
Youth says | the background of life

Youth says || The undertones of life

Text/Yang Rui

Photography / Zhu Dianfeng

Green grass, with a few clusters of wildflowers swaying in the wind. Everything is so good, so beautiful, so wonderful! The emerald color that falls on the retina envelops the beating of a heart, making the world bright and transparent, the clear purity, and the vast infinity of the world all turn into surprises!

Eyes full of green, new tender and moist, falling into the chest, soft, vigorous! Like a babbling brook, like a bird with branches, like a moon in the mountains, like the light in the forest, like a wave in the sea, both quiet and turbulent. It was an indescribable touch, a future that would last forever. If there is one word to describe it, it is "youth"!

Yeah, youth! The green spring color is the background color of nature. Yeah, youth! Wonderful times are the background of human life. In our youth, we enjoy experiencing her beautiful happiness and also experiencing the sweat of her struggle. Through the youth, we miss telling that unforgettable time, and we have no regrets about that time of companionship! This amorous land, the grass, trees, flowers and sunshine of this land, the song of the birds in this spring, all give life a magical power!

The grass has the low posture of the grass, the tree has the upright posture of the tree, the sky has the chest like the blue sea, and the land has the tolerance and connotation of the land! I am speechless only for you green world, I am silent only to stick to a better tomorrow! All things have a spirit, each has its own beauty, and man has a spirit, each in his place! Like the color of the season, keep the way of the unity of heaven and man, polish the background of life, and meet the growth of the next season!

Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life
Youth says | the background of life

One point number Spring Swallow Yang Rui

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