
Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

author:Railway soldier culture
Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 22, 1971, the female students and teachers who participated in the construction of the third line in the sub-school of the transformer factory of Xidian Company took a group photo

  March 1971 was a special and unforgettable month for the 70 junior high school graduates in Xi'an, Xianyang, Baoji, Weinan, Tongchuan and other places in Shaanxi. This month, they embarked on a new starting point in their lives together, became a member of the Xiangyu Railway Construction Army, and wrote an eternal chapter with youth and sweat.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

At the beginning of March 1971, after participating in the Baoji Cadet Pledge Conference for the construction of the Xiangyu Railway, they marched on the main streets of the urban area.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

When he went to the third line, he took a group photo with the teacher who saw him off

  At that time, the Xiangyu Railway was entering an intense and busy construction stage. As a key combat readiness project in the construction of the third line, the Xiangyu Railway runs from Xiangfan, Hubei Province to Chongqing, Sichuan, with a total length of 915 kilometers, it crosses the Qinba Mountains in Shaanxi, and has 405 tunnels and 716 bridges on the whole line. The railway corps that undertook the construction task was faced with such an arduous task, which highlighted the serious shortage of labor. As a result, after the Spring Festival in 1971, a large-scale mobilization and registration activity was launched among the 70 junior high school graduates of schools all over Shaanxi.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The students from the transformer factory of Xidian Company participated in the construction of the third-line Xiangyu railway, and the school leaders, cadres and teachers led by the railway soldiers took a group photo.

  The railway soldiers sent personnel to the schools to publicize the importance of the construction of war-ready railways, and used their own personal experiences and touching stories to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm and social responsibility of these young people. Soon, more than 15,000 people were approved to become third-line soldiers, and the 70th class of cadets was organized into 81 companies.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The students of Xi'an Metallurgical Machinery Factory who participated in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway took a group photo with the school leaders and teachers before the expedition.

  Beginning in March, these cadet companies set off one after another, crossing the Qinling Mountains by truck and heading to the construction site of the Xiangyu Railway in southern Shaanxi.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

In that year, the comrades-in-arms of the cadet companies crossed the Qinling Mountains by truck and rushed to the construction site of the Xiangyu Railway in southern Shaanxi.

  They have experienced unprecedented challenges: lack of materials, backward construction technology, and harsh natural environment...... They overcame the threat of hunger, injury and death, and finally completed the construction of tunnels and bridges after more than two years of bloody struggle under the leadership of the railway soldiers, laying a solid foundation for the opening of the Xiangyu Railway. More than 100 cadets sacrificed their precious lives for this.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 4th Company of the 4th Company of the 11th Squadron of Unit 5761 are under construction in the Armed Hill Quarry.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The eighth company of students of Unit 5807, comrades-in-arms in the construction of the Bajiaokou Tunnel.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

  In the photo, the trainees on the scaffolding of the bridge pier are Li Jina, a student of the 53rd Regiment, and Li Jina, a comrade-in-arms of the 19th Company, and her comrade-in-arms Tang Meiyu during construction work.

This photo has been widely circulated and has a greater impact. Of the 141 cadet companies (60 companies of the 69th class of cadets and 81 companies of the 70th class of cadets), there are 26 female companies. In that era when women did not love red clothes and loved arms, they did not let their eyebrows be shaved, showing a youthful and beautiful demeanor. They are the most honorable people of the generation, salute to them!

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The 10th company of the 5847 troops, and the comrades-in-arms are in the construction of the Shagou Bridge.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

Fellow soldiers in the construction of roads in the mountains.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The comrades-in-arms of the 19th Company of the 5853 Unit are digging sand and preparing materials.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The 12th company of the students of Unit 5853, the comrades-in-arms took a group photo at the company's station.

  For more than 50 years, all cadet companies of the 70th class have held various forms of commemorative activities in March. This unforgettable experience not only allowed the cadets to gain valuable life experience, but also made them deeply understand the spiritual strength of hard-working, never-say-die, not afraid of sacrifice, and blood solidification friendship.

March became their common starting point and eternal remembrance.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

In March 1971, we went to southern Shaanxi to participate in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway. This is a promotional photo on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The students of the 51st Regiment of the 11th Division of the Railway Corps went to Ankang to take a group photo at the 40th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway. March 26, 2011 Xi'an

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 10, 2013, the Pucheng Friendship Association of the Third Line Cadets held a group photo to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 5, 2011, the comrades-in-arms of the 8th Company of Unit 5847 held a group photo to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 2, 2011, the comrades-in-arms of the 12th Company of the 5847 Cadet held a group photo to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The third-line cadets participated in the 40th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

The 48th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway by the third-line cadets

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 28, 2021, the 6th Company of Unit 5852 held an event to participate in the 50th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway in southern Shaanxi.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 25, 2021, the 12th Company of the 5853 Unit held a group photo to participate in the 50th anniversary of the construction of the Xiangyu Railway

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 11, 2021, the Weinan Cadets solemnly commemorated the 50th anniversary of participating in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On October 18, 2023, the TV special "Scholar: Half a Century of Footprints" premiered in Xunyang.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On October 28, 2023, the premiere of the TV special "Scholars: Footprints of Half a Century" was held at the production base of Lijun Yunyi.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On November 6, 2023, the TV special film "Xuebing: Footprints of Half a Century" was held at Bona International Cinema in Xi'an Qujiang Joy City.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 18, 2024, the 13th Company of Unit 5852 held a commemoration to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of participating in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway.

Unforgettable March: The common starting point of life and the eternal anniversary of the 70th class of cadets / Yang Ruixiang

On March 29, 2024, the 6th Company of Unit 5852 held a ceremony to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of participating in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway.


The speech of the third-line comrades-in-arms on the Minxian in 2006 can represent the thoughts of a considerable number of cadets.

Updated on 04-03

Edit: Have fun

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