjing Military Region. One was addressed to Xiao Yongyin, the other was addressed to Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Nanjing Military Region, and one was addressed to Chairman Mao. In the letter, it turned out that Wang Jinshan, who "refused to admit his mistakes," admitted his mistakes and strongly expressed that he would come out to work for the party. Xu Shiyou, the "Ninth National Congress", forwarded the letter to Chairman Mao, "pleaded" for Wang Jinshan, and told Chairman Wang Jinshan that his life is very difficult now. This move really worked, and Wang Jinshan finally had a bright day and was appointed deputy chief of staff of the Nanjing Military Region.

One day in July 1969, Wang Jinshan and Huang Shenrong walked out of Nanjing Railway Station with their two children. You Taizhong, Li Desheng, and Xiao Yongyin, the three subordinates of Wang Jinshan, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up and saluted the old chief. Wang Jinshan gave his subordinates apples and potatoes that he had grown himself, as well as chickens raised by Huang Shenrong. At the time, Wang Jinshan was 54 years old and Huang Shenrong was 26 years old.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Wang Jinshan and Huang Shenrong's family photo

From left: Huang Shenrong, sons Wang Lingfeng, Wang Jinshan, and daughter Wang Zhenzhen

Wang Jinshan returned to Nanjing, bringing his sons and daughters, who had been separated for many years, to his side. The children are grateful and respectful to Huang Shenrong, who accompanied their father through those difficult years. Huang Shenrong also regarded the eight children born to Wang Jinshan and Han Xiuyan as his own, and the children also integrated well with each other. In Wang Jinshan's life, this time seems to be precious.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Wang Jinshan and Huang Shenrong with children

After Wang Jinshan returned to work, the organization arranged for Huang Shenrong to work in Nanjing Electron Tube Factory, and Huang Shenrong also cherished this good opportunity that he had never had before. However, Wang Jinshan didn't think so. He advised his wife, "I'm not in good health, and neither is you." If you go to work, you have to have someone take care of you, just take care of me and the kids at home. Although Huang Shenrong was unwilling, she still obeyed her husband's wishes. Of course, Wang Jinshan's living conditions are "heaven and earth" compared to those on the farm, and his salary is more than enough to maintain the family's expenses.

However, the good days did not last long, and in 1974, Wang Jinshan was diagnosed with stomach cancer. In 1978, Wang Jinshan's condition deteriorated rapidly. On May 10, he passed away at the age of 63. At the time, Huang Shenrong was 35 years old.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Wang Jinshan's memorial service (May 17, 1978, Nanjing Military Region Auditorium)

After Wang Jinshan died in 1978, his widow Huang Shenrong lived in the compound of the military region with her young children. She adhered to her husband's request not to cause trouble to the organization, and never mentioned it to anyone. However, Xiang Shouzhi, the careful commander of the Nanjing Military Region, still learned about this situation from his secretary. He immediately convened a meeting of relevant departments of the military region to study solutions, and finally helped Huang Shenrong solve her work problems, and also transferred her to a suitable house, and the family's life was finally guaranteed.

In June 2007, Wang Jinshan's ex-wife Han Xiuyan died of illness at the age of 86. Han Xiuyan, who was outside the memorial service of the rejected king Jinshan, has been in remorse and self-blame since the day she divorced her husband. When the news of Wang Jinshan's marriage to Huang Shenrong on a farm in Henan came, the helpless Han Xiuyan could only say, "How can this be?" A sigh. According to Han Xiuyan's last wishes, she was buried not far from Wang Jinshan. Although she no longer had the opportunity to "share the same hole" with her husband, she also ended up, "You didn't let me see you when you were alive, but you can always let me come to see you when you die." "This wish. The younger sister Han Xiurong, who was expelled from the house by Han Xiuyan and disappeared for half a century, appeared at the farewell ceremony of her sister Han Xiuyan. This situation made Wang Jinshan's children present sigh.

The past is not as good as smoke: Huang Shenrong, the story of Wang Jinshan's "husband and wife in distress".

Han Xiuyan worships Wang Jinshan in the columbarium of Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery

Compared with the tragic life of Sister Han Xiuyan, Huang Shenrong is happy. Of course, she knew that this happiness came from her following the chief's move to send the farm, and this happiness came from her choice to marry this "fallen hero......

* The picture comes from the Internet, and if there is an infringement dispute, it will be deleted

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