
6 kinds of tangerine peel can make you eat and drink well and your body is great!

author:Sharp-eyed life

Hey, you know, this tangerine peel, it's really a treasure! Don't look at it inconspicuous, with different things, the effect is not the same! For example, if you feel that your stomach is swollen recently, what to eat is not fragrant, then eighty percent of the spleen and stomach are not very good, at this time, you can make some tangerine peel hawthorn tea to drink, keep your appetite!

Also, this throat is uncomfortable, always itchy and coughing, then you have to have some tangerine peel monk fruit tea, clear heat and moisten the lungs, and the throat will be much more comfortable after drinking. If you are usually prone to sweating and always feel tired, then you can try tangerine peel and astragalus tea to replenish qi and refresh your energy!

6 kinds of tangerine peel can make you eat and drink well and your body is great!

Tangerine peel with lotus leaf tea, you can also lose weight! Especially the kind of belly with more meat, drink for a period of time, to ensure that the swimming ring on your stomach is smaller! Also, tangerine peel licorice tea has a particularly good effect of coughing and phlegm, tangerine peel and red date tea, can warm the stomach and replenish qi and blood, it is simply the gospel of women!

How's that, isn't this tangerine peel beneficial?


What stomach problems is tangerine peel good for?

Tangerine peel is warm, bitter in taste, returns to the spleen and lung meridians, it is like a small sun, which can warm the spleen and stomach, dispel cold, and promote the secretion of digestive juices to help the spleen and stomach digest food. Therefore, tangerine peel is helpful for stomach diseases such as spleen and stomach deficiency, indigestion, and stomach flatulence.

6 kinds of tangerine peel can make you eat and drink well and your body is great!

For example, if you usually feel cold pain in your stomach and have diarrhea after eating something raw and cold, it is most likely due to spleen and stomach deficiency and cold. Also, if you feel that you can't digest something after eating, and your stomach is swollen uncomfortably, then you can also try tangerine peel tea, which can promote digestion, eliminate flatulence, and make your stomach much more comfortable.


Soak tangerine peel in water, use fresh tangerine peel or dried tangerine peel?

This tangerine peel is soaked in water, and it is generally dried with tangerine peel, that is, sun-dried tangerine peel. Because fresh tangerine peel has a high moisture content, after drying, its medicinal properties are more concentrated, and it is easier to preserve.

6 kinds of tangerine peel can make you eat and drink well and your body is great!

Of course, if you can buy fresh tangerine peel, you can also soak it in water, but the effect may not be as good as dried tangerine peel. Also, there may be pesticide residues on the surface of fresh tangerine peel, so be sure to wash it before soaking in water.


How to make tangerine peel tea to taste good?

There are many ways to brew tangerine peel tea, and you can choose according to your preferences.

6 kinds of tangerine peel can make you eat and drink well and your body is great!

The easiest way to brew is to brew directly with boiling water, just like making tea leaves, and you can drink it after a few minutes. You can also add some other ingredients to brew together, such as hawthorn, monk fruit, honey, etc., so that the tea will have a richer taste and more effects.

Also, if you prefer to drink a stronger tea, you can cut the tangerine peel into small pieces or beat it into powder with a food processor, which will make it easier to brew the flavor.


What should I pay attention to when drinking tangerine peel tea?

Although tangerine peel tea is good, there are some things to pay attention to when drinking.

6 kinds of tangerine peel can make you eat and drink well and your body is great!

First of all, tangerine peel is warm, so it is best for people with yin deficiency and fire to drink less, otherwise it is easy to catch fire. In addition, tangerine peel has a certain irritation, and people with excessive stomach acid should also drink less, otherwise it will aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux.

In addition, tangerine peel tea should not be drunk too much, drinking one or two cups a day is almost enough, drinking too much will hurt the spleen and stomach.

I hope everyone can have a healthy spleen and stomach through tangerine peel!

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