
China and Russia issued a 10,000-word joint statement against hegemony, and Russia in turn threatened the United States: the downgrading of diplomatic relations cannot be ruled out

author:Tayanagi Talk

The United States has been hammered to get the hammer, and the Biden administration's successive encirclement and interception of China and Russia have brought the relationship between the two countries to an unprecedented height. During Putin's visit to China, China and Russia jointly signed and issued a joint statement on deepening the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.

In this 10,000-word joint statement, the list of Sino-Russian cooperation is getting longer and longer, and at the same time, the two countries are clearly and unanimously opposed to US hegemony.

The statement mentioned the United States 13 times, criticized its military deployment and bloc confrontation in the South Pacific, Asia-Pacific and Europe, and strongly condemned the deployment of missiles by the United States around the world as "extremely destabilizing to the region and posing a direct security threat to China and Russia." The statement stressed that China and Russia will strengthen coordination and cooperation to deal with the so-called "double containment" policy of the United States against China and Russia, which is not constructive and hostile.

China and Russia issued a 10,000-word joint statement against hegemony, and Russia in turn threatened the United States: the downgrading of diplomatic relations cannot be ruled out


Of course, this is only the beginning of Sino-Russian interaction and cooperation, and after Putin's visit to China, the Chinese and Russian foreign ministers will meet in Kazakhstan and participate in the SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting, which will further contribute to the anti-hegemony cooperation between China and Russia. It is worth mentioning that on May 17, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister issued a strong warning to the United States: Russia does not rule out the possibility of lowering the level of diplomatic relations with the United States.

So, what do you think of Russia's threat of diplomatic de-escalation against the United States?

First, it reflects that US-Russian relations are on the verge of being severed in the worst case. After Biden took office, with the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, US-Russian relations fell to an all-time low. The deterioration of US-Russian relations is reflected in three aspects. First, the United States and the West have imposed tens of thousands of sanctions on Russia, and the sanctions list is constantly being updated, and it is possible to put on the brakes unless Trump takes office.

China and Russia issued a 10,000-word joint statement against hegemony, and Russia in turn threatened the United States: the downgrading of diplomatic relations cannot be ruled out

U.S.-Russian relations

Second, the United States has diplomatically isolated Russia, and in addition to making things difficult for Russian diplomats in the United States and setting up visa obstacles for Russian officials to attend UN meetings, the United States' Western allies have also participated in the diplomatic war against Russia. Of course, the most prominent thing is that the United States used political manipulation to get the International Criminal Court to issue an "arrest warrant" against Putin.

Third, the United States is fully supporting Ukraine militarily, with weapons and equipment, military guidance, etc., and Kyiv basically satisfies them as long as it opens its mouth. According to the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, during Blinken's visit, the two sides discussed the provision of "Patriot" air defense missile systems to the Ukrainian army.

The American side promised that Kyiv will soon receive 7 sets of "Patriots", of which 2 will be deployed in Kharkov. Obviously, Biden is supporting Ukraine to fight the Russian army to the end.

China and Russia issued a 10,000-word joint statement against hegemony, and Russia in turn threatened the United States: the downgrading of diplomatic relations cannot be ruled out


Second, this is not the first time that Russia has warned against downgrading diplomatic relations with the United States. Last month, Russia said it was considering downgrading diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States in view of the West's insistence on pushing for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets. Once Russian assets are confiscated, Moscow will retaliate from many aspects, including economic and political aspects, as soon as possible.

In fact, the United States does not have many Russian assets, Russia's foreign exchange reserves are mainly in Europe, and the European Union has frozen 207 billion euros worth of Russian state assets and reserves. At present, the Biden administration is pressuring the European Union to cooperate with the United States and confiscate Russian assets to aid Ukraine, while Europe's attitude is softening. Considering the huge amount of Russia's frozen assets, once it is used by the United States and the West to aid Ukraine, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Moscow.

China and Russia issued a 10,000-word joint statement against hegemony, and Russia in turn threatened the United States: the downgrading of diplomatic relations cannot be ruled out

Ukrainian army

Finally, this time, when the Russian side threatened to downgrade diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia, it talked about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, bluntly saying that NATO is on the verge of a direct armed conflict with Russia. In the final analysis, the Ukrainian army is losing and retreating on the battlefield, and it is not a few sets of patriots of the US military that can change the situation on the battlefield.

Not to mention that the Ukrainian army is facing a serious shortage of soldiers. According to media reports, there is a shortage of 40% of personnel in all brigades of the Ukrainian army. If you want the Ukrainian army to hold on, NATO's fate has almost become the only possibility. At present, a number of Eastern European countries are ready to send troops to Usi, and NATO plans to discuss whether to send troops at the meeting.

The attitude of the United States is very clear, that is, the Ukrainian army will not be allowed to lose, otherwise the US military will end. Russia's warning to the United States at this time is also a warning to the Biden administration not to take risks. Of course, whether the White House listens or not is another matter.


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