
The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left


"Man Jianghong" depicts the tragic story of Yue Fei's resistance to Qin and sacrifice his life for the country, which has touched countless audiences. However, there are also many plots in this movie that are inconsistent with historical facts. One of the most worthwhile is the part about Yue Fei's last words. In the movie, before Yue Fei was killed, he wrote the entire poem "Man Jianghong, Angry Hair Rushing to the Crown" on the wall, and the scene was extremely touching. But what about the real history? What words did Yue Fei leave on his deathbed? Or is it as impassioned as in the movies? Or is it more sad and sad?

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

One. Hunger strike, prison father and son

While Qin Hui and his party framed Yue Fei, they also imprisoned their son Yue Yun in the prison of Dali Temple. Yue Fei couldn't help but feel heartache when he saw that his son Yue Yun was tortured and injured, his eyes were blank and covered in blood. He gritted his teeth, determined to fight to the death, refused to eat, and tried to express his indignation and unyielding will to Qin Hui and his ilk in the form of a hunger strike.

As a result of torture and hunger strikes, Yue Fei's originally strong physique became thinner and thinner. He was held in a cold, damp cell and sat against the wall. At dusk, a ray of sunlight shines through the narrow window, leaving a small square of warm light on the ground. At that moment, there was a sound of unlocking the door, and the cell door was opened. Yue Fei looked up tiredly, but saw his youngest son Yue Lei being dragged in by the jailer.

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

Yue Lei was originally thin, but at this time, he was even more withered, his eye sockets were deep, and he even struggled to speak. Seeing his father's scene, he choked up and called "father". Yue Fei was heartbroken, at what age was this poor son in front of him going to be imprisoned with him? He trembled and stretched out his hands to take his son into his arms, and the two hugged each other and cried.

In prison, the guards stayed out of the way, indifferent to the pain of the father and son. One of them said in a rough voice: "Yue Fei, look at yourself, you are brave and famous, and today you have fallen to this point!" It's all because you don't know the sky and the earth is thick, and you are being targeted by Qin Xianggong! "

Yue Fei raised his head when he heard this, his eyes still clear. He looked around at the dark and filthy cells around him, looked at his scarred children, and couldn't help but sigh. Then he said in a deep voice: "Qin Hui and his party are insidious and cunning, and our Yue family's military integrity is straightforward, and they can't compete with their conspiracies and tricks after all. But although the truth of heaven will be rewarded in the end, I would rather bear my life and die than succumb to the hands of traitors and villains! "

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

2. Fabricated charges and heinous crimes

After some severe torture, Yue Fei still flatly denied all the charges, which made Qin Hui and the others quite annoyed. So, Qin Hui ordered He Zhu to convict Yue Fei of "rebellion", otherwise He Zhu would not be able to escape the blame.

Although He Zhu had relatives in his heart, under Qin Hui's persecution, he had to act according to Qin Hui's wishes. He completely turned the focus of the interrogation to Yue Yun, in a vain attempt to obtain testimony from Yue Yun that could convict Yue Fei. However, Yue Yun did not reveal anything suspicious under torture.

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

Seeing this, Qin Hui was furious and ordered Yu Shi Wan to be responsible for continuing the trial. Wan Qian Su Xi Ruiyong has always been regarded as a model of outspoken and unconcealed imperial history. But this time, he also succumbed to the authority of the powerful, and had to follow Qin Hui's wishes and fabricate some so-called "military letters" to slander Yue Fei and Zhang Xian for conspiring against him.

All the officials of the Song court knew about the existence of this unjust case, but no one dared to seek justice for Yue Fei, for fear that he would also suffer a catastrophe. Even Han Shizhong, a former general, can only secretly show his strength behind the scenes, unable to do anything.

What is even more distressing is that from the military camp to the government and the opposition, after Yue Fei was deeply supported by the soldiers, many rumors also spread, slandering Yue Fei for "being loyal to the monarch and betraying his patriotism". The origin of these rumors was deliberately spread by Qin Hui and others in order to add legitimacy to the trial of the case.

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

Yue Fei was rightful in prison, but his long imprisonment, torture, and hunger strike had left him physically and mentally exhausted. Qin Hui set up a fox to show Yue Fei with the skeleton of the deceased, and threatened him that if he did not comply, he would be tortured in the same way as death. When his life was in danger, Yue Fei had to grit his teeth and admit his so-called "crime", so as not to slaughter the whole family.

3. Spreading rumors and slander, and adding grievances

Since Yue Fei was escorted to Dali Temple for trial, there has been a frenzy of insulting Yue Fei in the government and the opposition. In order to add legitimacy to his actions, Qin Hui secretly instructed his cronies to deliberately spread many gossips slandering Yue Fei among the people.

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

At first, it was just some gossip, such as rumors such as "Yue Fei is reversible" and "Yue Fei is going to rebel and seize the throne". As time went on, these rumors became more and more unpleasant and outrageous. Some people say that Yue Fei is "arrogant and domineering, and does not know the height of the sky"; Some people say that Yue Fei "forgot the nurturing grace of the former emperor"; Some people even said that Yue Fei "tried to unite with Cai Jing, Ru Qin and other former ministers to rebel."

