
A 56-year-old woman who only drinks tangerine peel tea and does not drink boiled water, and goes for a check-up after 7 months, what is her physical condition? "I didn't feel sick, but the doctor said I had to get it checked." 5

author:Möngke talks about health

A 56-year-old woman who only drinks tangerine peel tea and does not drink boiled water, and goes for a check-up after 7 months, what is her physical condition?

"I didn't feel sick, but the doctor said I had to get it checked." Ms. Li, 56, has insisted on drinking only tangerine peel tea every day for nearly 7 months, without touching any boiled water.

This lifestyle change was initially made when she saw online about the various benefits of tangerine peel tea: it can help with digestion, reduce stomach bloating, and even help with weight loss. Ms. Li used to feel sick to her stomach, especially after eating greasy food, so she decided to try this method.

After Ms. Li's eating habits changed, she did feel some physical changes. For example, she feels that her digestion has improved and her stomach has decreased. She also noticed that she had lost a bit of weight, which made her very happy. As a result, she has become more and more dependent on tangerine peel tea, almost treating it as a "panacea" in her life.

However, things are not as simple as she thought. Although tangerine peel tea seems to be beneficial to her in the short term, it is risky for her body to drink only this tea and not drink plain water for a long time. The human body is made up of about 60% water, which is indispensable for life. Plain water provides the most direct and purest water, which helps the body to eliminate toxins and maintain body temperature and metabolic balance.

Without enough plain water, multiple systems of the human body can be affected. First of all, water is the main component of blood, and insufficient amounts can lead to hemoconcentration, which can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Second, the kidneys rely on water to filter waste and excess salt. If you don't drink plain water for a long time, the burden on your kidneys will increase, which may lead to kidney stones or other kidney problems.

When she arrived at the hospital, Ms. Li's test results were beyond her expectations. Although she did not feel any significant discomfort, tests revealed that her blood uric acid levels were elevated, a warning sign of kidney problems. In addition, her blood tests also showed slight signs of dehydration.

The doctor explained her health condition to Ms. Li and advised her to adjust her drinking habits. He advises that while tangerine peel tea has its own unique benefits, it should be consumed in moderation and should not be a complete substitute for plain water. The body needs enough water to maintain normal physiological functions, and the best source of water is still simple plain water.

After listening to the doctor's advice, Ms. Li began to readjust her drinking habits. She gradually increased her intake of boiled water while reducing her consumption of tangerine peel tea. In this way, she hopes to be able to recover and maintain good health.

After adjusting her lifestyle, Ms. Li began to observe more interesting changes. She has also noticed an improvement in her skin condition, probably due to increased intake of plain water, which has resulted in better hydration. At the same time, she felt more energetic. In the past, she would sometimes feel tired when she used to drink only tangerine peel tea, but now this is much less the case.

In addition, Ms. Li has also noticed that her sleep quality has improved. She used to wake up at night with a dry mouth or a mild stomach ache, but now these little things seem to be gone. She began to wonder if it was also because she had adjusted her drinking habits. Doctors told her that adequate hydration can help the body better regulate its internal environment, which can help a person sleep better.

For those who want to change their habits, Ms. Li has some advice. She reminds everyone that it's a good idea to find out about your physical condition before trying any new diet or lifestyle. Everyone's body is unique, she says, and what works for someone else may not work for you. She suggests that you can start with a small area and then gradually adjust it according to your body's response.

Ms. Li also mentioned that it is also important to maintain regular communication with doctors. Your doctor can provide personalized advice based on your health condition. For example, in her case, while tangerine peel tea has many known health benefits, it is not advisable for her to rely too much on it and ignore the basic needs of plain water. She emphasises that a balanced diet and lifestyle habits are key to maintaining good health.

Ms Lee encouraged everyone to be open and flexible when trying new things in life. She reminds everyone that a healthy lifestyle should not be set in stone, but needs to be constantly adjusted according to one's living environment and physical condition. She hopes that her experience will inspire others to find their own lifestyle and make life more colorful and healthy.

Through these practical examples and suggestions, Ms. Lee's story not only provides insights into healthy eating, but also highlights the importance of individual differences and lifestyle adjustments. Her experience proves that by observing and adjusting, everyone can find what works best for them to maintain and promote health.


A 56-year-old woman who only drinks tangerine peel tea and does not drink boiled water, and goes for a check-up after 7 months, what is her physical condition? "I didn't feel sick, but the doctor said I had to get it checked." 5
A 56-year-old woman who only drinks tangerine peel tea and does not drink boiled water, and goes for a check-up after 7 months, what is her physical condition? "I didn't feel sick, but the doctor said I had to get it checked." 5
A 56-year-old woman who only drinks tangerine peel tea and does not drink boiled water, and goes for a check-up after 7 months, what is her physical condition? "I didn't feel sick, but the doctor said I had to get it checked." 5

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