
CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

author:Tearful eyes
CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

On the field of the World Women's Volleyball League, the Chinese women's volleyball team showed strong strength and tenacious fighting spirit.

They defeated South Korea and the United States in a back-to-back winning streak to lay the groundwork for a ticket to the Paris Olympics.

The history of women's volleyball in China originated relatively late, which caused some discussion among netizens.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

A netizen wrote on the volleyball forum: "I'm really curious, how did the Chinese women's volleyball team get to where it is today? After all, in the beginning, volleyball was not as popular in China as it is now. ”

This curiosity and spirit of exploration about the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team has been echoed by other netizens.

Another netizen left a message: "I remember when I was a child, the number of volleyball teams in the school was really small, and most of them were concentrated in some places, and I felt that it was rare to see female athletes specializing in volleyball. ”

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

This kind of memory brings back memories of the past for many people, and it also reflects the development of volleyball in China at that time.

During the discussion, some netizens expressed their admiration for the achievements of the Chinese women's volleyball team: "The rise of the Chinese women's volleyball team is really incredible, from the first few people to today's world powerhouse, they have experienced too many ups and downs and setbacks.

This affirmation and admiration for the historical process of the Chinese women's volleyball team makes people cherish the achievements and glory of the Chinese women's volleyball team even more.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

Although the development process of the Chinese women's volleyball team is tortuous, it is precisely with such persistence and hard work that it has today's glory.

Netizens also said that they will continue to support the Chinese women's volleyball team and cheer for their future!

In the face of a tight schedule, the Chinese women's volleyball team had to face the challenge of consecutive matches, which made some netizens begin to express their worries and concerns.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

Some netizens posted on social media: "The Chinese women's volleyball team is really hard, just after playing a game, you have to face the next game, this pace is too fast, right?" "They were worried that the back-to-back games would affect the form and performance of the players.

Another netizen left a message: "Although the Canadian women's volleyball team is not as good as us, we can't take it lightly!" They are a team that has caused us a lot of trouble in the past two years, and we must be vigilant! This feeling of worry and anticipation began to spread online.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

In the fan base of the Chinese women's volleyball team, some people began to discuss the strategy of this game: "I think the coaching staff should give the players more rest time, after all, continuous games have a lot of load on the body." ”

"Yes, but you can't relax your guard against the Canadian women's volleyball team, they are not easy to mess with."

"I believe in our women's volleyball team, they will definitely go all out and win the game!" Some fans showed confidence and support for the Chinese women's volleyball team in the discussion.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

In the face of these comments and discussions, the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team are full of responsibility and a sense of mission.

They know it's not just a game, it's a psychological challenge.

In an interview, the players said: "We will do our best to prepare for the game, and we will not underestimate the opponent and will not be bothered by the rhythm of consecutive games." ”

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

This determined attitude also adds confidence to the fans.

After all, the Chinese women's volleyball team knows that only after experiencing the baptism of wind and rain can it be stronger.

They will meet the challenges of the next game with full enthusiasm and tenacious fighting spirit, and show glory for Chinese volleyball again!

The rise of the Canadian women's volleyball team has become a hot topic on social media recently, causing discussion and attention from many fans.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

A netizen spoke in the fan group: "I heard that the Canadian women's volleyball team has been in good shape recently, and it may become a big challenge for the Chinese women's volleyball team, we need to be vigilant!" "This feeling of worry and concern is gradually spreading among the fans.

Another netizen replied: "Yes, the Canadian women's volleyball team has indeed performed well in the past two years, especially against the Chinese team, we often have upsets, we have to be mentally prepared!" His words resonated with other netizens, and everyone began to talk about the strength and challenge of the Canadian women's volleyball team.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

Some fans began to analyze the advantages of the Canadian women's volleyball team: "Their offense is fast-paced, their defense is also solid, although there are not many people, but they play very tacitly. ”

This kind of objective analysis makes people more vigilant and aware that their opponents are not easy to win.

In the fan base of the Chinese women's volleyball team, some people began to talk about how to deal with the challenge of the Canadian women's volleyball team: "We can't underestimate any opponent, especially a seemingly weak but strong team like Canada." ”

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

"We need to make tactical adjustments and develop a more effective response strategy based on the characteristics of the opponent."

These discussions fully demonstrated the importance that fans attach to the game and their support for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

In the process of preparation, the coaching staff of the Chinese women's volleyball team also conducted a detailed analysis and research on the Canadian women's volleyball team, and formulated targeted training and tactical arrangements.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

They know that they can only win the game if they give it their all.

The rise of the Canadian women's volleyball team has become a factor that cannot be ignored in the preparation of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team will maintain a high degree of vigilance and preparation, go all out to meet the challenges, and work hard to achieve better results!

In the build-up to the game, fans began to discuss the role of key players, especially the young players in difficult moments.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

One fan posted on social media: "Our young players are really fantastic! Wang Yunrui performed very well when he came on the court, saving the crucial situation and giving us hope of victory! This praise for the young players resonated with other fans who were proud of the performance of the new generation of players.

Another fan also commented: "The development of young players is very important, they are not only the hope of the future, but also the strength of the present.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

We need to give them more support and encouragement! "This focus and encouragement for young players shows the love and tolerance of the fans.

Within the team, the coaching staff has also begun to focus on developing the ability and mentality of young players.

"We need young players to take responsibility, not to be afraid of failure, to be brave enough to challenge!" Coaches are constantly emphasizing the importance of young players and giving them more opportunities and encouragement.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

The young players are also trying to get their mentality right and take on the challenge.

"Although there is a lot of pressure, we have to believe in ourselves, believe in the team, believe in the arrangement of the coach, and go all out!" The young players showed tenacity and perseverance in training.

At the end of the day, the performance of key players is crucial to the team's victory.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

The young players will continue to work hard, play their strength, and fight for the glory of the Chinese women's volleyball team!

Although the Canadian women's volleyball team is strong, the Chinese women's volleyball team has a stronger overall strength.

As long as they can maintain their normal level of performance, the possibility of victory remains.

The key is to get out of the pressure and give it your all.

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

The Chinese women's volleyball team needs to maintain confidence and focus to meet the next challenges.

Every game is an experience, and only after experiencing wind and rain can you see a rainbow.

I believe that the Chinese women's volleyball team will continue to write brilliant in future competitions!

CCTV5 live broadcast! Chinese women's volleyball team 4:30 VS Canada, Cai Bin activates the 28-year-old strange soldier! Fight for 3 consecutive wins

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