
Soak tangerine peel in water in summer, try to remember "two wants, two don'ts", the right method is better

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

Nowadays, most people have a good sense of health, especially in terms of diet, they are very particular about eating, for some foods that are not good for the body, they will try their best to control their mouths, but for the food that is good for the body, they will often add it to their three meals a day, and even when they soak in boiling water to drink, they will also add some small ingredients for health preservation in the boiling water, such as mulberries, roses, wolfberries, chrysanthemums, hawthorns, tangerine peels, etc.

Especially in summer, when the temperature rises and the weather is hot, the humidity will be aggravated because of the long-term cold air conditioning.

Soak tangerine peel in water in summer, try to remember "two wants, two don'ts", the right method is better

Drinking tangerine peel water regularly in summer may be able to obtain the following benefits:

In summer, it is easy to lose appetite and lose appetite, so making a cup of tangerine peel tea can help relieve greasy appetizers.

Of course, if you accidentally eat too much one day and have bloating and abdominal pain, you can also drink a glass of tangerine peel water to help digestion.

For some people who often have a cold stomach and always feel sick to their stomach, they can prepare an appropriate amount of tangerine peel and a small amount of rock sugar and water to drink instead of tea, and insist on drinking it for a month to relieve the symptoms of stomach discomfort.

Soak tangerine peel in water in summer, try to remember "two wants, two don'ts", the right method is better

In addition, drinking a glass of tangerine peel water regularly can also relieve the symptoms of cough, so it is good for people who have a long-term cough.

We should all know that tangerine peel is made after the peel of oranges or mandarins is dried, and generally speaking, only those who have been dried and aged for more than 3 years can be called tangerine peel.

Because the effective nutrients contained in the tangerine peel are richer than those of the lower year, and because the storage time is too long, the loss caused by the damage of the tangerine peel, insect eat, and mildew will be more, so in this way, the tangerine peel with a longer age will be more expensive.

Therefore, if you want tangerine peel to exert its medicinal value, the higher the vintage, the better, if it is only used for daily soaking in water to drink, there is no need to pursue high-vintage tangerine peel.

Soak tangerine peel in water in summer, try to remember "two wants, two don'ts", the right method is better

There are two main ways to soak tangerine peel in water:

(1) Direct brewing method

Take 5 grams of tangerine peel and break it into small pieces, put it in a tea bowl, pour boiling water, and then soak it for 1 minute, and then pour out the tea soup, which is called "waking up the skin". Then pour in boiling water, cover the lid and simmer for about 1 minute, remove the lid and soak for about 3 minutes before drinking.

(2) Senni method

Take an appropriate amount of tangerine peel, wash it with water, put it in a small pot, add 500ml of water, boil on high heat, then turn to low heat and decoction for 10 minutes, then you can open the wheat and drink. The longer the decoction time, the stronger the aroma of the tangerine peel.

Soak tangerine peel in water in summer, try to remember "two wants, two don'ts", the right method is better

Of course, there are also precautions for soaking tangerine peel in water, try to remember "two want two don't", the effect is better if the method is right:

First: use 100 degrees of boiling water to soak tangerine peel

Because the tangerine peel is evaporated in a large amount of water during the drying process, the texture of the tangerine peel is hard, the water temperature is too low, the tangerine peel cannot be soaked, and the active ingredients it contains cannot be completely precipitated, so the effect will be better when brewed with boiling water at 100 degrees.

Second: the tangerine peel should be cleaned before soaking in water and drinking

Because the tangerine peel may be sandy with gray sand and impurities during the drying process, the tangerine peel should be cleaned before soaking in water to help the effective substances in the tangerine peel better precipitate into the water.

Soak tangerine peel in water in summer, try to remember "two wants, two don'ts", the right method is better

1. Don't: Do not take tangerine peel for a long time

Tangerine peel is warm and dry, and it is easy to help heat, so the amount of each dose should not be too much, and the time should not be too long. Especially for people with yin deficiency and internal heat, and strong stomach fire, tangerine peel tea cannot be taken uninterrupted for a long time.

2. Don't: It's best not to make tangerine peel at home

For ordinary people, it is not recommended to make their own tangerine peel at home, because the drying process of tangerine peel is more complicated, and if it is not handled properly, it may cause mold and insect damage, which is not good for health.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet

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