
Biden adviser hyped up the 'China impact theory' again, and the United States plans to join forces with Mexico to curb Chinese exports

author:Cloth Theory
Biden adviser hyped up the 'China impact theory' again, and the United States plans to join forces with Mexico to curb Chinese exports

According to the Observer Network, Brainard, the chief economic steward of the White House, said that our Chinese factories are too capable, make too many things, and sell too well, which makes Americans worry that their factories are not making money. Does this sound familiar? That's right, this is the new version of the "China Impact Theory", which is almost the same tone as saying before that after we joined the WTO, bargains took away their job opportunities.

Biden adviser hyped up the 'China impact theory' again, and the United States plans to join forces with Mexico to curb Chinese exports

The old tune is repeated, and the old wine is in a new bottle

Brainard's remarks on the stage have obvious implications, that is, he wants everyone to feel that China's production capacity is too strong, which is not a good thing for the United States. He also mentioned that we should join forces with Mexico to prevent our things from indirectly affecting them. Behind this, in fact, the United States wants to adjust the industrial chain and reduce its dependence on the Chinese market, but does this trick really work?

Biden adviser hyped up the 'China impact theory' again, and the United States plans to join forces with Mexico to curb Chinese exports

Who did the tariff war hurt?

What's even more distressing is that the Biden administration recently announced that it would raise taxes on a lot of things imported from China, such as electric vehicles, batteries, solar panels, steel, and aluminum. This time, our goods used to be more expensive over there, and the people in the United States had to pay more money to buy things. Isn't it obvious that the waist bag will shrink!

How long can the flag of free trade be raised?

The United States was one of the "founders" of the WTO back then, but now it does not follow the rules very much, how does this make the world think? Many people are saying that the United States is doing this, protectionism is becoming more and more serious, and how long can the banner of free trade be carried out?

Biden adviser hyped up the 'China impact theory' again, and the United States plans to join forces with Mexico to curb Chinese exports

In the end, this trade war is going on and on, and it is always the ordinary people of the United States who are hurting. The price has risen, the wallet has deflated, and the cost of living has risen. We Chinese pay attention to harmony and wealth, but the politicians over there seem to be more fond of playing the game of "who is afraid of whom". We just want to ask, is this really for the good of the country, or is it just for the good of the votes?

So, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think is the situation of the trade friction between China and the United States? See you in the comment area, tell us what you think, and see if our voices can float across the Pacific Ocean and let those big people listen!

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