
Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

author:Railway soldier culture
Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Shuhe Ancient Town

  Stepping on this land in southern Shaanxi, the beautiful scenery of Bashan Hanshui slowly unfolds like a picture scroll. When you go to Xunyang, you must go to Shuhe Ancient Town. On April 21, a group of nine of us drove to Shuhe Ancient Town. Shuhe Ancient Town has its unique historical and cultural heritage, and it is also the place where my third-line comrades-in-arms fought for the construction of the Xiangyu Railway more than 50 years ago.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The ancient town of Shu River, relying on the Qinling Mountains in the north and Bashan in the south, carries the Han River and carries the Shu River.

  The ancient town of Shuhe River is located 50 kilometers east of Xunyang City, leaning on the Qinling Mountains in the north and Bashan in the south. Although the core scenic spot of the ancient town is small, only 0.1 square kilometers, its historical heritage is profound, but it is enough to shock. It used to be an important commercial town in the middle and upper reaches of the Han River, with a large number of merchants and tourists, and was known as "Little Hankou".

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The building of houses in the ancient town

  Tracing back the history, as early as the first year of Taikang in the Western Jin Dynasty (280 AD), the ancient town of Shuhe set up Xingjin County, after thousands of years of vicissitudes, the ancient town has witnessed the glory and decline of politics, economy and culture. In this land, countless historical legends have been staged, and many precious cultural heritages have been left behind.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The south gate of the ancient town

  The tourist area of the ancient town is composed of four parts: ancient streets and alleys, historical buildings, cultural relics and historic sites and ancient houses. There are mainly mosques, Yangsi Temple, Huangzhou Pavilion and other historical buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the narrow and deep stone egg street, Shikan Lane, stone slab houses, city wall ruins in the town, unique ancient houses, old shops and other historical relics and splendid folk art, etc., all show a heavy historical and cultural accumulation, and are known as the specimens of Hanshui culture. Together with the Hanjiang Shuhe Power Station, the Rainbow Bridge, and the Shuhe River Basin Agricultural Tourism Park, they reflect the ancient style and new charm of the Shu River.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The west gate of the ancient town

  However, for the builders of the Xiangyu Railway in the 70s of the last century, Shuhe Ancient Town is not only a witness to history, but also a witness to the youth in full swing in their hearts. In the early 70s, when the clarion call for the construction of the third-line Xiangyu Railway sounded on this land, more than 25,800 junior high school graduates of the 69th and 70th classes in Shaanxi Province devoted themselves to the construction of the Xiangyu Railway without hesitation.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

It was built in the Huangzhou Pavilion during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty

  At that time, Shuhe Town was a construction site along the Xiangyu Railway. The 10th Division of the Railway Corps undertook the construction task of building the section from Songtangou in Baihe County to Gaobiliang in Xunyang County, and on this section of about 110 kilometers of railway line, 28 tunnels and 7 stations (bridges are not counted) were to be built, and the task was heavy and arduous. The five regiments of the 10th Railway Division and the three regiments that were later transferred from other units to support them were attached to 46 cadet companies and dozens of militia companies. At that time, the construction technology and construction equipment of railway construction were still very backward, and they could only rely on the tactics of crowds and the spirit of enduring hardships and standing hard work without fear of sacrifice; under the leadership of the railway soldiers, the cadet company and the militia company fought side by side to face all kinds of difficulties and challenges.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

On the southwest side of the ancient town, you can see the Rainbow Bridge over the Han River

The cadet company in this area of the Shu River is mainly the cadet company of the 47th Regiment of the 10th Division of the Railway Corps. Most of the apprentices of these companies came from Baoji, Weinan, Tongchuan, Tongguan, Xianyang and Xi'an.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The walls of the street are carved with the water level of the Han River when it was flooded.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

A model of a book in Seongnam Seowon

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang


Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Stone steps in the ancient town

After several years of hard work, the construction of the Xiangyu railway tunnel, bridge and station was finally completed. It has contributed to the modernization of the country. And those days have also become the most unforgettable memories in the life of the cadet.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Stone Steps

  Now, stepping on the land of Shuhe Ancient Town again, those familiar scenes and those figures who have struggled are vivid. Every brick and tile of the ancient town seems to tell the story of that period of burning passion. Touching the scene, watching the trains running between the bridges and tunnels. It can't help but remind people of the railway soldiers, militia, and student comrades who sacrificed for the construction of the Xiangyu Railway, and buried in the Xunyang Martyrs Cemetery the railway soldiers, militia, and student soldiers of the 10th Division of the Railway Corps who died in the construction of the Xunyang section 306 people, more than half a century has passed, may their souls rest in peace!

