
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

author:Shihana Shikan
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

China and the Philippines have a long-standing dispute in the South China Sea, and 25 years have passed since the Philippines put the wrecked ship on Ren'ai Jiao in 1999, and the Philippines still has no intention of towing it away.

Not only that, but they often illegally intrude into the South China Sea and secretly reinforce the stranded ship in order to prolong the life of the ship and buy time for the Philippines in the South China Sea dispute.

According to the Global Times, on May 15, a group of so-called local fishermen in the Philippines called "This Is Our" gathered a group of so-called local fishermen to drive fishing boats into the area around Scarborough Shoal.

It is said that 100 Filipino fishing boats were following, and when asked if they would trespass within 12 nautical miles of Scarborough Shoal, the convener of the NGO refused to answer only "secretly."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

This farce was even escorted by the Philippine Coast Guard itself.

Whether it's Ren'ai Jiao or Scarborough Shoal, it's the Philippines that is making unreasonable trouble, and they seem to be sure that China will not react strongly, so in recent days, it seems to be more and more presumptuous.

Before that, the current president of the Philippines, Marcos Jr., also made wild remarks many times, claiming that the Philippines would "safeguard national sovereignty", which is simply ridiculous and generous, breaking into other countries' territory and being driven away, but claiming that he was bullied.

I don't know who is used to this problem.

Maybe it's the United States, after all, Marcos Jr.'s attitude towards China is determined by the United States' attitude towards the Philippines, and when the United States attaches importance to the Philippines, it is when the Philippines is the most rampant, and on the contrary, the Philippines will appear particularly honest.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

Recently, the United States has set up a number of new military bases in the Philippines, which is the biggest confidence for the Philippines to provoke China, and Marcos Jr. even brazenly claimed that if the Chinese coast guard ships dare to launch an attack on the Philippines, the US-Philippines mutual defense treaty will be triggered.

almost shows the word "Ma Zai" to the fullest, there are often such scenes in movies, Ma Zai relies on the prestige of his eldest brother to cause trouble everywhere.

To be honest, the mainland did not use a lot of countermeasures against the Philippines, that is, the coast guard came to "water cannon attacks" several times and then condemned it, at most, it was to conduct military exercises in the South China Sea, and did not make any greater moves.

You must know that almost most people in the world now believe that China is a big country that is not weaker than the United States, and it has gradually caught up with the United States in terms of military strength and economic strength.

However, we have never shown off our military force everywhere, whether it is the Diaoyu Islands, the Taiwan Strait, or the South China Sea, we have been relatively restrained, and as long as the actual control is in our hands, we will not take any further action.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

Why, then, is this the case on the mainland?

Naturally, this is not weakness, but strategic determination, and how many countries in history have suffered great losses because of their lack of strategic determination?

Napoleon's attempt to sweep Europe, Germany's two world wars, the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, etc., are all bloody examples, Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo, Germany's two world wars became a defeated country, and the Soviet Union could not escape a disintegration.

Not far, close, Russia because it is afraid that NATO will continue to expand eastward, so it provoked the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, although it now has an advantage in the war, but it is difficult to end the war, almost breaking with Europe and the United States, if there is no support from China behind it, who can guarantee that they have now dropped a few nuclear weapons.

Look at the United States again, indulged in proxy wars, and finally provoked a commotion, he couldn't pull out of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict tore the coat of justice of the United States. Now the United States is also mired in the quagmire, and its international status is gradually catching up with China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

Suppose that if we take a tough stance on the South China Sea issue and the Taiwan Strait issue, will we fall into the same quagmire as the United States and Russia?

The United States is eager to drag us into the water, constantly entangle with us in the South China Sea, and hinder the pace of our development, and today, when the West holds the hegemony of public opinion, if the mainland takes the initiative to take action in the South China Sea, what will the West portray as it?

Headlines such as "A country that prides itself on justice have finally bared its fangs" may be in the headlines of major media the next day.

Moreover, the Philippines is a third-world country, and when other third-world countries see this scene, will they waver in China?

If you don't have interests, who wants to make a big move?

But on the flip side, if China does not act aggressively, not only will it retain de facto control in China's hands, but it will also gain a reputation as a peace-loving person internationally.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the situation in the waters of Huangyan Dao: If the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill, China will take countermeasures in accordance with the law

Coupled with the mainland's military strength here, foreign countries will not treat China as a soft persimmon.

Although the Philippines has been dancing happily recently, if you think about it, have we really lost anything? They have not yet touched the real bottom line of the country.

Besides, just that broken ship, can it be dismantled at any time if you want to? Then why don't you tear it down, isn't it because it's still useful to keep it?

Now that the influence of the United States is gradually weakening, and the influence of the mainland is increasing, the day when the balance between the two is completely broken will be the day when we can truly end the disputes in the South China Sea.

Before that, they provoked us to block, and they were honest and we were happy to be idle, and that's it.

Reference: The farce of the Philippines' "storming Scarborough Shoal" opens with the Global Times

Editorial: China's goodwill and patience towards the Philippines are not endless

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