
Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

author:Meng Meng chats about the past and the present

Yan Weiwen, who is now in his prime, is still active in music halls around the world, dancing hand in hand with many cutting-edge singers. Although time has taken away the face of youth, his singing voice is as loud and powerful as a lion, maintaining the concentration and dedication of the peak level of the singing industry, and his strength should not be underestimated, standing shoulder to shoulder with young people, not inferior.

The audience witnessed his energy and passion on stage, and couldn't help but sigh that the years had not taken away his style.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

Dressed in a military uniform, Yan Weiwen's love for music is in full swing. In the past year, he has participated in countless large-scale galas, competing with many singers, showing his deep stage experience and excellent professionalism, and winning warm applause and cheers from the audience.

However, when he took off his gorgeous costumes, took off his dazzling halo, and returned to family life, this veteran who once dominated the music scene showed an otherworldly indifference and calm.

His most enjoyable moments are playing with his lively and adorable grandchildren. Whenever he saw the innocent smiles of his granddaughters, Yan Weiwen's heart was filled with endless happiness and satisfaction.

His granddaughter has shown extraordinary musical talent since she was a child, and whenever she hears her heavenly singing voice, Yan Weiwen will spontaneously feel deep pride and gratification, as if he saw the young man who once had a musical dream and moved forward bravely.

In order to support and cultivate her granddaughter's talent, Yan Weiwen personally designed a personal music album for her, hoping that she can bravely chase her music dreams, release her beautiful singing voice, and shine on this broad stage.

Looking back at Yan Weiwen's artistic journey, his starting point is not a singer, but a dancer. At the age of 13, as a young Shanxi boy, he joined the Shanxi Provincial Song and Dance Troupe.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

At that time, Yan Weiwen's figure had not yet grown up, and his voice was also in the period of voice change, and he was not very comfortable singing. However, his enthusiasm and dedication to his singing career have always burned in his heart.

In order to stand on the stage of a singer one day, Yan Weiwen practiced the basic skills of dance diligently, and insisted on completing 1,000 small jump training every day. With perseverance, he finally achieved remarkable results in the field of dance.

In the life course of this outstanding musician Yan Weiwen, the year when he was 15 years old was undoubtedly a major turning point in his life! He was successfully admitted to the propaganda team of the Shanxi Provincial Military Region, and since then he has embarked on a glorious and challenging road of literary and artistic soldiers.

After 7 years of precipitation and accumulation, at the age of 26, he was finally fortunate to join the General Political Song and Dance Troupe and officially started his dream singing career.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

After joining the singing team, Yan Weiwen has a deeper understanding of his shortcomings in the vocal field. In order to further improve his singing skills, he took the initiative to seek the guidance of Jin Tielin, a well-known vocal master in the industry at that time, and Cheng Zhi, a famous tenor singer.

Under the careful teaching of the two artistic giants, Yan Weiwen's singing skills have made a qualitative leap, laying a solid foundation for his brilliant achievements in the music industry in the future.

In 1986, Yan Weiwen and his beloved wife Liu Weixing entered the marriage hall and started their happy married life. After marriage, they are as closely connected as glue, and their love is incomparable, which makes the relatives and friends around them envious.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, and a bad news in 1988 ruthlessly destroyed the beautiful life of the newlyweds Yan Weiwen's wife Liu Weixing was diagnosed with breast cancer, and the news was like a basin of ice water, which made them fall into endless panic and despair in an instant.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

In the face of his wife's serious illness, Yan Weiwen did not hesitate to choose to give up his thriving acting career and devote himself wholeheartedly to his wife's treatment and care. In the next 35 years, Yan Weiwen has always guarded his wife's side, interpreting his deep love for his wife with practical actions.

Whenever his wife was down, Yan Weiwen always gave her endless encouragement and support, motivating her to maintain an optimistic attitude and strengthen her belief in victory. As long as we persevere, we will definitely overcome the disease.

His wife's condition fluctuated, Yan Weiwen witnessed her countless struggles in the pain, watching her body gradually lose weight, the pain in her heart can be imagined, however, no matter what kind of predicament he faced, he never gave in to fate.

Even in the most difficult moments, Yan Weiwen still travels all over the country to perform, but he always finds precious time to rush back to the hospital and accompany his wife through every lonely night.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

In order to take care of his new wife wholeheartedly, Yan Weiwen even specially booked two spacious and bright rooms for her during his official trip, so that his wife can visit and share romantic time anytime and anywhere.

