
Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

author:Westgate Entertainment

The intersection of glory and legend - Michelle Yeoh won the "Presidential Medal of Freedom"

Michelle Yeoh was born on August 6, 1962 in Ipoh, Malaysia, her ancestral home is Fujian Province, China, graduated from the Royal Academy of Dance, and is a Malaysian Chinese actress

In the midst of cheers, Michelle Yeoh slowly walked onto the stage of the White House to accept the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" personally awarded by US President Joe Biden. The white stars on the blue ribbon shine brightly, as if condensing her decades of radiant acting career. This highest civilian honor is not only a great affirmation of Michelle Yeoh's personal achievements, but also reflects the legendary life of a Chinese woman who has expanded her territory and stood tall in Hollywood, an environment that was once full of racial discrimination.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

When Michelle Yeoh accepted the award, Biden once called her wrong name. Mistakenly called "Michael" at first, but quickly corrected himself by the correct name "Michelle", but this fleeting episode did not diminish the solemnity of the ceremony. On the contrary, it adds a lovely touch of humanity to the event. After all, everyone who witnessed this historical moment at the scene knows who Michelle Yeoh is and what kind of bumpy and glorious development process she has experienced.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

Michelle Yeoh, who started at Hong Kong TVB, was a well-known film and television star in the 80s of the last century. She has gained immense popularity in Asia with a series of plays with a unique style. But success in Asia alone is not enough to satisfy her ideals and ambitions. So, when Hong Kong's sovereignty was handed over in 1997, she resolutely left her familiar environment and entered Hollywood in search of new development opportunities.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

For a Chinese-American actress in her 40s, it was a huge challenge to enter Hollywood at that time. However, Michelle Yeoh not only bravely took this step, but also continued to break through the encirclement in the long years that followed, self-cultivation, and accumulated acting skills bit by bit. She starred in films such as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Mulan", which continue to refresh the new heights of Asian actors on the screen.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

Until 2022, Michelle Yeoh finally soared to the sky in "Instant Universe" and won the Oscar for Best Actress with her outstanding performance. This peak, which was once considered insurmountable, was finally conquered in Michelle Yeoh. In this film, she perfectly interprets the image of a selfless Chinese mother, showing the unique charm and values of Asian families to audiences around the world.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

It is all this that has made Michelle Yeoh reach the top of glory today. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is well deserved and significant. In her acceptance speech, Biden praised her for "showing the world on the big screen that American culture is not a narrow stereotype." This praise expresses Michelle Yeoh's most valuable contribution - breaking through racial boundaries and promoting cultural diversity and integration with her personal strength.

For the Asian community, Michelle Yeoh is a shining banner. In the long history of immigration, too many talented Asian-American artists have been buried or denied the opportunity to shine due to prejudice. Michelle Yeoh's success has inspired the Asian community like never before, and she has written an inspirational legend that transcends racial and national boundaries throughout her life.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

Looking at Michelle Yeoh's tall figure behind the president, you can't help but imagine that this woman, who once fought alone in the Hollywood environment, has now become a messenger of cultural understanding. She is the perfect blend of the American Dream and the Asian spirit, illuminating the intersection of two civilizations with light. This is exactly the bearing and pattern of a "Presidential Medal of Freedom" winner.

Tracing back to its roots, the establishment of the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" itself reflects the inclusiveness and openness of the United States as a country of immigrants. It was conceived from a civilian medal during World War II to recognize public figures who had made significant contributions to the national good. After the continuous improvement of several presidents, the scope of its award was gradually expanded to include culture, sports and other fields. Today's recipients come from all over the world, reflecting the diversity of America's melting pot.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

Even the design concept of the medal itself contains rich cultural elements. The "white star" echoes the "star" of the national flag, the five points of the five-pointed star symbolize the five continents, and the design of the eagle feather connection is inspired by Native American culture. It can be seen that Michelle Yeoh's status as the first Asian American recipient of the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" is a milestone.

Life is a process of continuous breakthroughs. In the face of obstacles, you can choose to stop and continue to pursue your dreams. Michelle Yeoh clearly falls into the latter category. With tenacious perseverance and tenacity, she has developed her career in a transnational and cross-cultural environment bit by bit, and finally stepped on the peak. And her road to success will surely inspire countless aspiring young people to move forward bravely.

Foreign media: Biden awarded Michelle Yeoh the "Presidential Medal of Freedom" and mispronounced Michelle Yeoh's name

In the future, when we look back on this historical moment, we will understand that Michelle Yeoh's significance is far more than just a winner of honors, but also a messenger of cultural exchanges and a promoter of social forces. This honor belongs not only to individuals, but also to the entire Asian community and even all mankind. It is hoped that under her influence, the world will have more talents of different colors and cultures to shine in their own fields, so that everyone will be dazzling because of diversity.

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