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Ancient town streets

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts. This is not only a witness to the youth of the iron soldiers, militia and cadet soldiers, but also an unforgettable place in my heart. No matter how time passes, no matter how the years change, the builders of that year will remember everything here and remember that unforgettable time.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Ancient town streets

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The slate houses of the ancient town

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Take a photo in front of a private house

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Stone Steps

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The streets and shops of the ancient town

  Do you still remember the feeling of being bitten by small midges by the Hanjiang River or in the bushes when the Xiangyu Railway was being built? Now in this season to the ancient town of Shuhe, the small midges are still rampant, and if you are not careful, you will be bitten unbearably. This feeling has not been experienced by people who have not participated in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway, and tourists must pay attention to protection.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Fifty years ago, in Bashan,

Midge bites people with itchy and red skin.

The people of Iraq do not know where to go,

The little midges are still smiling in the spring breeze.

The following is a photo of a group of cadets of the 47th Regiment of the Railway Corps who participated in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway in the area of the Shu River

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

On the Shagou Bridge on the Han River in Xunyang County, the railway soldiers and student soldiers are under intense construction. (Photographed in 1971)

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 8th Company of the 5847 Female Cadet are under construction

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Comrades-in-arms of the 8th Company of the 5847 Female Cadet took a group photo on the moored ship

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 29th Company of the 5847 Female Cadets were digging sand on the river beach to prepare materials

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

On New Year's Day in 1973, all the comrades-in-arms of the 26th Company of the 5847 Female Cadets took a group photo

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 12th Company of Unit 5847 took a photo at the entrance of the construction tunnel

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 3rd Company of Unit 5847 took a photo at the company's station

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 9th Company of Unit 5847 took a photo at the company's station

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 11th Company of Unit 5847 took a photo at the Luojialing Company Station in Shagou Commune, Xunyang County

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 22nd Company of Unit 5847 created conditions to build a basketball court on the hillside of the company's station.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 23rd Company of Unit 5847 are sawing wood

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 5847 Cadet Company of the 30th Troop are on the Han River ferry

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

In July 1973, the comrades-in-arms of the 82nd Company of the 0247 Female Cadets took a group photo before leaving the field

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The Shuhe Tunnel was built with the participation of the 5847 Cadet Company

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The sand ditch tunnel built with the participation of the 5847 Cadet Company

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

This is the Xinshu River Tunnel built in recent years

The following is a group of photos of the comrades-in-arms of the 47th Regiment participating in social activities such as poverty alleviation and student assistance in Shuhe Town in recent years.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Inscription on the Monument to the Cadets:

In March 1971, more than 3,800 junior high school graduates in Baoji responded to the government's call and formed 18 companies, taking Shuhe Town as the coordinates, lining up along the dangerous beach ditch, Shu River, Shagou, Luojialing, Zhanyuan, Luoxiangya, and Mozigou, and jointly engaged with the railway soldiers and militia in the preparation for the construction of the Shaanxi section of the Xiangyu Railway. They are one of the 25,800 students in Guanzhong, and they are known as the "third-line cadets" in history.

In the following two years, the cadets overcame many difficulties, built tunnels, built bridges, and set records, and finally completed the glorious tasks given by the times under the historical conditions at that time at the heavy cost of sacrificing 18 injuries and countless disabilities, and walked out of a solid step in the initial stage of life, and also left a shining page in the history of China's railway construction and the history of China's youth movement.

Over the years, no matter where they are or what their situation and status are, the trainees have returned to Bashan Shushui to pay tribute to their sacrificed comrades, visit the local villagers, gaze at the mountains and rivers, and express their innocence.

Forty years have passed, and the old age of the student soldiers is approaching, and the love is not old, and the thoughts are still the same. Ankang Xunyang green mountains and green waters often float in the eyes, and the beautiful scenery of Shuhe Ancient Town will always exist in my heart. To this end, Baoji Xuebing and the Shuhe Town Government on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the completion of the Xiangyu Railway, jointly erected this monument to show eternal commemoration.

Baoji Xuebing, Shuhe Town People's Government

A.D. was established in April 2012

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

In the decades after the exit, the former 5847 troops in Tongchuan and Weinan were recruited from the 22nd Company, the 29th Company of the Women's Cadet and other companies formed the Cadet Association.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Representatives of the third-line cadets went to the station that year and donated items to the Xunyang Shuhe Central School.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

In April 2014, the Cadet Association donated money and school supplies to Shuhe Central Primary School, where it was stationed that year.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

In April 2014, the Cadet Association donated money and school supplies to Shuhe Central Primary School, where it was stationed that year.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The Baoji Cadets Association organized the students to return to their hometowns and donated school supplies to the students of Shuhe School.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

In the Rainbow Bridge Head of Shuhe Town, the students of that year communicated with the students of Shuhe Town and donated school supplies to the children

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The students once sent books to the school in Shuhe Town

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The Baoji Cadets Association organized the students to return to their hometowns and donated school supplies to the students of Shuhe School.

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

The students of the year took a group photo with the students of Shuhe Town

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Take a photo of the third-line comrades

Shuhe Ancient Town, there are my lingering thoughts Author/Yang Ruixiang

Author: Yang Ruixiang

Thanks to Tay Gosai for some of the photos

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