This not only reflects his meticulous care and love for his wife, but also shows his firm commitment and deep affection for love.

After nearly 35 years of meticulous care, his wife finally managed to overcome cancer and recover her health in 2003. Yan Weiwen once said impassionedly: "She is the most precious existence in my life, and nothing or person can replace her high position in my heart."

This is enough to prove that he deeply admires and cherishes his wife.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

In 2009, Yan Weiwen sang a touching song "Husband and Wife Love", integrating his deep and warm love for his wife into every note.

It is precisely because of Yan Weiwen's selfless dedication and companionship to his family that he has established a lofty image of "virtue and art" in the minds of the broad masses of the people.

In Yan Weiwen's music career, there was a dazzling moment of brilliance. At that time, he was a household name and famous, and became a popular superstar in the Chinese music scene.

With his unique voice and resolute image, he has appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala many times, and has become a superstar familiar to audiences across the country.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

Many classic works created by Yan Weiwen, such as "Little Poplar", "When I Was Homesick" and "One, Two, Three, Four Songs", etc., are all deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and widely circulated. Although the lyrics of these songs are simple and unpretentious, they can go straight to the depths of people's hearts and vividly express the endless yearning and persistent pursuit of a better life by ordinary people, so they are deeply loved and sought after by the public.

However, just when Yan Weiwen's career was in full swing and attracting much attention, a sudden "clothing incident" made him instantly fall into the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. Some netizens reported in real name that in April this year, during a rehearsal at the National Center for the Performing Arts, Yan Weiwen was wearing a luxury brand sweatshirt with a price of more than 7,000 yuan, and even the original price of this sweatshirt has exceeded 10,000 yuan.

All of a sudden, suspicions and accusations against Yan Weiwen for allegedly "showing off his wealth" and wasting too much waste were surging on the Internet like a surging river. What's more, it was revealed that as early as 2014, the 57-year-old Yan Weiwen held a music training class that lasted only three days in his hometown, and his tuition fee of up to 4,800 yuan per person was maliciously slandered as a "sky-high course", and was even accused of trying to "quickly grab wealth"!

This series of negative reports was like a thunderbolt from the sky, dealing a heavy blow to Yan Weiwen's good image in the hearts of the public. Many netizens expressed their disappointment and regret for him, questioning whether he had been deceived by money and vanity, and deviated from his original intention and true self.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

It is true that as an outstanding representative in the field of national vocal music and a leader in the art world, Yan Weiwen has made remarkable achievements, and he can be described as carefree in terms of material life, and it is reasonable to enjoy occasional luxury.

However, as a high-profile public figure, his words and deeds will attract widespread attention from all walks of life and strict supervision of public opinion, and any extravagant and wasteful behavior is very easy to attract public dissatisfaction and disgust.

In the face of such strong public criticism, Yan Weiwen should deeply learn a lesson, always reflect on himself, and be wary not to be confused by short-term fame and fortune, and forget his original intention and duty as an artist.

Only by impressing and inspiring the audience with simple works of art and noble personality can we win lasting public trust and love.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

In the face of questions and criticisms of Yan Weiwen on the Internet, we should maintain a calm and rational attitude. For an artist, it is his artwork and skills that are truly precious, not superficial vanity and fame.

Excessive pursuit of luxury does not enhance his attainments in the field of art, but may cause a sense of distance among the audience, and thus lose love and support for him.

We sincerely hope that Yan Weiwen, a highly respected artist, will reflect deeply and re-examine and understand his original intention. As a generation of music giants, he should touch and enlighten the hearts of the audience with his simple works of art and sincere personality, and should not be confused by short-term money and fame, and become a mercenary ordinary man.

Only by sticking to his heart and profoundly practicing the belief of "artists serving the people" with practical actions can Yan Weiwen win the long-term trust and respect of the masses. Over the years, with his touching musical works, he has praised military spirit, promoted profound patriotic feelings, and always inspired and inspired countless Chinese.

Singer Yan Weiwen: He has been fighting cancer with his wife for 35 years, and his son-in-law is the son of former Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing

This kind of positive power is precisely the most urgent need in today's society, and it is also the highest purpose and realm that every artist should strive for.

We are full of hope that this veteran of the art world will one day regain his former glory, unswervingly move forward in the journey of art, and touch and shake the soul of the audience again with a sincere and simple artistic method, so as to regain the glory and status he once had.

After all, his rich life journey has long been admirable, and he should not have gone astray and deviated from his own artistic ideals in his later years.

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