After these rumors spread among the people, Yue Fei's prestige and prestige in the eyes of officials and ordinary people plummeted. Even those villagers who lived in remote areas and did not know about military affairs rebuked the "anti-thief Yue Fei".

However, even after being tortured in prison and suffering heavy physical and mental damage, Yue Fei still insisted on his innocence. He bluntly denounced the slanderous words of Qin Hui and others as pure fabrication, and never admitted the so-called "anti-thief" charge.

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

Seeing this, Qin Hui knew that rumors alone were no longer enough to convict Yue Fei of "rebellion", so he ordered Yue Fei to be tortured to extract a confession. The guards of Dali Temple tortured Yue Fei day and night, trying to pry out some incriminating "incriminating evidence" from his mouth. However, Yue Fei still denied it and insisted on his innocence.

Finally, when his life was on the verge of dying, Qin Hui threatened the lives of the whole family and forced Yue Fei to admit some fabricated "trumped-up" charges. Yue Fei had to bow his head for the time being to maintain the safety of his family. But the resentment in his heart towards Qin Hui and other traitors and villains is burning all the time.

Fourth, the martyrdom of the country, heroism

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

After some dirty methods, Qin Hui finally convicted Yue Fei of the felony of "rebellion". After listening to the slander, Gojong made up his mind to execute. On the eve of his execution, Han Shizhong learned of this incident and hurriedly found Gaozong, urged Chen Yuefei to be innocent, and asked for forgiveness. But Gojong has been bewitched and has not heard it.

On January 28, 1142, Yue Fei was pushed onto the execution table. This former founding hero is now only a broken body. He had been locked up in prison for a long time, his shape was broken, and his ears were gone; He had been tortured and covered in wounds. But at this last moment, Yue Fei still stood proudly with his chest that had rolled up the storm on the field.

When Yue Fei stepped up to the execution platform, he suddenly saw his two children, Yue Yun and Yue Lei, crying and falling down the stage. He reluctantly paced to the two of them, dragged Yue Lei to his side, and instructed in a deep voice: "Lei'er, you don't have to worry about me, I will go and I will make a clear appearance to the spirit of heaven on behalf of your ancestors." My death is actually a death to serve the country. Thou shalt encourage thou shalt cheer up in the future, and hate thy ancestors for thy ancestors... "

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

With that, Yue Fei waved his hand to summon the jailer and handed over Yue Lei in his arms to the jailer's care. Then, he raised a fig leaf to cover his upper body, and strode on the execution platform. Everyone in the audience was solemn, and they were all in awe of this once brave and warlike general.

At that moment, the executioner suddenly pulled out a plate with a sharp blade on it. When Yue Fei saw this, he couldn't help but be shocked, and he wanted to step down. But soon, he picked himself up again and straightened his back and stood still. He said loudly: "What my generation did before his death, just to serve the country, is it terrible to die? Come on, just do it today! "

5. Hatred through the ages, remembrance by posterity

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

Since Yue Fei's righteousness, the government and the opposition have all had endless remembrance and respect for this hero. Gaozong was also quite ashamed in his later years, posthumously gave Yue Fei the nickname of "Zhongwu", and moved his body to Lushan for burial.

After Yue Fei was posthumously admonished as "loyal warrior", scholars and doctors wrote memorial texts and epitaphs for him, praising his achievements in driving out foreign tribes. Among them, the epitaph written by Dali commentator Zhuang Yu for Yue Fei is undoubtedly the most famous one. In the inscription, Zhuang Fei highly praised Yue Fei's heroic style of "fighting horses for thousands of miles, riding majestically", and expressed deep sympathy for the many grievances he suffered during his lifetime.

In addition to officials, later generations of literati and scholars also widely praised Yue Fei's noble character and tragic experience. Wu Weiye, a writer of the Ming Dynasty, juxtaposed Yue Fei with Zhuge Liang and Wen Tianxiang in "Hutuo Poems", calling them "three sages". Qing Dynasty scholar Huang Zongxi wrote an article directly accusing Qin Hui of being "extremely vicious" and a "sinner who lost the country". The famous patriotic poet Lu You also has a poem: "The remnants of the Tang Dynasty have no good intentions, and the Song Dynasty survives with loyalty." The Liao and Han dynasties retreated to shock the four descendants, and the dragon and tiger were a sharp guard. It means that the Song family was about to lose the country, and Yue Fei, a loyal and brave minister, survived and was preserved.

The movie "Man Jianghong" does not conform to historical facts: before Yue Fei died, there were actually only 8 big characters left

In addition to the praise of literati and writers, Yue Fei's deeds are also widely praised by the people. There is an old site in Jinling, which is said to be the place where Yue Fei was tortured and the war horse neighed, and the descendants named this place "Matang". Not only that, but Yue Fei's descendants were also stripped of their titles and property, but people still admired their loyalty and called them "the three loyalties of the Yue family".

Looking at the evaluation of Yue Fei by literati throughout the ages, it can be seen that although he was once slandered and wronged, he was still respected and remembered by the present and future generations. People have infinite admiration for his noble character of "being loyal to the top and fighting with all his strength". Although Yue Fei died, his spirit has become an immortal spiritual force for the Chinese people.

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